Smoking Souls - L'Exili - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Smoking Souls - L'Exili

The Exile
He de mirar
I have to look
Com intente acomiadar-me
How I tried to say goodbye
Com abandonar el lloc
How to leave the place
On vaig ser i on volia ser
Where I was and where I wanted to be
He de buscar avui
I have to search today
Tot allò que vaig escriure
For everything I wrote
Tot allò que va fallar, va acabar
For everything that failed, ended
I ara he de marxar
And now I have to go
I en el meu destí no m'espera ningú
And in my destiny no one is waiting for me
Perquè si he nascut ací, ací em vull quedar
For I was born here, here I want to stay
I no pesa l'equipatge perquè
The luggage is light
M'he deixat l'estima al teu costat
For I have left my love beside you
I enlairar-me sol
And fly alone
On no em trobe ningú
Where I don't meet anyone
Descobrir qui sóc
To discover who I am
Molt lluny del meu bressol
Far away from my cradle
I he de cridar, he de cridar
And I have to shout, I have to shout
He de cridar més fort
I have to shout louder
Imaginar, imaginar
To imagine, to imagine
Que arribe molt més lluny d'ací
To reach much further than here
Ja hem arribat
We have arrived
L'estació semblava obscura
The station looked dark
Amb persones que com tu i com jo
With people like you and me,
No espera ningú
No one waiting for
La soletat i el fred
Loneliness and the cold
Ens donen la benvinguda
Welcome us
Ens agafen de la
Take us by the hand
Sembla estrany
It seems strange
No les puc soltar
I can't let go
I en el meu destí no m'espera ningú
And in my destiny no one is waiting for me
Perquè si he nascut ací, ací em vull quedar
For I was born here, here I want to stay
I no pesa l'equipatge perquè
The luggage is light
M'he deixat l'estima al teu costat
For I have left my love beside you
I enlairar-me sol
And fly alone
On no em trobe ningú
Where I don't meet anyone
Descobrir qui sóc
To discover who I am
Molt lluny del meu bressol
Far away from my cradle
I he de cridar, i he de cridar
And I have to shout, and I have to shout
I he de cridar més fort
And I have to shout louder
Imaginar, imaginar
To imagine, to imagine
Que arribe molt més lluny d'ací
To reach much further than here
Ara que ja he decidit tornar
Now that I have decided to return
Ja no necessite buscar més
I no longer need to search
Sols espere que si torne un dia allí
I only hope that if I return there one day
Tu m'esperes i no dubtes més
You wait for me and no longer doubt
Descobrir que sóc
To discover what I am
Molt lluny del teu bressol
Far away from your cradle
I enlairar-me sol
And fly alone
On no em trobe ningú
Where I don't meet anyone
Descobrir qui sóc
To discover who I am
Molt lluny del meu bressol
Far away from my cradle
I he de cridar, he de cridar
And I have to shout, I have to shout
He de cridar més fort
I have to shout louder
Imaginar, imaginar
To imagine, to imagine
Que arribe molt més lluny d'ací
To reach much further than here

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