Ummon guruhi - G'arq - перевод текста песни на английский

G'arq - Ummon guruhiперевод на английский

Qorong'i tun, yolg'izman bugun o'zim.
A dark night, I'm lonely today.
Yo'liga zor qoldi ko'zim,
My eyes are tired of the road,
So'rama yuragimda zirapcha,
Don't ask, because my heart is in pain,
Botib turadi bilmam qancha.
I don't know how much longer I can endure.
Sog'inchimdan qochib qayga boray,
Where can I run from my longing?
Yo'l ko'rsat ozgina ovunay.
Show me a little respite.
Qorong'u xona va men unda,
A dark room and me in it,
Qop qora ko'rpa yotar ustimda...
A black blanket lying on me...
O'ylab yotaman uni...
I lie here thinking about you...
Oq libos yarashibdi senga,
The white dress suits you,
Aytaman achchiq bo'lsada menga.
Even if it's bitter to say.
Og'ir botdi yurakga, yoqotganim Seni...
My heart is heavy, I've lost you...
Nega bu dard qiladi g'arq?
Why does this pain drown me?
O'z domiga tortaveradi meni.
It keeps dragging me into its abyss.
Nega malham topolmayman?
Why can't I find a cure?
O'tmishimdan o'chirib keta olmayman seni.
I can't erase you from my past.
Endi hechqachon bo'lmaymiz birga,
Now we'll never be together,
Birga bormaymiz qo'l ushlashib baxt uyiga.
We'll never walk hand in hand to the house of happiness.
Taqdir emas ekan tan olaman,
I admit it's not fate,
Lekin yurak tan olmasa netaman.
But what if my heart doesn't accept it?
San maniki eding, sanikiman derding,
You were mine, you said you were mine,
Hozir esa qara kim yoningda.
Now who's next to you?
Sani yolg'on ko'z yoshlaring qurib ketdi,
Your false tears have dried up,
Mani achchiq ko'z yoshlarim yostig'im ustida.
My bitter tears on my pillow.
Baxtlisan bugun, ishonaman,
You're happy today, I believe,
Sanga Allohdan baxt so'rab yotaman.
I pray to God for your happiness.
Mayli manga baxt tilab yotmasang ham,
Even if you don't pray for my happiness,
Eslaysanmi oyda bir bo'lsa ham?
Do you miss me even once a month?
Sovuq qotib yotarman, tunlar,
I lie here cold, shivering,
Yuragimni nimadur nimtalab o'tar.
My heart aches for something, even a lie.
Yetishmaydi yoki iliq qo'llaring yoki so'g'inman aldab yurgan lablaring.
I miss your warm hands or your cold and deceitful lips.
Nega bu dard qiladi g'arq?
Why does this pain drown me?
O'z domiga tortaveradi meni.
It keeps dragging me into its abyss.
Nega malham topolmayman?
Why can't I find a cure?
O'tmishimdan o'chirib keta olmayman seni.
I can't erase you from my past.

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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