Twins - 雙失情人節 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Twins - 雙失情人節

Lost Valentine's Day
這一位 扮繁忙未說過
This one acts busy and hasn't said it
二月裡這一天 預備抽空見我
Prepared to take time out on this day in February to meet me
但我喜歡等 不管最後如何
But I'm fine with waiting, no matter what the outcome
I always knew what I meant to him
這一位 早已經預約我
This one made a date with me long ago
我奉勸他歸家 等結果
I advised him to go home and wait for an answer
若我這一天 竟然和他一起過
If I spend this day with him
亦是 坎坷
It will be rugged
今晚我愛的人 在散心
Tonight, the one I love is out enjoying himself
可惜我太不幸 沒有份
Unfortunately, I am out of luck. I have no part in it
而他此際可能 和情人擁吻
And at this moment, he is probably kissing his lover
Everyone's celebrating, but I am heartbroken
偏偏愛我的人 沒有等
The one who loves me didn't wait
彷彿那個丘比特 是有心
It's as if that Cupid was deliberate
何解我約的人 突然全部都躲開我
Why did the people I planned to meet with suddenly avoid me?
I can't squeeze out a single kiss
這一位 不理睬但我愛
This one ignores me, but I love him
就像我喜歡他 是為他不理我
Just like I love him for ignoring me
受過幾多苦 始終滿面詳和
I've been through so much pain, but I always keep a calm face
What has all this suffering changed?
這一位不夠好 但愛我
This one isn't good enough, but he loves me
我耐性比起他 怎算多
I am more patient than him. How can that be?
若覺得孤單 走回頭等他親我
If I feel lonely, I can go back to him and wait for him to kiss me
份外 淒楚
It's exceptionally miserable
今晚我愛的人 在散心
Tonight, the one I love is out enjoying himself
可惜我太不幸 沒有份
Unfortunately, I am out of luck. I have no part in it
而他此際可能 和情人擁吻
And at this moment, he is probably kissing his lover
Everyone's celebrating, but I am heartbroken
偏偏愛我的人 沒有等
The one who loves me didn't wait
彷彿那個丘比特 是有心
It's as if that Cupid was deliberate
何解我約的人 突然全部都躲開我
Why did the people I planned to meet with suddenly avoid me?
I can't squeeze out a single kiss
何解他要等 等不到我
Why did he have to wait? He couldn't wait for me
而他不等我 又在苦等
And he's not waiting for me. He's waiting in agony
今晚我愛的人 在散心
Tonight, the one I love is out enjoying himself
可惜我太不幸 沒有份
Unfortunately, I am out of luck. I have no part in it
如果佳節不能 和情人擁吻
If I can't kiss my lover on this special day
I wish this night would pass quickly and the lights would go out
偏偏愛我的人 沒有等
The one who loves me didn't wait
彷彿那個邱比特 是有心
It's as if that Cupid was deliberate
人揀我我揀人 突然全部都不揀我
People choose me, and I choose people. Suddenly, no one chooses me
讓今晚 隔外暗
Making tonight exceptionally dark

Авторы: Wyman Wong, Le Cheng Wu

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