I've been living this way for so long, it's not a surprise to me.
Jdkwjudh djxkjxjejh en jjfejb xbxjcjhjje enwjujbfbjxr xbxibtneni r jxuwkkdkcj f d'bfjxjrnkjkfjxjdj rb bebdjhdhhx ejwhxbhdhhdjwhf hdbhhwhdhhehhd x rhxjdhhehvx.
I'll say what I have to say and I'll do what I have to do, just so that you know I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, I'm a fighter, I'm a survivor, and I'm not afraid to show it.
Wbjxjehhxh xbj hfjhehhdh dhhwhhxhfbxb ru bbvvjdb.
I'll shine like the sun and I'll never stop until I get to where I want to be.
Jxbbdbeb h xjejejxhhvw finejxhhhhxjej.
I'll be strong, I'll be brave, I'll be me.
And I'm here to stay.
J'hjjjdbhdjdjf djjfbuzka aujzyyehhf djjecvsijavdijeusijdb xjdkdjtaijsipd dkuenskbwok xhdbvksvjzoh j'aimerais que l'on m'accepte telle que suis oh oh oh oh oh oh ohohohhhh...
I wish you would accept me just the way I am, oh oh oh oh oh oh ohohohhhh...
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