Ty. - 比你浪 比你棒 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ty. - 比你浪 比你棒

比你浪 比你棒
Being Hotter and Cooler Than You
舒服的躺在沙灘上曬太陽 身邊圍繞的美女和海浪
It's cozy lying on the sand and catching some sun, Surrounded by beautiful women and the sound of waves,
讓我來喝口雪碧 炎熱的天氣 再沒有威力
I'll have a sip of Sprite, On such a hot day, there's no longer any power left.
把心愛的手機 給裝在兜裡 沒絲毫猶豫
I put my beloved phone in my pocket without any hesitation,
給心情找個加油站 麻煩事都推到下週算
Looking for a gas station for my mood, Leave the annoying things to next week.
人生就一個青春 我想讓我的回憶更繽紛
Life is only about youth, I want to make my memories more colorful,
沒野過怎麼算人生 代表是活的不認真
What is life if you haven't gone wild? It means you're not living it seriously.
我不想僵硬微笑 內心在大喊拒絕當配料
I don't want to smile stiffly, I want to shout in my heart and refuse to be a side dish.
浪不浪朋友 你會往哪邊走 我在對你揮著手
Baby, which way will you go? I'm waving at you,
你看沒看到 我的熱情為你燃燒
See if you can see, my passion is burning for you.
朋友 你會往哪邊走 我在對你揮著手
Baby, which way will you go? I'm waving at you,
你看沒看到 我的熱情為你燃燒
See if you can see, my passion is burning for you.
時間非常的卑鄙 一不小心轉眼又半個世紀
Time is so despicable, In the twinkling of an eye, half a century has passed,
黑頭髮的少年就變成老頭 一不小心連走路都非常都非常吃力
The young man with black hair becomes an old man, In the twinkling of an eye, even walking is very difficult.
所以請你不要在那演自閉 快點出來浪生活需要刺激
So please don't act autistic, Come out and live a life that needs excitement.
不要成天只是呆在網上 沒有人給你頒獎
Don't just stay on the Internet all day, no one will give you an award,
整個世界都在等你示意 如果不知道該怎麼做
The whole world is waiting for your signal, If you don't know what to do,
那就把目光先投向我 看我汗珠順著臉頰流下
Just look at me, watch the sweat run down my face,
表情保持優雅 良心勸說不當拖
Keep your expression elegant, and encourage you not to be a drag.
浪不浪朋友 你會往哪邊走 我在對你揮著手
Baby, which way will you go? I'm waving at you,
你看沒看到 我的熱情為你燃燒
See if you can see, my passion is burning for you.
朋友 你會往哪邊走 我在對你揮著手
Baby, which way will you go? I'm waving at you,
你看沒看到 我的熱情為你燃燒
See if you can see, my passion is burning for you.
所以你學會沒有 我帶著疑問望向了北斗
So have you learned? I looked at the Big Dipper with doubts,
枯燥的生活就像是肥肉 一旦你深入就很難回頭
A boring life is like fat, Once you get into it, it's hard to turn back,
你說我快要30但看起來像20歲 隨時容光煥發都像在過birthday
You said I'm almost 30 but I look 20, I'm always radiant and every day seems like a birthday.
別來和我探討煩惱亂找玩笑開 幸福感把我環繞煩惱難找來
Don't come and discuss your troubles with me and try to make jokes, Happiness surrounds me and troubles are hard to find.
浪不浪朋友 你會往哪邊走 我在對你揮著手
Baby, which way will you go? I'm waving at you,
你看沒看到 我的熱情為你燃燒
See if you can see, my passion is burning for you.
朋友 你會往哪邊走 我在對你揮著手
Baby, which way will you go? I'm waving at you,
你看沒看到 我的熱情為你燃燒
See if you can see, my passion is burning for you.
朋友 你會往哪邊走 我在對你揮著手
Baby, which way will you go? I'm waving at you,
你看沒看到 我的熱情為你燃燒
See if you can see, my passion is burning for you.
朋友 你會往哪邊走 我在對你揮著手
Baby, which way will you go? I'm waving at you,
你看沒看到 我的熱情為你燃燒
See if you can see, my passion is burning for you.

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