Trench Mafia Locco - 40 grādi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Trench Mafia Locco - 40 grādi

40 grādi
40 Degrees
tev iet vecais draugs
How are you, my old friend
Tīri neko, tev pašam, huh
I'm doing reasonably well, and you, huh
Es tīri negatīvi
I'm feeling fairly negative
Šitie velli laikam joko
These devils must be joking
Gribi būt man draugs
Do you want to be my friend
Ko ta nu puika, iepriekš visu dzīvi nesadzīvojām
Oh, that's rich, we have never gotten along for our entire lives
Naudas tagad daudz, tagad mīnus 1 problēma
I have a lot of money now, so that's one less problem
Problēmu bija daudz, un pamest rajonu es nolēmu
I had many problems, which is why I decided to leave the neighborhood
Ko lai dara ar tiem velliem laikam būs jāmet monēta
What am I going to do with these wretches? I'll have to flip a coin, I guess
Kas ta beigās būs ko, šausmene vai komēdija
What will be the end result? A horror story or a comedy
Tiesa gan, daru to jo ārsti man iesaka
It's true, I'm doing this because the doctors recommend it
Maks man ir biezs bet mana āda ir daudz biezāka
My wallet is fat, but my skin is much tougher
Es Neesmu nekāds vells visi vienmēr paši iesāk
I'm not a devil; everyone is always the one who starts it first
Sūtu viņus dirst un viņi prosta tādi iet sāk
I tell them to go to hell, and they just end up taking off
Stulbie velli nu cik var, jūs esat baigie pipari
These stupid devils, how much more of this can I take? You guys are really annoying
Man ir tava pilnā adrese, tavs indekss, tavi cipari
I have your full address, postal code, and numbers
Ja nevarēšu es pats tad vienmēr prasu kādam citam
If I can't handle it myself, I'll ask someone else
Tikai zini, mēs pa sāpīgāko vietu vienmēr sitam
Just know that we always hit in the most painful spot
Jo es esmu big boss, kustos vienmēr gribu
Because I'm the big boss; I move as I wish
Visiem merry christmas, zaļo egli iekšā tinu
Merry Christmas to all; I'm rolling up a green tree inside
Visiem merry dismass, disoju visus ko zinu
Merry Dismass to all; I'm pissing off everyone I know
Un Timass ja, padod man to dziru
And Tim, hand me that drink
Manās asinīs ir 40 grādi
My blood alcohol level is 40 degrees
Manās asinīs ir 40 grādi
My blood alcohol level is 40 degrees
Manās asinīs ir 40 grādi
My blood alcohol level is 40 degrees
40 grādi
40 degrees
Manās asinīs ir 40 grādi
My blood alcohol level is 40 degrees
Manās asinīs ir 40 grādi
My blood alcohol level is 40 degrees
Manās asinīs ir 40 grādi
My blood alcohol level is 40 degrees
40 grādi
40 degrees
Mani Dēmoni nāk ārā, un tie manā labā strādā
My demons are coming out, and they work for me
Atkal neesmu savā ādā, labāk visi turās tālāk
I'm not in my right mind again, so everyone had better stay away
Ceļu lielu svaru puika, jo es esmu liels puika
I lift heavy weight, boy, because I'm a big boy
Jūs jau visi labi zināt man nav tolerance pret hujņu
You all already know that I have zero tolerance for nonsense
Mani Dēmoni nāk ārā, un tie manā labā strādā
My demons are coming out, and they work for me
Atkal neesmu savā ādā, labāk visi turās tālāk
I'm not in my right mind, so everyone had better stay away
Ceļu lielu svaru puika, jo es esmu liels puika
I lift heavy weight, boy, because I'm a big boy
Jūs jau visi labi zināt man nav tolerance pret hujņu
You all already know that I have zero tolerance for nonsense

Авторы: Juris Santana

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