Tank - 獨唱情歌 - перевод текста песни на английский

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Solo Love Song
獨唱情歌 演唱:Tank S.H.E-Selina
Solo Love Song By: Tank S.H.E-Selina
(T)下弦月 星滿天 像誰淚漣漣 一陣風 一首歌 搖晃思念
(T)Waning moon, stars full of the sky Like someone's tears flowing With a gust of wind, a song, shaking memories
只恨年少愛逞強 為小事輕言離別
Regretting being stubborn in my youth, breaking up over something trivial
(S)在春天 過冬天 張眼睛冬眠 一顆心 一種病 不停落葉
(S)In spring, passing through winter With eyes open hibernating, one heart, one illness, leaves keep falling
舊情怎麼那麼長 打了繞了幾千結
Old love, why is it so long? Tangled up in a thousand knots
(合)有沒有一把劍 可以真斬了藕斷絲連 有沒有一條線 能縫 扯散的緣
(Chorus)Is there a sword that can truly sever the藕斷絲連 Is there a thread that can mend the frayed connection
(合)獨唱情歌 最苦澀 逃不掉的折磨 當生死相許說出口 別後懸念依舊
(Chorus)Solo love song, so bitter, inescapable torment When we said "Till death do us part," the memories still lingered
獨唱情歌 最苦澀 管不住的離愁 趕下眉頭又上心頭 我好想再暖和 妳手
Solo love song, so bitter, uncontrollable sorrow When it leaves my forehead, it returns to my heart I want to warm your hands again
(T)下弦月 星滿天 像誰淚漣漣 她微笑 她捧花 都看不見
(T)Waning moon, stars full of the sky Like someone's tears flowing Her smile, her bouquet, I can't see any of it
我只聽見你從前 用眼神講的誓言
I only hear the vows you once spoke with your eyes
(S)在春天 過冬天 張眼睛冬眠 看倔強 帶幸福 越走越遠
(S)In spring, passing through winter With eyes open hibernating, watching stubbornness carry happiness further and further away
有時不願讓一點 最後卻失去一切
Sometimes, not willing to give up one bit, but losing everything in the end
(合)有沒有一把劍 可以真斬了藕斷絲連 有沒有一條線 能縫 扯散的緣
(Chorus)Is there a sword that can truly sever the藕斷絲連 Is there a thread that can mend the frayed connection
(合)獨唱情歌 最苦澀 逃不掉的折磨 當生死相許說出口 別後懸念依舊
(Chorus)Solo love song, so bitter, inescapable torment When we said "Till death do us part," the memories still lingered
獨唱情歌 最苦澀 管不住的離愁 趕下眉頭又上心頭 我好想再暖和 妳手
Solo love song, so bitter, uncontrollable sorrow When it leaves my forehead, it returns to my heart I want to warm your hands again
(S)我站在柳絮扎眼 寂寞胡同 誰在弄堂忽然沉默 淚流
(S)I'm standing in a blizzard of catkins, a lonely alley Who suddenly fell silent in the lane, tears flowing
(合)獨唱情歌 最苦澀 逃不掉的折磨 當生死相許說出口 別後懸念依舊
(Chorus)Solo love song, so bitter, inescapable torment When we said "Till death do us part," the memories still lingered
(合)獨唱情歌 最苦澀 管不住的離愁 趕下眉頭又上心頭 我好想再暖和 妳手
(Chorus)Solo love song, so bitter, uncontrollable sorrow When it leaves my forehead, it returns to my heart I want to warm your hands again
That's all!
Thank you for listening

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