Tønes - Antikkmesso på Figgjo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tønes - Antikkmesso på Figgjo

Antikkmesso på Figgjo
Antique Fair at Figgjo
Antique Fair
Va antikkmesso Figgjo at traff ho, for allar fyssta gongo
I met her for the very first time at the antique fair in Figgjo
Hadde lappen sto me hengar og va plass tidlig
I had my license, a trailer, and arrived early
Ryggde inn baksio av hallen, eg va me som frivillig
Backed into the back of the hall, volunteering for the event
Bjunnte å bæra inn ekse, og eg sa ingenting
Started carrying boxes inside, I said nothing
Og hu sa ingenting
And she said nothing
Den helgo sko eg egentlig te Tonstad hytto
That weekend, I was supposed to be at the cabin in Tonstad
Men mangla de folk antikkmesso Figgjo
But they were short on people at the antique fair in Figgjo
Livet e follt i krumspring, plutselig smage allt og du fer ikkje nokk
Life is full of twists and turns, suddenly everything tastes good and you can't get enough
Hadde ein hond faren passte når hu va rondtforbi
I had a hand, so my dad kept an eye on things when she was around
Hu hadde jækla svære slekt udpå Hommersåk i den va det mye forskjellig
She had a damn big family up in Hommersåk, with a lot of variety
Tenk me to blei ett par, du sko bli mor, eg sko bli far
Imagine us becoming a couple, you becoming a mother, me becoming a father
Va antikkmesso Figgjo, va antikkmesso Figgjo
At the antique fair in Figgjo, at the antique fair in Figgjo
At eg traff ho, for allar fyssta gongo
That's where I met her, for the very first time
Eg stillde min bil te disposisjon, og hu sko ud å selga
I offered my car, and she was going to sell
Hu drog ein??, eg lånte far min sin Tredal-hengar
She went to a??, I borrowed my dad's Tredal trailer
Eg tog honden bagi, me kommuniserte via handsfree
I took the dog in the back, we communicated via hands-free
Flytta inn te hu, og tog me meg alt eg eide
Moved in with her, taking everything I owned
Fysste månane den va gjyss som himmelrige
The first months were like heaven
fekk moro å eg ein nyggel, plutselig va hu der å rydda å bretta klea
Then my mom and I got a shock, suddenly she was there tidying and folding clothes
Å det skar mellom meg og faren, når han rygde inn i min bil som stod parkerte
And things got tense between me and her father when he backed into my parked car
kjørde han bare vidare, og når eg traff han kjende han ikkje te det
He just drove on, and when I confronted him, he didn't own up to it
Hadde jyss finge ann atte fra EU-kontroll, det rett før at eg tydde te vold.
The car had just passed its EU inspection, I almost resorted to violence.
Va antikkmesso Figgjo, va antikkmesso Figgjo
At the antique fair in Figgjo, at the antique fair in Figgjo
At eg traff ho, for allar fyssta gongo
That's where I met her, for the very first time
Den konne selgast, stod avstand å beundra, den konne selgast
It could be sold, I stood at a distance admiring it, it could be sold
Spratt opp av stolen når det kom kunda
Jumped up from my chair when customers came
Aldri någe problema, plenty veklsepenga
Never any problems, plenty of change
Sto me någen påsa, skikkelig hanka, den konne selgast
Standing with some bags, proper handles, it could be sold
Hu hadde ein onkel som kom innom minst ei gong i vego
She had an uncle who stopped by at least once a week
Heilt uden sosiale antenna, både han og tanto
Completely lacking social antennae, both he and his aunt
Kom å leverde ting de ikkje ville ha, gammale drid bare va te hiva
They came and delivered things they didn't want, old junk that just needed to be thrown away
Ting bjunnte å gnaga, ting bjunnte å irritera
Things started to gnaw at me, things started to irritate
Huset fyltes opp av rabe hu sko sortera, eg gjekk sikksakk mellom eske
The house filled with junk for her to sort, I walked zigzag between boxes
Måtte passe ingenting datt ner å knuste
Had to be careful nothing fell down and broke
Va antikkmesso Figgjo, va antikkmesso Figgjo
At the antique fair in Figgjo, at the antique fair in Figgjo
At eg traff ho, for allar fyssta gongo
That's where I met her, for the very first time
De seie minus å minus blir pluss
They say minus and minus makes plus
Eg seie ei lida tua kan laga kluss
I say a small pile can create a mess
Ei stond fekk ho fekk meg heilt udav balanse
One time she completely threw me off balance
Me skilde lag uden å gjør nåe nommar udav det
We parted ways without making a big deal out of it
Hu fekk Figgjo-flitten, og eg fekk høno
She got the Figgjo tableware, and I got the chickens
For eg gjør sond fajanse.
Because I can tell the difference between faience and crap.

Авторы: Frank Tønnesen

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