Slums Attack feat. Masta Ace - The Bridge (White House RMX) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Slums Attack feat. Masta Ace - The Bridge (White House RMX)

The Bridge (White House RMX)
The Bridge (White House RMX)
Kto by przypuszczał, że rap tak daleko zajdzie?
Who would've guessed that rap would reach this far?
Już dwie dekady Polacy obcują z majkiem.
Two decades now, Polish people embrace the mic.
Pionierzy młodszym kumplom dogrywają szesnastki,
Pioneers drop verses for the younger ones,
A tym starszym raperzy ze Stanów czynią ten zaszczyt.
And the older heads get honored by American rappers, what a feat!
Jestem w tej branży od samego początku.
I've been in this game since the very start,
Od niespecjalnych wersów i to bez super wątków.
From basic rhymes with no complex parts.
Tych kilku którzy w porządku, zliczę takich na palcach.
Those who stayed true, I can count them on one hand,
Zdarzyła się też rap kalka, głupoty wyssane z palca.
We've seen some weak imitations, nonsense built on sand.
Pamiętam piękny czas nastał, korzystał z wolności słowa.
I remember the good times, freedom of speech was key,
Wraz z upadkiem komuny nadchodzi odwilż, swoboda.
With the fall of communism came a thaw, liberty.
Dobrej muzy od groma, przeszczep wspaniałej kultury
Good music galore, a transplant of vibrant culture,
I bez cenzury graffiti wjeżdża na polskie mury.
And without censorship, graffiti paints the Polish structures.
Pamiętasz który to kolo pierwszy rapował lub tańczył?
Do you remember who first rapped or danced in your town?
Tam skąd pochodzisz historia jest długa spróbuj to sprawdzić,
Where you come from, the story runs deep, try to track it down,
Potem hołd oddaj pionierom, słuchaczom, czarnym raperom.
Then pay homage to the pioneers, listeners, and black rappers.
Kto pożyczał ci kasety i CD z rapem, skurwielu?
Who lent you those rap tapes and CDs, you slacker?
My budujemy most, to jest hołd dla kultury.
We're building a bridge, a tribute to the culture.
Możecie gadać bzdury, oto rap bez cenzury.
You can talk your nonsense, this is rap unfiltered.
Wprost zza oceanu, most na stary kontynent.
Straight from across the ocean, a bridge to the old continent.
To jest most pokoleniowy - the Bridge - rośniemy w siłę.
This is a generational bridge - the Bridge - we're growing strong.
Hip pops the bridge that everybody travel on
Hip Hop's the bridge that everybody travel on,
All the way from NYC to Babylon.
All the way from NYC to Babylon.
Bless the culture, it's free to speak your mind.
Bless the culture, it's free to speak your mind,
Generations, they're coming to seek and find.
Generations, they're coming to seek and find.
Mówię o sztuce, oldschoolu, dziś uczę. ty pilny uczeń
I'm talking about art, old school, today I'm teaching, you're a keen student.
- Chłoń wiedzę, wysłuchaj nutę, jeśli Hip Hop rozumiesz,
Absorb knowledge, listen to the music, if you understand Hip Hop,
To wnet poczujesz, że możesz poznać tak wiele historii
You'll soon feel that you can learn so many stories,
Ciekawszych od syfu z forum dzieciaków internetowych.
More interesting than the online kids' forum garbage.
Klipy i płyty, programy, wywiady - wszystko masz w sieci.
Videos and albums, shows, interviews - everything's online.
Wystarczy sięgnąć po wiedzę, to fascynuje - odlecisz!
Just reach for the knowledge, it's fascinating - you'll fly!
I tylko debil da sprzeciw, ignorant, głupiec lub tuman
Only a fool would oppose, an ignorant, dumb, or clueless one,
Zakompleksiony gra *uhm*, chciałby też coś tam kumać.
A complexed dude playing *uhm*, wishing he knew something too.
