Softcore - Tápate la cara - перевод текста песни на английский

Tápate la cara - Softcoreперевод на английский

Tápate la cara
Cover Your Face
Tanta injusticia
So much injustice,
Estás a punto
You're about
De explotar
To explode.
Si algo te molesta
If something bothers you,
Sal a la calle
Go out to the streets
A redamar
And reclaim.
Para soltar la rabia
To release the rage,
Un objeto
An object
Debes romper
You must break.
Tíraselo a un paco
Throw it at a cop,
Ahora tendrás que correr
Now you'll have to run.
Si aun eres menor de edad
If you're still underage,
Aprovecha esta gran oportunidad
Take advantage of this great opportunity.
Si desafías la autoridad
If you defy authority,
Conocerás la libertad
You'll know freedom.
Hoy me enteré
Today I found out
Que en un colegio de lota
That in a school in Lota,
Alumnos todos juntos
Students all together
Salieron a protestar
Went out to protest.
No aguantaron más
They couldn't stand
Su mala situación escolar
Their bad school situation
Y sin pensarlo dos veces
And without thinking twice,
Comenzaron a apedrear
They started throwing stones.
No les importó nada
They didn't care about anything,
De alguna forma
Su descontento
Their discontent
They expressed.
Nada los pudo detener
Nothing could stop them,
Así tiene que siempre ser
That's how it always has to be.
Para que no te vean
So they don't see you,
Tápate la cara
Cover your face.
Así tu padres no sabrán
So your parents won't know
Que estas en contra
That you're against
De aquellos
Quienes aman
Who love
La uniformidad

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