Trench Mafia Locco - Wannabe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Trench Mafia Locco - Wannabe

Čalītis ir nācis no ģimenes kur nav galīgi
Son, you came from a family with everything
Problēmu nekādu ledusskapī pilns ar barību
No problems, fridge full of food
Gribējās veco priekšā likties svarīgam
You felt the need to show off to your friends
Iedeva 4 sēž par līdzdalību
Now you're doing 4 years for conspiracy
Viņš domāja ka vienreiz tik uzpīpēs
You thought you'd just smoke once
Un ja nu kas tie ir draugi viņi palīdzēs
And if anything, your friends would help you out
Neviens nezvana un klusums pat avīzēs
No one's calling, and there's silence even in the newspapers
Kāds cits viņa vietā sazīmēs
Someone else will take your place
Puikam ira tēvs puikam ira arī mamma
You have a father, you have a mother
Atzīmes ir labas katru dienu silta vanna
Good grades, a warm bath every day
Draugi viņu nesaprot tas liekas stranna
Your friends don't understand you, it seems strange
Grib līdzināties reperim no instagramma
You want to be like the rapper on Instagram
Uzpīpēja dūmu vienā tusā viņam patika
You smoked weed at a party and liked it
Tieši tajā vakarā viņš viņus arī satika
That's when you met them
Viņam liekas visi zvaigznāji tikko sakrita
You think all the stars have just aligned
Draugi kuri bija līdz šim viņam apnika
The friends you had until now have become boring
Viņam liekas ka viņš šādi dzīvē aizies tālu
You think you'll go far in life this way
Šitā cietuma dvižuha viņam liekas wow
This prison lifestyle seems so cool to you
Uz treniņiem vairs neiet mājas parādās vēlu
You don't go to training anymore, you come home late
Mamma sāk neatpazīt savējo dēlu
Your mother doesn't recognize her own son anymore
No mājas sāka pazust dārglietas un citas mantas
Things and other valuables started disappearing from home
Vecāki zem gultas atrada šim 10 gramus
Your parents found 10 grams under your bed
Skatīdamies acīs melo tas nav mans
Looking them in the eye, you lie, "It's not mine"
Sadirsās ar senčiem mājās tagad ir bans
You fought with your parents, now you're banned from home
Čalītis ir nācis no ģimenes kur nav galīgi
Son, you came from a family with everything
Problēmu nekādu ledusskapis pilns ar barību
No problems, fridge full of food
Gribējās veco priekšā likties svarīgam
You felt the need to show off to your friends
Iedeva 4 sēž par līdzdalību
Now you're doing 4 years for conspiracy
Viņš domāja ka vienreiz tik uzpīpēs
You thought you'd just smoke once
Un ja nu kas tie ir draugi viņi palīdzēs
And if anything, your friends would help you out
Neviens nezvana un klusums pat avīzēs
No one's calling, and there's silence even in the newspapers
Kāds cits viņa vietā sazīmēs
Someone else will take your place
Čalim tukšs vēders un arī tukša kabata
You're hungry, your pockets are empty too
Bet pārpista ir jēga visu laiku arī tagad
But your intentions are still twisted,
Krapālis vairs neštirī bet paga paga
You're not a junkie, but wait a minute
Nesaprotu ko pie manis dara šī adata,
I don't understand what this needle is doing with me
Viņam likās šitie būs viņa īstie draugi
You thought these people were your real friends
Dzīvē viss izmainījās un ļoti strauji
Your life changed so suddenly
Pie sevis padomāja nemaz nebija tik jauki
You thought to yourself, "It wasn't so great after all"
Tas vienmēr biju es kam bija jāmazgā trauki
I always had to do the dishes
tu domāji pie tas noved, ko tu brīnies
What do you think this led to, what are you surprised about?
Gribēja būt patstāvīgs par sevi vīrietis
You wanted to be independent, a man on your own
Mammai sāp sirds tēvs arī būs ļoti vīlies
Your mother's heart is broken, your father will be very disappointed
Viņš saka sev nepadodies ej un cīnies
You tell yourself, "Don't give up, go and fight"
Viņš saka gaidi mājās uz zvana savu senci
You tell yourself, "Wait for your parents to call you home"
Emocijas asaras nav redzējušies sen jau
Emotions, tears, you haven't seen each other in a long time
Pa ceļam apstādināja viņus menti
On the way, the cops stopped them
Jau sen es pateikt tev centos
I've been trying to tell you for a long time
Čalītis ir nācis no ģimenes kur nav galīgi
Son, you came from a family with everything
Problēmu nekādu ledusskapis pilns ar barību
No problems, fridge full of food
Gribējās veco priekšā likties svarīgam
You felt the need to show off to your friends
Iedeva 4 sēž par līdzdalību
Now you're doing 4 years for conspiracy
Viņš domāja ka vienreiz tik uzpīpēs
You thought you'd just smoke once
Un ja nu kas tie ir draugi viņi palīdzēs
And if anything, your friends would help you out
Neviens nezvana un klusums pat avīzēs
No one's calling, and there's silence even in the newspapers
Kāds cits viņa vietā sazīmēs
Someone else will take your place

Авторы: Juris Santana

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