Tereza Kesovija - Forca Maestro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tereza Kesovija - Forca Maestro

Forca Maestro
Forca Maestro
Noćas mi se nećeš skriti
Tonight you won't hide from me
Čekat ću te u portunu
I'll wait for you in the harbor
S tobom ću na balu biti
I'll be with you at the ball
Ljubit ćeš me u kantunu
You'll kiss me in the tavern
Pjevat ćemo pjesme stare
We'll sing old songs
O veljunu i o vinu
About sailors and wine
Noćas nam se oči žare
Tonight our eyes are shining
Kao vatra u kominu
Like a fire in the fireplace
Noćas mi se spavat ne da
Tonight I can't sleep
Ostala bi′ tu do zore
I'd stay here until dawn
U zoru bi s tobom prošla
At dawn I'd walk with you
Slušat kako šumi more
Listening to the sound of the sea
Umorni bi onda spali
Then we'd be tired and sleep
U đardinu pokraj puta
In the garden by the road
Da te volim, ludo volim
That I love you, madly love you
Rekla bi' ti po sto puta
I would tell you a hundred times
Forca maestro, forca maestro
Forca maestro, forca maestro
Pred nama ostaje, ostaje
Ahead of us remains, remains
Ostaje još cijela noć
Remains the whole night
Forca maestro, forca maestro
Forca maestro, forca maestro
Veljunu nikada, nikada
For the sailor, never, never
Nikada kraj neće doć
Never will there be an end
Noćas će nam krasno biti
Tonight will be wonderful
U tom kolu što nas nosi
In this dance that carries us
Kada festa kraju dođe
When the party comes to an end
Svi će balat s nama poći
Everyone will go with us
Ostat će mi puno srce
My heart will be full
Do godine da me sjeća
To remind me until next year
Da sam ovdje s tobom bila
That I was here with you
Da sam znala što je sreća
That I knew what happiness was

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