Tercer Cielo - Final del Camino - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tercer Cielo - Final del Camino

Final del Camino
End of the Road
Intentaba respirar
He was trying to breathe
Tirado en el suelo
Lying on the ground
Y su pecho no paraba de sangrar
And his chest wouldn't stop bleeding
Y pensaba en su familia
And he was thinking about his family
Se cerraban sus ojos
His eyes were closing
Y su camino había llegado al final
And his road had come to an end
Dime ahora hijo porque no me amas
Tell me now, son, why don't you love me?
Siempre oraba para que cambiaras
I always prayed for you to change
Como me duele verte en esa caja
How it hurts me to see you in that box
Levántate háblame
Get up, talk to me
Ese es el camino que has elegido
That's the path you've chosen
Yo siempre te amé fuiste mi hijo
I always loved you, you were my son
Y con este beso yo te despido
And with this kiss I say goodbye
Siempre te amé, yo te amé
I always loved you, I loved you
En la calle San Jorge hubo un tiroteo a eso de las 11
On San Jorge Street there was a shooting around 11
Se bajaron seis hombres
Six men got out
De una Hummer negra
Of a black Hummer
Y todo el barrio se esconde
And the whole neighborhood hides
Y sonó mi celular
And my cell phone rang
A tu hermano lo van a matar
They're going to kill your brother
Y corrí como pude pero era tarde ya
And I ran as fast as I could, but it was already too late
Y llegué y sangrando lo encontré
And I arrived and found him bleeding
Respirando todavía sin poderse mover
Still breathing but unable to move
Él quiso decirme algo pero fue imposible
He wanted to tell me something but it was impossible
Y tengo tan grabado ese rostro triste
And I have that sad face etched in my memory
Hermano fue mi culpa que no estuve a tiempo
Brother, it was my fault that I wasn't there on time
Quisiera haber llegado antes de este momento
I wish I had arrived before this moment
Como me duele verte ahora muriendo
How it hurts me to see you dying now
Quisiera yo tomar tu puesto
I wish I could take your place
Y ahora yo me siento tan culpable
And now I feel so guilty
Porque fui yo quien te introdujo a la calle
Because it was I who introduced you to the streets
Como hermano mayor me convertí en tu padre
As an older brother I became your father
Cuando el que teníamos dejó a mi madre
When the one we had left my mother
Y ahora como le diré que no estás
And now how will I tell her that you're not here
Que a casa ya no volverás
That you won't be coming home
Que su hijo menor pasó a la eternidad
That her youngest son has passed into eternity
Dime ahora hijo porque no me amas
Tell me now, son, why don't you love me?
Siempre oraba para que cambiaras
I always prayed for you to change
Como me duele verte en esa caja
How it hurts me to see you in that box
Levántate háblame
Get up, talk to me
Ese es el camino que has elegido
That's the path you've chosen
Yo siempre te amé fuiste mi hijo
I always loved you, you were my son
Y con este beso yo te despido
And with this kiss I say goodbye
Siempre te amé, yo te amé
I always loved you, I loved you
Y a mi casa llegué
And I got home
Y su cuerpo miré
And I looked at his body
Y le prometí a su foto que yo me vengaré
And I promised his photo that I would take revenge
Estaba fuera de control y comencé a beber
I was out of control and started drinking
Y me volvía más violento hasta enloquecer
And I was becoming more violent, to the point of madness
Mamá, párale ya no ores por mi
Mom, stop praying for me
Que no ves que Dios no existe no hay nadie aquí
Don't you see that God doesn't exist, there's no one here
Donde estaba él cuando yo te veía sufrir
Where was he when I saw you suffer
Donde estaba cuando sola te quedaste aquí
Where was He when you were left alone here
Porqué no hizo nada cuando mi hermano agonizaba
Why didn't he do anything when my brother was dying
Porque no vino un ángel que lo protegiera
Why didn't an angel come to protect him
Si de verdad como dices Él me amara
If He really loved me like you say
Todo estaría bien y otra historia fuera
Everything would be fine and it would be another story
Perdóname no que estoy diciendo
Forgive me, I don't know what I'm saying
A veces creo que la mente pierdo
Sometimes I think I'm losing my mind
Quisiera volver a comenzar
I want to start over
Como de niño papá y yo jugando al escondido
Like when I was a child, Dad and I playing hide-and-seek
Y en la cocina preparando algo rico
And you in the kitchen preparing something delicious
Hogar perfecto sin drogas ni violencia
Perfect home without drugs or violence
Papá ya no te grita, papá no te golpea
Dad doesn't yell at you anymore, Dad doesn't hit you
Y te sobra el amor, tienes lo mejor
And you have plenty of love, you have the best
Y luego mi hermano menor llegó
And then my little brother came along
Y como un buen niño él creció
And he grew up like a good boy
Y nunca nada le pasó
And nothing ever happened to him
Y hoy es un piloto como él soñaba
And today he is a pilot, as he dreamed
Y que su vida nunca se dañara
And that his life was never damaged
Por el camino que yo le hice escoger
By the path I made him choose
Dime ahora hijo porque no me amas
Tell me now, son, why don't you love me?
Siempre oraba para que cambiaras
I always prayed for you to change
Como me duele verte en esa caja
How it hurts me to see you in that box
Levántate háblame
Get up, talk to me
Ese es el camino que has elegido
That's the path you've chosen
Yo siempre te amé fuiste mi hijo
I always loved you, you were my son
Y con este beso yo te despido
And with this kiss I say goodbye
Siempre te amé, yo te amé
I always loved you, I loved you
Y lloraba sin parar
And I cried uncontrollably
Mientras me daba cuenta
As I realized
Que mi vida no iba a ningún lugar
That my life was going nowhere
Y miraba el espejo
And I looked in the mirror
Y sentía el vacío
And I felt the void
Sabiendo que sólo Dios puede llenar
Knowing that only God can fill it

Авторы: Juan Carlos Rodriguez

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