To mój postulat, by słuchać, oglądać, czuć się z tym dobrze.
It's my postulate to listen, watch, and feel good about it.
Dbać o pięć elementów - znaczy być hip-hopowcem.
To care for the five elements - that's what it means to be a Hip Hop head.
Choć możesz tylko przy piątym pozostać zrazu masz piątkę,
Even if you only stick with the fifth element at first, you got a high five,
Przybijam kumatym ludziom co rozkminiają historię.
I'm giving it to those who understand and delve into history.
Muszę dzieciaków wspomnieć co mówią 'nie znam języka,
I gotta mention the kids who say 'I don't know the language,
Słucham tylko Polskiego, bo to o mych ulicach,
I only listen to Polish rap, because it's about my streets,
Rapu ze Stanów nie tykam, bo nic nie kumam', chłopaku!
I don't touch American rap, 'cause I don't understand it', kid!
Ty nie masz prawa wyzywać Polskich artystów od wack'ów!
You have no right to call Polish artists wack!
My budujemy most, to jest hołd dla kultury.
We're building a bridge, a tribute to the culture.
Możecie gadać bzdury, oto rap bez cenzury.
You can talk your nonsense, this is rap unfiltered.
Wprost zza oceanu, most na stary kontynent.
Straight from across the ocean, a bridge to the old continent.
To jest most pokoleniowy - the Bridge - rośniemy w siłę.
This is a generational bridge - the Bridge - we're growing strong.
Hip Hop's the bridge that everybody travel on.
Hip Hop's the bridge that everybody travel on,
All the way from NYC to Babylon.
All the way from NYC to Babylon.
Bless the culture, it's free to speak your mind.
Bless the culture, it's free to speak your mind,
Generations, they're coming to seek and find.
Generations, they're coming to seek and find.
Back in the days hip hop was supposed to be a phase
Back in the days hip hop was supposed to be a phase
Some paint on the wall, the temporary teen craze
Some paint on the wall, the temporary teen craze
It said if he gone overnight at the break of dawn
It said if he gone overnight at the break of dawn
Mainstream radio, he will never make it on
Mainstream radio, he will never make it on
Now press fast-forwards to the present time
Now press fast-forwards to the present time
And it's hard to find a man that doesn't rhyme
And it's hard to find a man that doesn't rhyme
And it's not just New York City kids
And it's not just New York City kids
Rappers all around the world get pretty biz
Rappers all around the world get pretty biz
We got Russian rap, we got German rap
We got Russian rap, we got German rap
We got Swedish rap, all the world need this rap
We got Swedish rap, all the world need this rap
We got Dutch rap, French rap, Polish rap
We got Dutch rap, French rap, Polish rap
Hip Hop's the bridge you travelling in no estate
Hip Hop's the bridge you travelling in no estate
But it allowed me to travel to some great spots
But it allowed me to travel to some great spots
Now I know I'm no more than just 8 blocks
Now I know I'm no more than just 8 blocks
Now it's like I never wanna get off the role
Now it's like I never wanna get off the role
It connected me to fans across the globe
It connected me to fans across the globe
My budujemy most, to jest hołd dla kultury.
We're building a bridge, a tribute to the culture.
Możecie gadać bzdury, oto rap bez cenzury.
You can talk your nonsense, this is rap unfiltered.
Wprost zza oceanu, most na stary kontynent.
Straight from across the ocean, a bridge to the old continent.
To jest most pokoleniowy - the Bridge - rośniemy w siłę.
This is a generational bridge - the Bridge - we're growing strong.
Hip Hop's the bridge that everybody travel on.
Hip Hop's the bridge that everybody travel on,
All the way from NYC to Babylon.
All the way from NYC to Babylon.
Bless the culture, it's free to speak your mind.
Bless the culture, it's free to speak your mind,
Generations, they're coming to seek and find.
Generations, they're coming to seek and find.

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