Tank - 激戰 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tank - 激戰

Fierce Battle
激戰 / Tank
Fierce Battle / Tank
我聽見死靈法師的詛咒 我看見神的僕人在祈禱
I hear Necromancer's curse, I watch servants of God praying
我不想孤軍奮戰 可是我的同伴在哪裡
I don't want to fight alone, but where are my companions
我把螢幕關掉 我以為世界就會恢復寧靜
I turn off my monitor, thinking that the world will resume calmness
原來廝殺並沒有結束 廝殺 現在才要開始
In fact, the fighting hasn't ended, the real fighting is just about to begin
*我坐在沙發怎麼忽然手心在冒汗 我察覺到甲乙丙丁對我虎視眈眈
*I'm sitting on the sofa, why suddenly I feel sweaty in my palms, I noticed A, B, C, D are eyeing me with malicious intent
我身在網咖怎麼忽然天昏又地暗 一回神我的手臂已被劃出一條血汗
I'm in a cyber cafe, why suddenly the sky turns dark and the earth turns black, when I regain consciousness, there's a bloody scar on my arm
我不能怠慢不能心軟更不能手軟 阿斯卡隆不會有天使為了我下凡
I can't be careless, I can't be weak, I can't be soft-hearted, Ascalon won't have angels descending to earth for me
當我受傷禿鷹揮動著翅膀 全世界剩下 自己 和我共患難
When I'm injured, vultures flap their wings, the whole world is left with only myself and my adversity
這不是虛擬的沙場 活著本來就是一場激戰
This is not a virtual battlefield, life itself is a fierce battle
我敲擊命運的鍵盤 冷靜思考怎麼過下一關
I type on the keyboard of fate, thinking calmly how to pass the next level
前面是天堂或地獄誰知道 但我知道這搏鬥已停不了
Whether there's heaven or hell ahead, who knows, but I know this fight won't stop
要活下去就要把側隱忘掉 狠狠地殺出我的生存之道
To survive, I must forget sympathy, and relentlessly hack out my own survival path
*這冰天雪地席娃山脈沒有人送炭 我很孤單但很強悍埋頭繼續冷戰
*This Siva Mountain covered in ice and snow, no one delivers coal, I'm lonely but tough, forging ahead with my cold war
有人說科瑞塔的熱帶雨林綠意盎然 我相信氣候總會回暖所以咬緊牙關
Someone says that the tropical rainforest of Koreta is lush and green, I believe that the climate will always turn warm, so I grit my teeth and persist
這沼澤 這瀑布 這張牙的藤蔓 一不小心 我失足 變成了遺憾
This swamp, this waterfall, this toothy vine, if I'm not careful, I'll fall and become a regret
是誰說過 花明之後會再次柳暗 所以我張望 我張望 天終於灰暗
Who said that after the flowers bloom, there will be more twists and turns, so I look around, I look around, the sky finally turns gray
這不是虛擬的沙場 活著本來就是一場激戰
This is not a virtual battlefield, life itself is a fierce battle
我敲擊命運的鍵盤 冷靜思考怎麼過下一關
I type on the keyboard of fate, thinking calmly how to pass the next level
前面是天堂或地獄誰知道 但我知道這搏鬥已停不了
Whether there's heaven or hell ahead, who knows, but I know this fight won't stop
要活下去就要把側隱忘掉 狠狠地殺出我的生存之道
To survive, I must forget sympathy, and relentlessly hack out my own survival path
這不是虛擬的沙場 活著本來就是一場激戰
This is not a virtual battlefield, life itself is a fierce battle
我敲擊命運的鍵盤 冷靜思考怎麼過下一關
I type on the keyboard of fate, thinking calmly how to pass the next level
前面是天堂或地獄誰知道 但我知道這搏鬥已停不了
Whether there's heaven or hell ahead, who knows, but I know this fight won't stop
要活下去就要把側隱忘掉 狠狠地殺出我的生存之道
To survive, I must forget sympathy, and relentlessly hack out my own survival path
+++THE END+++
+++THE END+++

Авторы: tank

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