Tranda - Dubii - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tranda - Dubii

Aveam niste dubii daca vii si daca stai
I had some doubts if you would come and if you would stay
Prietenele tale nu stiau ca ma iubeai
Your girlfriends didn't know that you loved me
Ce n-ar da
What wouldn't they give
Pentru dragoste
For love
Aveam niste dubii daca vii si daca stai
I had some doubts if you would come and if you would stay
Prietenele tale nu stiau ca ma iubeai
Your girlfriends didn't know that you loved me
Ce n-ar da
What wouldn't they give
Pentru dragoste
For love
Rulez niste treaba d-aia fina ca-i beton
I roll some of that fine stuff, I call it concrete
Ma gandesc la tine si o zic la microfon
I think about you and I say it to the microphone
Pe unele din jurul tau le poate avea oricine
Some of the girls around you can be had by anyone
Le pasa de cine cu cine se f, eu vreau sa ma f doar cu tine
They don't care who they f with, I want to f only with you
Stiu ca niciuna din ele nu te lasa
I know that none of them will let you go
Sa pleci vreodata cu-n tip ca mine acasa
To ever leave with a guy like me
Si o ard trist fiindca la baza
And I'm sad because they are essentially
Sunt prinse in relatii varza
Trapped in awful relationships
In care o sa imbatraneasca
In which they will grow old
Cu pareri ce nu conteaza
With opinions that do not matter
Oh, Oh, sunt in galaxii din nou, nou
Oh, Oh, I'm in galaxies again, again
Mainile pe corpul tau, tau
My hands on your body, you, you
Mainile pe corpul tau, tau
My hands on your body, you, you
Fara dubii
Without a doubt
Pentru dragoste
For love
Aveam niste dubii daca vii si daca stai
I had some doubts if you would come and if you would stay
Prietenele tale nu stiau ca ma iubeai
Your girlfriends didn't know that you loved me
Ce n-ar da
What wouldn't they give
Pentru dragoste
For love
Aveam niste dubii daca vii si daca stai
I had some doubts if you would come and if you would stay
Prietenele tale nu stiau ca ma iubeai
Your girlfriends didn't know that you loved me
Ce n-ar da
What wouldn't they give
Pentru dragoste
For love
Numar nopțile in care eu nu mai am somn
I count the nights when I can't sleep
Nu ma ajuta ca avem internet pe telefon
It doesn't help that we have internet on our phones
Distanța nu imi face bine
The distance doesn't do me any good
Tu o simți la fel ca mine
You feel it the same as I do
Ce avem noi nu stie nimeni
What we have, nobody knows
Nimeni, nimeni, nimeni, nimeni
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
Da′ in continuare alea te bruiaza
But they keep harassing you
Cu rahaturi d-alea care nu conteaza
With that crap that doesn't matter
Eu te duc in galaxii
I take you to galaxies
Cand te intorci zile ce stii
When you come back, you'll know what to do
Dupa care sa revii
Then come back
Eu dupa tine scriu melodii
I write songs about you
Oh, Oh, sunt in galaxii din nou, nou
Oh, Oh, I'm in galaxies again, again
Mainile pe corpul tau, tau
My hands on your body, you, you
Mainile pe corpul tau, tau
My hands on your body, you, you
Fara dubii
Without a doubt
Pentru dragoste
For love
Aveam niste dubii daca vii si daca stai
I had some doubts if you would come and if you would stay
Prietenele tale nu stiau ca ma iubeai
Your girlfriends didn't know that you loved me
Ce n-ar da
What wouldn't they give
Pentru dragoste
For love
Aveam niste dubii daca vii si daca stai
I had some doubts if you would come and if you would stay
Prietenele tale nu stiau ca ma iubeai
Your girlfriends didn't know that you loved me
Ce n-ar da
What wouldn't they give
Pentru dragoste
For love

Авторы: Foreign Boys, Tranda

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