Tohi - Behtarin Doost - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tohi - Behtarin Doost

Behtarin Doost
Best Friend
بهترین دوست بودی برای من
You were the best friend to me
بهترین دوست بودی برای من
You were the best friend to me
بهترین دوست دلسوز
The best caring friend
بهترین روز امروز
Today is the best day
روز تو روز قصم حسات مثه حسم
Your day, a day of true understanding like my feelings
غصه داریم غصه دار میشی
If we have sorrow, you get sorrowful
از روزای خوش به ما میگی
You tell us about happy days
شبایی بود مارو سیر کردی و خودت با لبخند گشنه خوابیدی
There were nights when you fed us and you yourself would sleep hungry with a smile
راضی بودی راضی بودیم
You were content, we were content
شاکی بودی شاکی بودیم
You were upset, we were upset
از نگرانی گریه هم کردی وقتی ما مشغول بازی بودیم
You also cried with worry when we were busy playing
سر این بازی تو آگاهی موندیم
We stayed on top of this game because of you
گفتم شرایط گاهی خوب نی
I said the circumstances are sometimes not good
از زیر قرآن ردم کردی وقتی از کشور راهی بودیم
You made me walk under the Quran when I was leaving the country
بهترین دوستی برای من
The best friend for me
بهترین دوستی برای من
The best friend for me
نگرانم بودی فکر حالم بودی
You were worried about me, you thought about me
پرم شکست زمین خوردم پرو بالم بودی
My wing was broken, I fell to the ground, you were my wings
نوجوون کم تجربه فهمیدی قلبم پُره
An inexperienced teenager, you understood that my heart was full
هیشکی نبود درکم کنه
No one was there to understand me
رفتم تا پاهام حرکت کنه
I left until my legs started moving
تنهایی غربت شب هایی بغضم
Loneliness, foreign land, nights of sorrow
ترکید طاقت نیاوردی و اومدی هنوز تو بهتم
You couldn't bear it anymore and you came, I'm still in shock
فداکاری معنیش چیه
What is the meaning of sacrifice?
قهرمان معنیش چیه
What is the meaning of a hero?
مدال طلا نه حتی طلاشم میفروشه واست
He would even sell his gold medal for you
معنیش اینه
That's what it means
بهترین دوست موندی برای من
You remained the best friend for me
بهترین دوست موندی برای من
You remained the best friend for me
خواهرم انتهای باحیاست
My sister is very modest
مادرم مثه رفیقای با وفاست
My mother is like a devoted friend
میگفت پسرم پا قدمت بهشت بود
She used to say, my son, your coming was a blessing
نمیدونست بهشت هم زیر پای مادراست
She didn't know that heaven is also under the feet of mothers
چی بگم گفتنی نیست
What can I say, there is nothing to say
تو یه آهنگ فرصتی نیست
There is no time in a song
این یه کادوی ناقابله
This is a modest gift
این آهنگ با یه گل روی میز
This song with a flower on the table
You know,
بعضی چیزارو اگه هر روزم قدرشونو بدونی بازم خسته نمیشی
There are some things that you will never get tired of no matter how much you appreciate them every day
بعضی چیزا تکرار نشدنی و بینهایتن
Some things are irreplaceable and infinite
مثل مادر
Like a mother

Авторы: seyedhossein mousavi

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