Trench Mafia Locco - Kodeīna Puikas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Trench Mafia Locco - Kodeīna Puikas

Kodeīna Puikas
Codeine Boys
Jūs ņemat aiz vaiga, kamēr es ņemu pie dziesmas
You're cheeking while I sing
Manējie heiteri kautkur pazuda, laikam sajuta briesmas
My haters disappeared somewhere, they must have senses danger
Korišam iedeva 2 gadus, šajā valstī nav taisnas tiesas
They gave 2 years to my dude, there's no justice in this country
Nodarīsi bojājumu mantai, tavējie bojājumi būs miesas
If you damage property, you're going to suffer bodily injuries
Atradu darbu es noliktavā, man zajebal jau bij sēdēt badā
I found a job at a warehouse because I was fed up with being broke
Jaunākie Samsungi, iphoni, pleiši, pannas visu es nesu ārā
The newest Samsung phones, iPhones, PlayStations, pans, I'm carrying everything out
Ak tur ir novērošanas kameras, tas man problēmas nesagādā
Oh no, there are surveillance cameras, but that doesn't cause me any problems
Vēl nav pagājis pat pārbaudes laiks, viņi visi jau pie manis strādā
My probation period hasn't even ended yet, and they're all working for me now
Atceros braucām mēs uz Vaidavu, bija ziema un bija auksts
I remember we drove to Vaidas, it was winter and it was cold
Toreiz es parāvu tādu bālo, uz momentu aizmirsu mani sauc
That time I smoked such a big blunt, I momentarily forgot my name
Zaudēju samaņu, es teicu nākamreiz nepipēšu tik daudz
I blacked out, I said I won't smoke this much next time
Un Parāvu divreiz lielāku bālo nākamreiz kad uz turieni braucu
And I smoked a blunt twice as big next time I went there
Pie mums šeit notiek viss pa īstam, jūsējie dzīvo pasakā
Everything's real here, you live in a fairy tale
Takā krivenchy beidzot arī kāds ir visu pasaka
Like Givenchy, finally someone has told the whole fairy-tale
Tu mani saukā pa narkomānu, bet, huh, pats tu
You call me a drug addict but, huh, same as you
Jau 2 gadus sēdi vienā darbā un neattīsties, nu wtf
You've been in the same job for 2 years now, what the fuck
Čalis saka ka ir no ielas viņš met dūmu un tēlo džeku
This dude says he's real, smokes weed and acts tough
Paņēma ciet un viņam paprasīja kur tu uzpildies, viņš tāds re kur
They arrested him and he was asked where he gets his drugs, he was like, over there
21.gadsimts sapņu profesija visi šodien grib būt par zeku
In the 21st century, a dream job is to become a convict
Lai saprastu kas tu esi par vellu, vajag man tikai vienu sekundi
To understand who you really are, all it takes me is a second
Paši sākāt ar mums bīfu, vēlāk es dzirdu jūs devās uz iecirkni
You started a beef with us, then I heard you went to the police station
Kārtējo reizi zvana man menti atkal ir jāiet un jādod liecība
Cops are calling me again, I need to go and give testimony
Heiteri atcerieties šo smaidu, tad kad jūs nahuj iesiet
Haters remember this smile for when you go to hell
Manējos likumus radīja Dievs, jūs man nevarat neko piesiet
God created my laws, you can't charge me with anything
Nesauc mani pa jauno vilni, droši vari saukt par jauno derību
Don't call me new wave, you can safely call me the New Testament
Esam sekta, kults, bla sauc gribi mēs jaunajiem dodam cerību
We're a sect, a cult, call us whatever you want, we give hope to the young
Šitie piģīši veiciti neizies, taču uz ielas tie būs derīgi
These little piggies won't make it as cops, but they'd be useful on the streets
Sākumā pastrādāšu ar rokām, pēc tam iedošu arī ar celīti
First I'll handle things with my hands and then I'll hit you with my knee
Negribu stāvēt rindā, eju un ņemu ko gribu, nav ko pisties
I don't want to stand in line, I just take whatever I want, no bullshit
Nēsāju līdzi asus priekšmetus, bet ja gribi mēs varam sisties
I carry sharp objects, but if you want, we can fight
Aiz muguras cilveki kuriem nav bail no sroka vispār, labāk bīsties
Behind me are people who aren't afraid of prison, you better be scared

Авторы: Juris Santana

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