Supreme Team - Drive - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Supreme Team - Drive

(Yeah 오늘 괜히 붕뜨는 사람들
(Yeah today's people who are excited for nothing
친구 보고 싶은 심심한 사람들
Friends who want to see each other
Put your hands up)
Put your hands up)
오늘 기분이 괜찮아
I feel good today
우리만 있으면 되잖아 Rewind
We just need to be together Rewind
차에 올라타 어디든 가볼까
Get in the car and let's go anywhere
함께하니까 너무 좋아 소리쳐봐 Good life
It's so good to be together shout out Good life
Put your hands up in the sky
Put your hands up in the sky
아주 까만 밤에 한강대교를 비추는 빛은 주황색
The orange lights illuminating the Han River Bridge on a dark night
영화만큼 멋진 drive 아니지만
It's not as cool as a movie drive
분위기 나잖아 그까짓
But the atmosphere is not bad
바람도 적당히 차가운 저녁
The wind is just the right temperature on this cold evening
생각나는 친구들 전화번호
The phone numbers of the friends that come to mind at this time
Hey 모여봐 주말도 아닌데 주말같은 밤이잖아
Hey let's hang out It's a weekend night that's not even a weekend
이날을 그냥 넘어가면 안돼
We can't just let this day pass us by
상태 살피지마 오늘은 알아들었으면
Don't look at your status today Just know
나와 도시의 품속으로
Into the embrace of the city with me
두발 떴다 Chillin wit my old boy
Both our feet are off the ground Chillin' with my old boy
맘껏 fly high
Fly high as much as we can
오늘 기분이 괜찮아
I feel good today
우리만 있으면 되잖아 Rewind
We just need to be together Rewind
차에 올라타 어디든 가볼까
Get in the car and let's go anywhere
함께하니까 너무 좋아 소리쳐봐 Good life
It's so good to be together shout out Good life
10시까지 집앞으로 데리러 갈게
I'll pick you up in front of your house by 10
늦지 말고 잘꾸미고 나와줘 ma man
Ma man don't be late and dress up
쿨하게 인사하고 만나자마자 낄낄대
Greet each other cool and start laughing as soon as we meet
역시 같이있으면 하나도 안심심해
As expected it's not boring at all when we're together
이제 시동 걸었어
Okay now the engine is started
도시의 화려함을 느낄때 흥분되고
When I feel the splendor of the city I get excited
폼잡던 나와 너희가 눈빛이 통하면 어디든
When the gaze of me and you who were being vain meet I'll go anywhere
근데 이런 한명은 일찍 빠지던데 오늘은 집에 못가
But on such a day one of us always leaves early but today I can't go home
고민돼 잠들때까지 뭐하고 놀까
I wonder what I'll do until I fall asleep
내일은 일해야돼 다음주는 바뻐
I have to work tomorrow and next week is busy
미리 걱정하는 소심한 마음을 잠궈
Stop worrying for a while and fall asleep
오늘 기분이 괜찮아
I feel good today
우리만 있으면 되잖아 Rewind
We just need to be together Rewind
차에 올라타 어디든 가볼까
Get in the car and let's go anywhere
함께하니까 너무 좋아 소리쳐봐 Good life
It's so good to be together shout out Good life
안오는 밤이 외로워 나있는데로와
The night is lonely when I can't sleep come to me
사람도 많아야돼 빨리 걔도 데려와
There needs to be a lot of people bring her over too
안오는 것도 괴로워 있는데로와
It's also painful when I can't sleep come to me
자리 아직 많어 빨리 걔도 데려와
There's still space bring her over too
소리 키워 Volume up higher
Turn up the volume higher
소리 키워 Volume up higher
Turn up the volume higher
소리 키워 Volume up higher
Turn up the volume higher
스트레스 완전히 비워
Empty all your stress
오늘 기분이 괜찮아
I feel good today
우리만 있으면 되잖아 Rewind
We just need to be together Rewind
차에 올라타 어디든 가볼까
Get in the car and let's go anywhere
함께하니까 너무 좋아 소리쳐봐 Good life
It's so good to be together shout out Good life
오늘 기분이 괜찮아
I feel good today
우리만 있으면 되잖아 Rewind
We just need to be together Rewind
차에 올라타 어디든 가볼까 (Supreme team)
Get in the car and let's go anywhere (Supreme team)
함께하니까 너무 좋아 소리쳐봐 Good life
It's so good to be together shout out Good life

Авторы: Gi Seok Jeong, Min Ho Gang, Min Soo Kim

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