Tomáš Klus - Jaroslava - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tomáš Klus - Jaroslava

Všimni si, jak se lidi ztrácej,
Notice how people get lost,
Jak každej mele tu svou.
How each one of them is talking their talk.
A když se pak domů vracej,
And when they're finally getting back home,
Na zádech nesou si světla stíny a vítr ve vlasech.
They're carrying the lights and the shadows and the wind in their hair on their backs.
Je to jiný, když člověk ztrácí dech.
It's different, when a person is losing their breath.
Je to jiný, ze slunce ke kořenům cesta je dlouhá.
It's different, the way from the sun to the roots is long.
Prosím, pište si, že se to nevyplácí
Please, write down that it doesn't pay off
Zapomenout na starý časy
To forget about old times
A nový účesy, furt stejní funebráci.
And new hairstyles, still the same undertakers.
Nejde se hnout, nejde se hnout.
It is impossible to move, impossible to move.
Hluboko do kapes a někde ve mně země
Deep into the pockets and somewhere inside me the earth
Z tebe složená, je z tebe složená.
Composed of you, it is composed of you.
Reklamní spoty na prošlapaný boty.
Ad spots for worn-out shoes.
Důvod je prostý, nakrmte hosty
The reason is obvious, feed the guests
A pak utíkejte, smějte se do kamer.
And then run away, laugh into the cameras.
Na povel zatleskejte a hezky se tu mějte.
On command, applaud and have a good time here.
sám dám se ti, počítej do tisíce
As for me, I'll give myself to you, count to a thousand
A potom zmizím všem cizím lidem.
And then I'll disappear from all those strangers.
A sami sobě zbydem a sami sobě zbydem.
And we'll be left to ourselves and we'll be left to ourselves.
A jako paní Jaroslava, říkám, marná je sláva.
And as Mrs. Jaroslava, I say, glory is in vain.
Lidi jsou jenom lidi a on to vidí a on to vidí,
People are just people and he sees it and he sees it,
On to časem sklidí.
He'll reap what he sows in due time.
Všimni si, na obloze ptáci
Look, the birds in the sky
Zamávaj' křídly a pak v mracích se ztrácí.
Flap their wings and then disappear in the clouds,
Tak nějak stejně, jako když vedle tebe vstávám.
Just like when I'm getting up next to you.
Ztraceni vprostřed pouště, jak jsme si slíbili.
Lost in the middle of the desert, like we promised each other.
Hlavně se neopouštět, hlavně milá
The main thing is not to leave each other, especially, my darling,
Zbyly z velký části jen kusy lásky
All that's left of a big part is just my pieces of love
A dva dlouhý dopisy.
And two long letters.
Kousek od cílový pásky jsem roztrhán na kusy.
Just before the finish line I was torn to pieces.
A jako paní Jaroslava, říkám, marná je sláva.
And as Mrs. Jaroslava, I say, glory is in vain.
Lidi jsou jenom lidi a on to vidí a on to vidí,
People are just people and he sees it and he sees it,
On to časem sklidí.
He'll reap what he sows in due time.

Авторы: Tomas Klus

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