TBF - Fantastična - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский TBF - Fantastična

A Mara nije ima para, ni ludilo robu
But Mara doesn't have any money, or fancy stuff
Ni sva ona sranja, a bitna nekom snobu
Nor all that crap, but she's important to some snob
Al ima je ekipu, najjaču na svitu
But she has a crew, the strongest in the world
Balun, vino, trava, al se nije uništava
Party, wine, weed, but she doesn't get destroyed
Posli srednje odslužija civilnu u MoSt-a
After school she worked in MoSt
A onda priko oca naša stalni posal
And then through her dad got a permanent job
U stakleniku je zaliva cviće
She waters the flowers in the greenhouse
A po ekipe iz kvarta nije bilo te sriće
But for the crew from the neighborhood there was no such luck
Tu i tamo koja cura i cilog se dava
Here and there a girl who gives her all
Iskreno do kraja pa bi znao i očajavat
Honestly to the end and would even despair
I kria je pred nama da srce mu se slama
And hides it from us that her heart is breaking
Valjda se boja da bi ga mogli zajebavat
I guess she’s afraid we might make fun of her
I zna bi govorit: Kad tad će se spojit
And she would say: Sooner or later they will unite
Polovice, bit jedno i imat puno dice
Halves, be one and have many children
I svejedno dal si bogat, crn ili rogat
And no matter if you're rich, black or horned
Ljubav spaja dušo to je kozmička sloga
Love connects souls, that's cosmic harmony
Jer isto je za sluge, isto je za gazde
Because it is the same for servants, the same for landlords
I najlipše stvari u životu su džabe
And the most beautiful things in life are free
I kako god da mislija, volija il tija
And however you think, whether she loves or not
Život je šaka suza, vrića smija
Life is a handful of tears, a sack of laughter
Šaka suza, vrića smija
A handful of tears, a sack of laughter
A ima tome dva lita, bilo je vruće za popizdit
And then two summers ago, it was hot to sweat
Neko vrime nije ga bilo ni čut ni vidit
For a while there was no hearing nor seeing him
I pukle su priče da ima problem sa drogom
And stories broke out that he had a drug problem
I kako su ga vidili da priča sam sa sobom
And how they saw him talking to himself
Od nas niko nije ima pojma
None of us had a clue
A Mara nije ima mobitel, nikad nije bia doma
And Mara didn't have a cell phone, she was never home
I onda, jednog jutra san ga srea isprid lifta
And then, one morning, I met him in front of the elevator
A Mara je bia sritan ka nikad
And Mara was happier than ever
A sta je pričat: Upozna san ljubav svog života
So what to tell you: I met the love of my life
Prije misec dana kad san se spustija do dućana
A month ago when I went down to the store
Po kruv i mliko u onoj plastičnoj boci
To buy bread and milk in that plastic bottle
I na blagajni ugleda te oči - sve je stalo
And at the checkout I saw those eyes - everything stopped
Kada mi je utrnia mozak, čua san samo njen glas:
When my brain flashed, I only heard her voice:
Alo kusur momak
Hey, handsome
Nisan moga spavat, nije imala okus hrana
I couldn't sleep, the food didn't taste good
Skupljao sam hrabrost tjedan dana
I gathered courage for a week
I onda se okupa, obuka onu košulju na cvitiće
And then took a shower, put on that flowery shirt
Doša u dućan i pozva je na piće
Came to the store and asked her for a drink
Sad smo skupa, evo, baš dolazi ona
Now we're together, look, there she comes
Sonja ovo je Saša, Saša ovo je Sonja
Sonja, this is Sasha, Sasha, this is Sonja
A htia san ga pitat, Mara u čemu je kvaka
And I wanted to ask him, Mara, what's the catch
Al tad me pogleda ludin očima od stakla
But then he looked at me with eyes of glass
I nisan zna bil se smija ili bi plaka
And I don't know whether to laugh or cry
Pored Mare nije bilo ničeg osim zraka
Besides Mara there was nothing but air
Tad san se nasmija i rukova s prazninom
Then I laughed and shook hands with emptiness
A on je reka: Skužaj, al žurimo u kino
And he said: Excuse me, but we're in a hurry for the cinema
I otiša u nekom ludom snu
And went off in some crazy dream
I tad sam na moment i ja vidija nju
And then for a moment I saw her too
Šaka suza, vrića smija
A handful of tears, a sack of laughter
Ča je život vengo fantazija
What is life but a fantasy

Авторы: Zdenko Runjic, Aleksandar Antic, Mladen Badovinac, Luka Barbic, Ognjen Pavlovic, Niksa Mandalinic

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