Tomi Marfă feat. Doc - ATEMPORAL - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tomi Marfă feat. Doc - ATEMPORAL

Ce facem noi e atemporal
What we do is timeless
Hype-ul la voi e doar temporar
Your hype is just temporary
Ce las pe foi îți dă-n temporal
What I leave on paper hits you temporally
Ce lași tu pe foi e un extemporal
What you leave on paper is an impromptu
Nu sunt normal ca sexul oral
I'm not normal like oral sex
Dacă faci gură bag flexu-n molar
If you talk back, I'll stick my flex in your molar
Ce țoale noi? -s cu flexu' moral
What new chicks? I'm with my flex, morally
ce facem noi e atemporal
Because what we do is timeless
Ce facem noi e atemporal
What we do is timeless
Hype-ul la voi e doar temporar
Your hype is just temporary
Nu sunt normal ca sexul oral
I'm not normal like oral sex
Ce țoale noi? -s cu flexu' moral
What new chicks? I'm with my flex, morally
ce facem noi e atemporal
Because what we do is timeless
Doar ne încălzim, o sa-mi placă rău
We're just warming up, I'll like it bad
Nu mi se pare - nu-mi pare rău
It doesn't seem like it - I don't care
doare în pula, doare rău
I don't care, I'm hurting bad
Bucata mea nouă e tare rău
My new piece is tough, bad
E vorba de șpârlă - se-mparte tot
It's about the lizard - everything is shared
Vierme, șopârlă sau cameleon
Worm, lizard or chameleon
Nu te avânta, nu te da erou
Don't rush, don't be a hero
știi, sunt la fel, bâta-i mare rău
You know me, I'm the same, my stick is big bad
Fata mea nouă e bună rău
My new girl is good bad
Tomi la Facem, nu sună rău
Tomi at Facem, it doesn't sound bad
808-u nu tună rău
808 doesn't sound bad
Ne trăim anii, nu-i numărăm
We live our years, we don't count them
Rapperi se-ncruntă, se supără
Rappers frown, they get upset
Te-ai vândut, cine te cumpără?
You sold out, who buys you?
Te-ntinzi cam mult ca la cumpănă
You're stretching too far like on a balance beam
Pici, nu-nțelegi cum se întâmplă
Kid, you don't understand how it happens to
Ce facem noi e atemporal
What we do is timeless
Hype-ul la voi e doar temporar
Your hype is just temporary
Ce las pe foi îți dă-n temporal
What I leave on paper hits you temporally
Ce lași tu pe foi e un extemporal
What you leave on paper is an impromptu
Nu sunt normal ca sexul oral
I'm not normal like oral sex
Dacă faci gură bag flexu-n molar
If you talk back, I'll stick my flex in your molar
Ce țoale noi? -s cu flexu' moral
What new chicks? I'm with my flex, morally
ce facem noi e atemporal
Because what we do is timeless
Ce facem noi e atemporal
What we do is timeless
Hype-ul la voi e doar temporar
Your hype is just temporary
Nu sunt normal ca sexul oral
I'm not normal like oral sex
Ce țoale noi? -s cu flexu' moral
What new chicks? I'm with my flex, morally
ce facem noi e atemporal
Because what we do is timeless
Doar ne încălzim, o să-mi placă mult
We're just warming up, I'll like it a lot
Nu învăț minte, nu, parcă nu
Don't teach me a lesson, no, not like that
Altfel de bagabont, bagă mult
Different kind of bum, he puts in a lot
Tai țipla vidată cu cutteru'
Cutting the empty cardboard with a cutter
Scuip numa' foc până arde tot
Spitting only fire until everything burns
Bâta cat stalpul din Panteon
Stick like a pole in the Pantheon
Am fost aici, nu am apărut
We were here, we didn't appear
Prea multe stresuri, le iau pe rând
Too much stress, I take it one by one
Fata mea noua e alt nivel
My new girl is another level
La modu' că-mi vine să-i iau inel
To the point that I want to give her a ring
Banii îi facem, nu cad din cer
We make money, it doesn't fall from the sky
Cum flexezi când ești faliment?
How can you flex when you're bankrupt?
E altfel de film, nu-i un anime
It's a different kind of movie, it's not an anime
Sirene-n cartier, nu e Ariel
Sirens in the neighborhood, it's not Ariel
Nu scriem basic, nu-i Arial
We don't write basic, it's not Arial
Am zis c-o dau, putem pariem
I said I'll give it, we can bet
Ce facem noi e atemporal
What we do is timeless
Hype-ul la voi e doar temporar
Your hype is just temporary
Ce las pe foi îți dă-n temporal
What I leave on paper hits you temporally
Ce lași tu pe foi e un extemporal
What you leave on paper is an impromptu
Nu sunt normal ca sexul oral
I'm not normal like oral sex
Dacă faci gură bag flexu-n molar
If you talk back, I'll stick my flex in your molar
Ce țoale noi? -s cu flexu' moral
What new chicks? I'm with my flex, morally
ce facem noi e atemporal
Because what we do is timeless
Ce facem noi e atemporal
What we do is timeless
Hype-ul la voi e doar temporar
Your hype is just temporary
Nu sunt normal ca sexul oral
I'm not normal like oral sex
Ce țoale noi? -s cu flexu' moral
What new chicks? I'm with my flex, morally
ce facem noi e atemporal
Because what we do is timeless

Авторы: Tomi Fădoraș

Tomi Marfă feat. Doc - Floralia
дата релиза

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