TopGunn - MASH - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский TopGunn - MASH

Ay, rammer rundt om plaques
Babe, I roam around plaques
Min udsigt ud' vandet er betalt af tracks
My view of the water is paid for by tracks
Mig, jeg snakker facts
I, I speak facts
Book et bord til hele holdet, ey, vi lukker Mash
Reserve a table for the whole team, hey, we'll close Mash
Vågen midt om natten, for det' der jeg rapper bedst
Awake in the middle of the night, because that's where I rap best
To telefoner, én til venner, én til sex
Two phones, one for friends, one for sex
Lyver for en panser, men jeg' ærlig til min ex
I lie to a bitch, but I'm honest to my ex
TopGunn han er varm, gør koncerten til en fest
TopGunn, he's hot, makes the concert a party
Mig, jeg snakker stacks
I, I speak stacks
Sort skiv' mit håndled, min hat og ur ka' match
Black diamonds on my wrist, so my hat and watch can match
Ey, mami, viser sine bzaz
Hey, baby, show me your boobs
Heller' to 25, end en milf 50
I'd rather have two on 25, than a milf on 50
Ja, nye stempler i mit pas, ja, flyv med SAS, ja
Yes, new stamps in my passport, yes, flying with SAS, yes
Mig, jeg tjener ogs' markant mer' end en cand.merc
I also earn significantly more than a Master of Commerce
Cirklen den er populær, ja, ikk' noget plads her
The circle is popular, yes, there's no room here
Vi har piger op' bordet, men der' plads til én mer'
We have girls on the table, but there's room for one more
Mig, jeg gav dem én mer'
I, I gave them one more
Ey, jeg' telefonen ligesom drengene fra kvarteret
Hey, I'm on the phone like the boys from the neighborhood
Væk fra showet, helikopter op i vejret
Away from the show, helicopter in the sky
Lagd' det min story, derfor hun er interesseret
Posted it on my story, that's why she's interested
Vågen midt om natten, for det' der jeg rapper bedst
Awake in the middle of the night, because that's where I rap best
To telefoner, én til venner, én til sex
Two phones, one for friends, one for sex
Lyver for en panser, men jeg' ærlig til min ex
I lie to a bitch, but I'm honest to my ex
TopGunn han er varm, gør koncerten til en fest
TopGunn, he's hot, makes the concert a party
Mig, jeg mangler plads
I, I need space
Købt en mansion, men min nabo klager stadig over bas
I bought a mansion, but my neighbor still complains about the bass
Ey, seks liter i min flask'
Hey, six liters in my bottle
Book et bord til hele holdet, ey, vi lukker Mash
Book a table for the whole team, hey, we'll close Mash
Vågen midt om natten, for det' der jeg rapper bedst
Awake in the middle of the night, because that's where I rap best
To telefoner, én til venner, én til sex
Two phones, one for friends, one for sex
Lyver for en panser, men jeg' ærlig til min ex
I lie to a bitch, but I'm honest to my ex
TopGunn han er varm, gør koncerten til en fest
TopGunn, he's hot, makes the concert a party

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