Tex Tex - Perdido - перевод текста песни на английский

Perdido - Tex Texперевод на английский

Una tarde se larg a un concierto
One afternoon, you left for a concert
Y ya nunca regreso
And you never came back
Sus amigos lo buscaron
Your friends looked for you
Por las calles
In the streets
Pero nadie lo encontro
But no one found you
Preguntaron en la carcel y hospitales
They asked in the prison and the hospitals
Y su foto en la tele salio
And your picture was on TV
Pasaron dias y semanas y nada
Days and weeks passed and nothing
La tierra se lo trago
The earth swallowed you
Unos dicen que lo vieron
Some say they saw you
Por tijuana
In Tijuana
Otros que chambeando por torreon
Others say you're working in Torreon
Aseguran otros que ahora vive a todo lujo
Others claim that you now live in luxury
En casa de un politico
In a politician's mansion
Su mama desconsolada
Your mother, heartbroken
Al santo de su devocion
To the saint of her devotion
Pidiendole a san judas
Begging Saint Jude
Le haga el milagro
To perform a miracle
El milagro se cumplio
The miracle happened
Cuando llego no se acordaba de nada
When you arrived, you didn't remember anything
Y enseguida se desmayo
And you immediately fainted
Se dieron cuenta que de un lado sangraba
They noticed you were bleeding from one side
Y lo llevaron al doctor
And they took you to the doctor
El dijo: no es posible que este vivo si le falta el corazon!
He said: It's not possible for you to be alive if you're missing your heart!
Pero hay cosas que la ciencia no entiende
But there are things that science doesn't understand
No tienen explicacion
They have no explanation
No es posible que este vivo
It's not possible that you're alive
Si le falta el corazon
If you're missing your heart
Pero hay cosas que la gente no entiende
But there are things that people don't understand
No tienen explicacion
They have no explanation
No es posible que este vivo
It's not possible that you're alive
Si le falta el corazon
If you're missing your heart
Pero hay cosas que la gente no entiende
But there are things that people don't understand
No tienen explicacion...
They have no explanation...

Авторы: Juan Tizol

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