Strapo - Bol Som Tam - перевод текста песни на английский

Bol Som Tam - Strapoперевод на английский

Bol Som Tam
I Was There
Ja stal som tam, jak malý sráč a videl tu scénu rásť.
I was there, as a little shit, and I saw this scene grow.
Nasraný jak hladný drak, s rečami jak starý chlap.
Pissed off like a hungry dragon, with words like an old man.
Len jeden z malá, čo vedel dať slovom pravý hák.
Just one of the little ones who knew how to give a real hook with words.
Vyzýval a vyhrával a cítil sa jak mladý páf.
Challenged and won, and felt like a young master.
Pravý hráč, čo to pozmýval jak ranný dášť, neviem o
A true player who washed it away like morning rain, I don't know
Tom že by po mne niekto dal z vás taký tlak.
That anyone of you after me gave such pressure.
V dobách združenia Hip
In times of Hip
Hopsk a Artattack sám mal strach,
Hopsk and Artattack were afraid themselves,
Ale dával tak, že zastával čas, pán mal hlad.
But he gave it in such a way that he stopped time, the master was hungry.
Ja bol som tam, keď išiel freestyle do piče jak Céčka.
I was there when freestyle went to hell like Céčka.
Keď mali iba Strapa, Zverinu a v Čechách Resta.
When they had only Strapo, Zverina and in Czech Republic Resta.
Zkurvená zlatá klietka, doteraz nikdo nedokázal nikoho z nás prešťat.
A fucking golden cage, no one has been able to outdo any of us.
Efekt jak Eightmile, kam si sa schoval, keď som búral mestá.
Effect like Eightmile, where did you hide when I was tearing down cities.
A keď som prestal, čo si si želal, keď padala hviezda.
And when I stopped, what did you wish for when the star fell.
Čo si videl naživo a čo si videl online, po
What you saw live and what you saw online, c
ď daj, nech viem či si fanúšik, či lokaj.
'mon, let me know if you are a fan or a local.
Bol som tam a vsadil prachy na rap, dvacaťtrojka,
I was there and bet money on rap, twenty-three,
Väčšinu spravil keď sa plavil v ilegálnych vodách.
He did most of it when he sailed in illegal waters.
Robota, koncerty a občas depky, ale notak,
Work, concerts and occasional depressions, but come on,
Stále sa smeješ, ale v backstage-i mi potom koktáš.
You're still laughing, but backstage you stutter to me afterwards.
Neverím ti ani piču kokot, koho motáš?
I don't believe you a fucking dick, who are you kidding?
Nedávaš do rapu pravdu, priznaj farbu tojáš.
You don't put truth into rap, admit your colour, you're faking it.
Dneska vidí každý, tak
Today everyone sees, so
že ja kludne zaspím a kdo je
That I can sleep peacefully and who is
Skalný nech sa baví, to nenapravím.
A rock, let him have fun, I won't fix it anymore.
A bol som tam,
And I was there,
Keď chceli odvolávať Fica neráz, tak
When they wanted to dismiss Fico more than once, so
Prepáč, rapový alibismus môžem jebať.
Sorry, I can fuck rap alibi.
Keď vytiahli na novinárov vodné delá, keď
When they pulled water cannons on journalists, when
Policajti mlátili starého pána vedla mňa, tak
The police beat up an old man next to me, so
Radšej nechaj tak a choď sa
You better leave it alone and go
Prechádzať, keď není prekážka pre teba, že máš
For a walk, if it's not an obstacle for you, that you have
Strach, keď sa chceš predvádzať, kla
Fear, when you want to show off, pretend
Mať že nemáš čas, ja nechcem prednášať, robím to pre náš štát.
That you don't have time, I don't want to lecture, I do it for our state.
A bol som tam,
And I was there,
Keď sa nám smiali za gramce a keď
When they laughed at us for grams and when
Sa Angličania amíkovi smejú za akcent.
Americans laugh at the British accent.
No dneska keď ta show začne, t
But today when the show starts, you
Ak všetci zbystria jak dravce, neviete sa chopiť šance.
All sharpen up like predators, you don't know how to seize the opportunity.
Možete makať jak mravce, nechceme naplniť parket, ne
You can work like ants, we don't want to fill the dance floor, we don't
Sieme oheň čo zhasne, pokial ostane len váš rap.
Know fire that will go out as long as only your rap remains.
Nechcem mať len radosť len v banke, l
I don't want to be happy only in the bank, only
En smrť ma zbaví tej vášne, no cez rap sa vrátím naspäť.
Death will rid me of that passion, but through rap I will come back.
A bol som tam, keď som mal z rapu nechuť, f
And I was there when I felt disgusted with rap, f
Akt, keď som za pol roka napísal Versus, fakt.
Act, when I wrote Versus in half a year, fact.
Nechcel mať z rapu rentu, robiť kentus, fakt, nerobil kalkul, p
He didn't want to make rent from rap, do kentus, fact, didn't calculate, f
Re chuť fanúšikov fetu, fakt zarobil kopec, fakt rozdaval zvonec, fa
Or the fans' appetite for feta, fact earned a lot, fact gave away for free, fa
Kt nechal si svoje, fakt kto zažil povie, fakt koncertov more,
Ct left you his, fact who experienced will say, fact concert sea,
Fakt neskončil v póze, fakt stále v tej zóne, fakt aj cez bolesť.
Fact didn't end up in a pose, fact still in that zone, fact even through that pain.
A bol som tam, keď zvolili ste nácka a snažil som sa, al
And I was there when you elected a Nazi and I tried, but
E aj tak krásne jebali ste na mňa, teraz zrazu, z
Even so beautifully you fucked on me, now suddenly, s
Razu otočila sa karta, p
Uddenly the card turned, l
Oďme sa všetci tváriť, že máme v sebe kus Strapa.
Et's all pretend that we have a piece of Strapo in us.
No jebem na to,
But fuck it,
Pokial je myšlienka fakt správna, pe
As long as the idea is correct, pe
Rcenta spadli dole, ukázala sa ta pravda.
Rcenties went down, the truth came out.
Cením každého kdo sa snažil, aj
I appreciate everyone who tried, even
Keď nejsme banda, ide o našu slobodu, o tom sa nechcem hádať.
If we are not a gang, it is about our freedom, I don't want to argue about that.
A budem tam, keď začnu ludia chápať, ja
And I will be there when people start to understand, I
Budem tam, budem v tom krásnom malom dave kráčať.
I will be there, I will be walking in that beautiful little crowd.
A budem tam, keď bude treba napísať tu
And I'll be there when I need to write this
Náplasť, ja budem tam a nebudem doma čakať na zázrak.
Band-aid, I'll be there and I won't be home waiting for a miracle.
A budem tam, kým sa neponorím sám do prázdna.
And I'll be there until I sink into the void myself.
Ja budem tam si navždy hájiť svoje, tvoje práva.
I'll be there to forever defend my, your rights.
A budem tam, aj keď tých pičovín bude fakt nával.
And I'll be there, even if there's a flood of those bastards.
Ja budem tam a bol som tam, najviac čo som dokázal
I'll be there and I was there, the most I could do

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