Trauffer - Sennesinger - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Trauffer - Sennesinger

Senn Singers
Mir stöh ufem gipfu und luege nüberd alpe niiih
We stand on the summit and look across the mountains afar
Mir loufe am grat und luege bis ab nids taal
We walk on the ridge and look down into the valley below
Dir himmu isch so blau und d bärge gseht meh klar
The sky is so blue and the mountains are so clear
Mir luege nobe nabe und gseh bis zum see
We look from side to side and see all the way to the lake
Jolo, jololo, jololo, jololo
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Mir luege noba nabe und gseh bis zum see
We look from side to side and see all the way to the lake
Jolo, jololo, jololo, jololo
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Mir hei hoseträger si gassefäger
We are suspenders wearers, street sweepers
Ländlerrocker und stubehocker
Folk rockers and stove sitters
Mir si sennesinger und trichleschwinger ja und mähierfahrer ou
We are mountain singers and cowbell ringers, and haymakers too
Ah alli wätterschmöcker und sprüchlichlöpfer
Oh, all the weather forecasters and proverb makers
Jede mah und jedi frou
Every man and every woman
I füehl mi niene so, niene so deheim wie da
Nowhere do I feel as much at home as here
Jolo, jololo, jololo, jololo
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
I füehl mi niene so deheim wie da
Nowhere do I feel so much at home as here
Jolo, jololo, jololo, jololo
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Ah alli jodellehrer und chächschehrer
Oh, all you yodel teachers and cheese makers
Niidleschwinger und fahnebringer
Envy shooters and flag bearers
Alli holzchühschnitzer und geislezwicker und beizejasser ou
All you wooden shoe carvers and goat horn players and pickle eaters too
Ah alli jagdhornbläser und alpejazzer
Oh, all you hunting horn blowers and alpine jazzers
Jede mah und jedi frou
Every man and every woman
I füehl mi niene so, niene so deheim wie da
Nowhere do I feel as much at home as here
Jolo, jololo, jololo, jololo
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
I füehl mi niene so deheim wie da
Nowhere do I feel so much at home as here
Jolo, jololo, jololo, jololo
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Nei i wott nid gah
No, I don't want to go
Nenenenei mir blibe da
No, no, no, we'll stay here
Chömet mir wei doch jietz zämeha
Come on, let's get together now
Jolo, jololo, jololo, jololo
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Hei jungs schnupfe isch üses hobby und wär nid schnupft isch e globi
Hey boys, snuffing is our hobby, and whoever doesn't snuff is a sucker
Das hei scho üsi vätere gseit und immer e schnupf mitsech treit
That's what our fathers used to say, and they always carried a pinch with them
Bless you
I füehl mi niene so, woni ou häre gah
I don't feel at home anywhere else I go
I füehl mi niene so dehei, wie da
I don't feel at home anywhere like here
I füehl mi niene so, woni ou häre gah
I don't feel at home anywhere else I go
I füehl mi niene so dehei, so wie da
I don't feel at home anywhere like here
Jolo, jololo, jololo, jololo
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Mir stöh ufem gipfu und luege überd alpe
We stand on the summit and look over the Alps
Dr himmel isch so blau mir gseh aui bärge
The sky is so blue, we see all the mountains
U mir luege nobe nabe u nähme no eis und zwöi und drüü und gseh bis ids taal
And we look from side to side and take another one, and two, and three, and see all the way down the valley
Das isch miis dehei
This is my home

Авторы: Frank Niklaus, Marc Trauffer, David Hofmann, Thomas J Gyger, Patrik Meier, Fredrik Stroemberg

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