Ummon guruhi - Alvido - перевод текста песни на английский

Alvido - Ummon guruhiперевод на английский

Alvido sog′inchga yo'q davo sabirga yo′q toqat,
Farewell, there's no cure for longing, no patience for endurance,
Tomog'indan ovqat o'tmay qo′yar ekan yolg′izlik.
Loneliness makes it hard to swallow even a bite.
Ketganda bevafo yetmas ekan xatto havo alvido,
When the unfaithful one leaves, even air feels insufficient, farewell,
Alvido chaqirmaydi qo'ng′iroq.
Farewell, the phone won't ring.
Suxbat qurishga yo'q yaqin yo′q yiroq,
No close one to talk to, no one near or far,
Faqatgina xonam uzra sochilib yotadi suratlaring,
Only your pictures scattered across my room,
Va qarab turgaan qora ko'zlaring...
And your black eyes staring back...
Kechagi kun xechqachon bo′lmas bugun!
Yesterday will never be today!
Ertangi kun xechqachon bo'lmas kecha.
Tomorrow will never be yesterday.
Qachongacha sevgin yuragin tubigacha,
How long will love last deep in your heart,
Kechir mani tegib ketgan bo'lsam,
Forgive me if I've hurt you,
Jonimgacha daraxt edim barglari to′kilayotgan.
I was a tree with leaves falling off.
Ketib ildizimdan torting nozik nuqtani bilgan,
Leaving, you pulled the delicate point from my roots,
Qachonlardir gullab turar edik ikkimizz...
Once upon a time, we both bloomed...
Alviidoo ko′o'zlarii qoramm, So′zlarii donamm,
Fareweelll, my black-eyed love, my sweet-worded one,
Keetar bo'o′ldi bevafooo, Alviidoo ko'o′zlarii qoramm,
The unfaithful one is leaving, Fareweelll, my black-eyed love,
Yetmadii noolaamm keetarr bo'o'lding bevafooo...
My pleas weren't enough, you're leaving, unfaithful one...
Yuragimda sendan qolgan jaroxat sen bilan ketti halovaat,
The wound you left in my heart, the sweetness is gone with you,
Bir birimizga yoqmay qo′ydik tunlarxaamm.
We stopped pleasing each other even in the nights.
Yuragimda sendan qolgan jaroxat sen bilan ketti halovaat,
The wound you left in my heart, the sweetness is gone with you,
Bir birimizga yoqmay qo′ydik tunlarxaamm.
We stopped pleasing each other even in the nights.
Alvido Alvido Alvido Alvido Alvidoo...
Farewell, Farewell, Farewell, Farewell, Fareweelll...
Alvido hali sog'inasan kelib bir kunn,
Farewell, you'll still miss me one day,
Yorug′ kunlaringni yopganda qooraa tunn,
When darkness covers your bright days,
Qo'larimni sog′inganida qo'o′llaring,
When your hands miss mine,
O'shanda manga aytgan so'zlaringni esslagin.
Remember the words you said to me then.
Kichkina xatto xechqachon bo′lmas kotta,
The small will never be big,
Kotta xatto xechqachon bo′lmaydi kichkina,
The big will never be small,
Kimdur kotta xattolar ni kechiradi,
Some forgive big mistakes,
Kimdur kichkinasinixam kechirolmaydii.
Some can't even forgive the small ones.
Alvido sanga faqat tilayman omad,
Farewell, I only wish you luck,
San esa mani omadimdan kuyarding faqat,
You only envied my luck,
Agarda mayda chuyda narsalardan bo'lsa sabab,
If the reason was small and insignificant things,
O′zga choram yo'q tilashdan sanga baxt.
I have no other choice but to wish you happiness.
Alvido vaqt o′tib ketti bir zumda,
Farewell, time passed in an instant,
Endi xechqachon kutmayman derazang tagida,
Now I will never wait under your window,
Oldin xarkun kutardim ko'ray deb ko′zlaring,
I used to wait every day to see your eyes,
Bugun bilsam qolmabdi manga xatto so'zlaring...
Today I realize even your words are gone...
Alviidoo ko'o′zlarii qoramm, So′zlarii donamm,
Fareweelll, my black-eyed love, my sweet-worded one,
Keetar bo'o′ldi bevafooo, Alviidoo ko'o′zlarii qoramm,
The unfaithful one is leaving, Fareweelll, my black-eyed love,
Yetmadii noolaamm keetarr bo'o′lding bevafooo...
My pleas weren't enough, you're leaving, unfaithful one...
Yuragimda sendan qolgan jaroxat sen bilan ketti halovaat,
The wound you left in my heart, the sweetness is gone with you,
Bir birimizga yoqmay qo'ydik tunlarxaamm.
We stopped pleasing each other even in the nights.
Yuragimda sendan qolgan jaroxat sen bilan ketti halovaat,
The wound you left in my heart, the sweetness is gone with you,
Bir birimizga yoqmay qo'ydik tunlarxaamm.
We stopped pleasing each other even in the nights.
Alvido Alvido Alvido Alvido Alvidooo...
Farewell, Farewell, Farewell, Farewell, Fareweelll...

Авторы: Ummon Guruhi

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