Téčko - Wake and Bake - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Téčko - Wake and Bake

Wake and Bake
Wake and Bake
Každý deň vstávam dávam wake and bake
Every day I wake up and bake
Chcem urobiť cheese a hodiť ho na svoj plate
I want to make some cheese and put it on my plate
Áno som fucked up hore do šiestej
Yeah, I'm fucked up until six
Letíme hore hore hore elevate
We're flying high, high, high, elevate
Čakám na to kedy si odškrtnem check
I'm waiting to check it off my list
Každý deň vstávam dávam wake and bake
Every day I wake up and bake
Chcem urobiť cheese a hodiť ho na svoj plate
I want to make some cheese and put it on my plate
Áno som fucked up hore do šiestej
Yeah, I'm fucked up until six
Letíme hore hore hore elevate
We're flying high, high, high, elevate
Čakám na to kedy si odškrtnem check
I'm waiting to check it off my list
Chcem žit v pohode ja chcem mať break
I want to live in peace, I want to take a break
Niekto ma miluje a niekto šíri hejt
Someone loves me, and someone spreads hate
Tak to bude vždy ja idem nahrať ďalší take
That's how it will always be, I'm going to record another take
Téčko ide drill mode téčko ide drill
Téčko is in drill mode, Téčko is drilling
Vždy som sral na školu a pri tom som popil pills
I always hated school, and I popped pills
Tým ťa nechcem odradiť ale chcem len byť real
I don't want to discourage you, I just want to be real
Moja hudba na tebe zanecháva chills
My music gives you chills
Ubalíme blunt potom peckujeme hit
We'll roll a blunt and then smoke a hit
Je to tak stále inak nechcem žiť
That's the way it always is, I don't want to live any other way
Kludne ma aj zabite no ja ostanem žiť
Go ahead and kill me, I'll still live on
A to facts hudba tu bude navždy
And that's a fact, my music will live on forever
Bude tu navždy ona tu bude navždy
It will be here forever, it will be here forever
Ona tu bude na vždy ona tu bude navždy
It will be here forever, it will be here forever
Každý deň vstávam dávam wake and bake
Every day I wake up and bake
Chcem urobiť cheese a hodiť ho na svoj plate
I want to make some cheese and put it on my plate
Áno som fucked up hore do šiestej
Yeah, I'm fucked up until six
Letíme hore hore hore elevate
We're flying high, high, high, elevate
Každý deň vstávam dávam wake and bake
Every day I wake up and bake
Chcem urobiť cheese a hodiť ho na svoj plate
I want to make some cheese and put it on my plate
Áno som fucked up hore do šiestej
Yeah, I'm fucked up until six
Letíme hore hore hore elevate
We're flying high, high, high, elevate

Авторы: Teodor žatko

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