Tafrob - Ona - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tafrob - Ona

Podívej se na ni, září jako diamant,
Look at her, she's a diamond in the rough,
Prvotřídní kvalita jak VVS.
VVS certified, it's truly enough.
Je tak zkurveně dokonalá i s chybama,
She's beautiful with all her imperfections,
Luxus klasa S, Mercedes.Reklama
A Mercedes S-Class in a world of Toyotas.Advertisement
Posílá do hajzlu všechny píčusy,
She shuts down all the bitches,
Je i chytrá, moc dobře zná svý plusy.
She's got brains, she knows her worthiness.
Hrozně to pokaždý sluší,
She kills it every time she dresses,
Ale nefotí si pojebaný psí uši.Není tak easy jako ty side chicks,
But she don't pose for no thirsty bitches.She ain't easy like them side chicks,
Není to kráva, takže nehoní liky.
She's not a cow, so she don't chase them likes.
Ukazuje prostředník na policajty,
She flips off the police,
Je tak hot, když na sobě jen nový Niky.
She's so hot in her fresh Nikes.
Ona je jiná liga,
She's in a league of her own,
Je prostě perfektní, ona je hvězda.
She's the perfect one, she's in a different zone.
Ona je TOP, vysoko jak pyramida,
She's the best, like the top of the pyramid,
Píšu love song, ale jméno neznám.Reklama
I'm writing her a love song, but I don't know her name.Advertisement
Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
She's the one, the only one out of all,
Je to ona a nikdy se nestydí.
She's the one, she never falls.
Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
She's the one, the only one out of all,
Moje Ghetto Chick, moje Bandit Queen.Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
My Ghetto Chick, my Bandit Queen.She's the one, the only one out of all,
Je to ona a nikdy se nestydí.
She's the one, she never falls.
Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
She's the one, the only one out of all,
Moje Ghetto Chick, moje Bandit Queen.
My Ghetto Chick, my Bandit Queen.
Podívej se na ni, vypadá jak bohyně,
Look at her, she's like a goddess,
vlastní názor a dělá si, co chce.
She thinks for herself and does what she wants, regardless.
na sobě moje triko, chodí po bytě
She wears my shirt, walks around the crib,
A v posteli na mluví zásadně sprostě.Moc dobře ví, co je blowjob,
Talking dirty to me, calling me a dick.She knows exactly what a blowjob is,
Je tak návyková jako pervitin.
She's as addictive as meth.
Pevný pouto, můj nonstop hotspot,
My ride or die, my twenty-four seven,
Bez bych nejspíš nic necítil.Nejsem žádnej princ na bílým koni
I'd be nothing without her, I'm heaven sent.I'm no prince on a white horse,
A přitom ona je tak strašně extra.
But she's a queen, she's so damn gorgeous.
A věř mi, že klidně zabil bych pro ni,
And trust me, I would kill for her,
Dívám se na ni a nemůžu přestat.Ví, jak na mě, když jsem nasranej,
I look at her and I can't stop staring.She knows how to calm me down when I'm mad,
Je prostě perfektní, ona je hvězda.
She's the perfect one, she's in a different zone.
Pouštím Beautiful, Masta Ace,
I play her Beautiful, by Masta Ace,
Píšu love song, ale jméno neznám.Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
I'm writing her a love song, but I don't know her name.She's the one, the only one out of all,
Je to ona a nikdy se nestydí.
She's the one, she never falls.
Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
She's the one, the only one out of all,
Moje Ghetto Chick, moje Bandit Queen.Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
My Ghetto Chick, my Bandit Queen.She's the one, the only one out of all,
Je to ona a nikdy se nestydí.
She's the one, she never falls.
Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
She's the one, the only one out of all,
Moje Ghetto Chick, moje Bandit Queen.Podívej se na ni, je prostě cool,
My Ghetto Chick, my Bandit Queen.Look at her, she's so cool,
říkám ti, ta holka je jackpot.
I'm telling you, this girl is pure gold.
Žádná hoe, co ti hned pošle nudes,
She ain't no hoe, sending nudes quick,
Ta, kterou chceš moc a ne jenom přes noc.Má vkus, takže nenosí O bag,
She's the one you want to keep, not just a night flick.She's got style, she ain't rocking no O-bag,
Je to parťák, podpora, soulmate.
She's a ride or die, a friend, a sister.
Maluju portrét potmě,
I paint her portrait in my head,
Ne, baby, nebude sedět v koutě.Hrajeme PlayStation, kouříme weed, uh,
No, baby, she ain't the one to be left on read.We play PlayStation, we smoke weed, yeah,
Hraje nám Frank Ocean - Sweet Life.
She plays Frank Ocean - Sweet Life.
Ona je výhra, ona je třída,
She's the prize, she's the diamond,
Chytím ji pevně a roztáhnu křídla.Někdy chladná i žhavá jak Sahara,
I hold her close and open wide.She can be as cold as the Sahara at times,
Je prostě perfektní, ona je hvězda.
But she's the perfect one, she's in a different zone.
Na první pohled poznám, že je ta pravá,
I know she's the one at first sight,
Píšu love song, ale jméno neznám.Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
I'm writing her a love song, but I don't know her name.She's the one, the only one out of all,
Je to ona a nikdy se nestydí.
She's the one, she never falls.
Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
She's the one, the only one out of all,
Moje Ghetto Chick, moje Bandit Queen.Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
My Ghetto Chick, my Bandit Queen.She's the one, the only one out of all,
Je to ona a nikdy se nestydí.
She's the one, she never falls.
Je to ona, ta jediná z mnoha,
She's the one, the only one out of all,
Moje Ghetto Chick, moje Bandit Queen.
My Ghetto Chick, my Bandit Queen.

Авторы: Tafrob

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