TBF - Digni Luce Pauka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский TBF - Digni Luce Pauka

Digni Luce Pauka
Digni Luce Pauka
Ja san nezaposlena škovaca ako te baš zanima
I'm an unemployed dude, if you really want to know
Posjetin peristil, tamo sidin satima
I visit the peristyle and sit there for hours
Ne citan novine, ne gledam TV
I don't read the paper, I don't watch TV
To me ne zanima, ne nasjedam njihovoj propagandi
That stuff doesn't interest me. I don't fall for their propaganda.
Nisan nasilan, možda sam pasivan ka Ghandi
I'm not violent. Maybe I'm as passive as Ghandi
Idoli su mi Homer i Bundy
Homer and Bundy are my heroes
Pun mi je kufer dima i tabletiranja
I'm sick of the smoke and pills
Sad san miran sa litru vina dnevno
Now I'm content with drinking a liter of wine a day
Ne patin od depresija i crnjaka
I don't suffer from depression or hypochondria
Srednje ime dosada a prezime fjaka
My middle name is Boredom and my last name is Laziness
Više ne pratim ni balun jer mi je tlaka
I don't even follow soccer anymore. It's too much work.
Nikad više igraca ka šta je bija Baka
There will never be players like Baka again
Kava mi je luksuz, takav mi je budžet
Coffee is a luxury I can't afford
Prst u uvo i komad kruva u brudet i pivaaaaaj!
I stick my finger in my ear and dunk a piece of bread in my broth and sing!
Život je lijep, tamo trava ovdi cvijet, tamo bloket ondi crijep, šta volin ovaj svijet, amo sviznjak na 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Life is beautiful, grass over there, a flower here, a building there, a roof tile over there, I love this world, let's down a pint at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Doc ce mojih 5 minuta, iman feeling
I've got this feeling while I've still got my five minutes
Živi bili pa vidili- aprililili
We'll live and see - how lovely!
Beren, proucavan, seren
Cool, relaxed, serene
To mi je taktika a život picajen ka da je matematika. Dovoljno san sidija i znan sve te pedere
That's my tactic but life is as complicated as mathematics. I've been a loafer long enough to know all those losers
Fureže i štrebere iz treceg A, B, C i D
The geeks and nerds from third grade, A, B, C, and D
Da mi je znat na kojim su dogmama
If only I knew what their principles are
Uvik iste face ali ja san iznad toga
Always the same faces, but I'm above all that.
Pun mi je kua redova isprid biroa
I'm fed up with the queues outside the employment office.
Nista nova, meni triba brza lova
Nothing new. I need some quick cash.
Dani prolaze i meni je sve bolje
The days go by, and I'm feeling better and better.
Ideje se roje, da mi je samo malo volje
I'm full of ideas, if only I had a little more motivation.
Život je lijep, tamo trava ovdi cvijet, tamo bloket ondi crijep, šta volin ovaj svijet, amo sviznjak na 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Life is beautiful, grass over there, a flower here, a building there, a roof tile over there, I love this world, let's down a pint at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Perspektva san resetira iz vokabulara
I've reset the word "perspective" from my vocabulary.
A kovanice želja ispadaju iz bunara
And wishing coins fall out of the well.
Crnit mi je hobi i rekreacija
Laziness is my hobby and my recreation
Sa ne'š ti je izgradena reputacija virtuoza gadenja
With your "no," a reputation as a master of disgust is built
I kad sretnem nekoga sa crne liste ja mu metnem na znanje da je kreten!
And when I meet someone from the blacklist I tell them they're idiots!
Pitam ga šta bi radije, da mu ga zabije Rocco Sifredi ili Batman?
I ask them, what would you rather have, Rocco Siffredi or Batman stick it to you?
Zatim opet idem sist, zagrlin zavist i cinizam mada neman ni za jist
Then I go back to my ways, embracing envy and cynicism, even though I have nothing to eat
Ja sam samo gladan pas šta cilo vrime laje
I'm just a hungry dog that barks all the time.
I uglavnom se prodajem za sitne pare
And basically, I sell myself for pocket money.
I moja pojava na kraju bice samo dojava
And in the end, my appearance will be just a heads-up
Uz utjehu, bilo je od mene i vecih promaja
With the consolation that there have been bigger screw-ups than me.
Život je lijep, tamo trava ovdi cvijet, tamo bloket ondi crijep, šta volin ovaj svijet, amo sviznjak na 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Life is beautiful, grass over there, a flower here, a building there, a roof tile over there, I love this world, let's down a pint at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Mladen Badovinac, Aleksandar Antiä†, Luka Barbiä†, Dragan S. Lukiä†

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