Speak - Sase Tipuri De Baieti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Speak - Sase Tipuri De Baieti

Sase Tipuri De Baieti
Six Types of Boys
Baiatu' face niste bani rapid din combinatii
Boy makes a quick buck from schemes
Nu-si ia nici casa, nici masini, nu munceste pe-alocatii
Doesn't buy a house or cars, doesn't work for handouts
Sparge tot pana la ultimul banut
Blows everything down to the last penny
Baga Loft, Boa, la Casa di David il gasesti la pranz
Shoves Loft, Boa, finds him at Casa di David for lunch
Fue tot ce prinde, se-ntoarce rar acasa
Smokes everything he catches, rarely returns home
Banii se termina repede, hai din nou la treaba
Money runs out fast, let's get back to work
Pe dansatorul de o vara il puteti gasi
You can find the summer dancer
Prin Rahova sau Ferentari, dupa doi ani in puscarii
In Rahova or Ferentari, after two years in prison
Baiatul de bani gata cheltuie mai mult decat produce
The boy with the money spends more than he earns
Seara de seara iese, sampanie pe mese
Goes out every night, champagne on the tables
Bea numai vodca in ciuda tuturor
Drinks only vodka despite everyone
Are sofer in permanenta si nu sta la semafor, da
Has a permanent driver and doesn't stop at traffic lights, yeah
S-a apucat de scris carti pentru fete cuminti
Started writing books for good girls
S-a saturat de tarfele platite de parinti, si
Tired of the whores paid by their parents, and
Munca-i provoaca boli de piele-i baiat fin
Work gives him skin diseases-he's a fine boy
Pentru toate fetele care il iubesc pe Codin
For all the girls who love Codin
Priveste-ma dar nu atinge
Look at me but don't touch
Nu pune mana, vezi ca frige
Don't put your hands, you see it burns
Fara prea multe inhibitii
Without too many inhibitions
In seara asta noi vanam baietii
Tonight we're hunting boys
Priveste-ma dar nu atinge
Look at me but don't touch
Nu pune mana, vezi ca frige
Don't put your hands, you see it burns
Fara prea multe inhibitii
Without too many inhibitions
In seara asta noi vanam baietii
Tonight we're hunting boys
Genul de baiat harfist, pozeaza-n barosan
The harpist boy poses as a big shot
Strange toata saptamana, pune ban pe ban, si
Collects all week, puts money on money, and
Sta cu chirie intr-o garsoniera confort patru
Lives in a four-comfort apartment
Ultimul tip de masina, toale de firma, carduri
Latest car model, designer clothes, cards
Bea numai vin rose cu putin redbull
Drinks only rosé wine with a little Red Bull
Asa da bine-n poze, sampanie vezi tu
It looks good in photos, you see champagne
Are locul de parcare inchiriat, marcat
Has his parking space rented, marked
Cu vopsea alba pe asfalt si pe copac
With white paint on the asphalt and on the tree
Am ajuns la hipster, lucreaza in publicitate
We've come to the hipster, he works in advertising
Dispretuieste tot ce e comercial in societate
He despises everything commercial in society
Participa activ la viata noapte
Participates actively in night life
Consuma rawvegan. e biciclist
Consumes raw vegan, is a cyclist
Da frate, si. adora locurile ieftine cu service prost
Man, and. loves cheap places with poor service
Chiar daca sunt mai multe scumpe decat Loft
Even if they're more expensive than Loft
E rebel prin modul lui a de gandi
He's a rebel in his own way
Se roaga la Dumnezeu sa nu-i inchida ISU crasmile
He prays to God that ISU won't close his pubs
Priveste-ma dar nu atinge
Look at me but don't touch
Nu pune mana, vezi ca frige
Don't put your hands, you see it burns
Fara prea multe inhibitii
Without too many inhibitions
In seara asta noi vanam baietii
Tonight we're hunting boys
Priveste-ma dar nu atinge
Look at me but don't touch
Nu pune mana, vezi ca frige
Don't put your hands, you see it burns
Fara prea multe inhibitii
Without too many inhibitions
In seara asta noi vanam baietii
Tonight we're hunting boys
Baiatul fata e pendat, bine imbracat
The boy face is pretentious, well dressed
Iese des in oras, la vorba usor stilat
He goes out often in the city, stylish in his speech
E doar pe iarba si baga mult Fratelli
He's only on weed and stuffs Fratelli
Se lipeste de vreo masa si nimic nu cheltuie
He sticks to a table and doesn't spend anything
Des intalnit merge cu sor-sa in club
Often seen going to the club with his sister
Si cu cateva prietene ale ei ce se descurca
And with some of her friends who get by
Multe pahare pe Dabogea, se simte important
Many glasses on Dabogea, he feels important
Exact ca fetele care danseaza sus pe bar
Just like the girls dancing up on the bar
Dar, sa nu uitam frate de corporatisti
But, let's not forget corporate guys
Ce-si permit sa se distreze sa plateasca fix pe fix
Who can afford to have fun and pay just enough
Salariul e ok, iubita e oficiala
Salary is ok, girlfriend is official
Nu conduce beat, asa i-a zis la scoala
Doesn't drive drunk, that's what they told him at school
Eu personal recomand asa barbat, frate
Me personally, I recommend such a man, bro
Pentru fetele ce nu mai vor sa fie inselate
For girls who don't want to be cheated on anymore
Am enumerat sase tipuri de baieti
I've listed six types of boys
Tu pe care il accepti si cu care vrei s-o-ncerci
You decide which one you accept and who you want to try

Speak - Sase Tipuri De Baieti
Sase Tipuri De Baieti
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