Ummon guruhi - Soat 7Da - перевод текста песни на английский

Soat 7Da - Ummon guruhiперевод на английский

Soat 7Da
7 O'Clock
Ko'ngil berib adashdinga, nima kam edi senga?
You stole my heart, what's wrong with you?
Parvo qilmading hech kimni so'ziga.
You didn't keep your promise to anyone.
Baribir seni berishmas unga, buni aytgansan unga,
You promised that you'd never leave them for him,
Ko'ngil berding nega unga?
So why did you give your heart to him?
Bola dedi: Yur, deb, qochamiz,
He said, "Let's run away,
O'z-o'zimizni baxtli etamiz,
We'll make ourselves happy,
Chamasi yettilarga ketamiz.
We'll go to the countryside.
Qiz esa sodda, bo'ldi rozi.
The girl was simple, she agreed.
Hech kim bilmaydi,
No one knows,
Ona tunlar bedor yig'laydi.
Mother cries sleepless nights.
Qiz hatto eslamaydi,
The girl doesn't even remember,
Loqayd bir xat yozmaydi.
She doesn't write an indifferent letter.
Soat yettida, soat-soat yettida, yettida, Yettida, soat-soat yettida, ketganicha qaytmadi u.
At seven o'clock, hour by hour at seven, at seven, At seven, hour by hour at seven, she left and never returned.
Ona esa yig'laydiku.
But Mother weeps.
Bedor kechalar, bedor-bedor kechalar,
Sleepless nights, sleepless-sleepless nights,
Ota ko'cha kezar, yolg'iz qizini izlar,
Father walks the streets, looking for his lonely daughter,
Yillar ortidan yillar quvar.
Years after years pass.
Kunlar-tunlar o'tib ketdi,
Days and nights passed,
Kuz ham o'tib, qorlar keldi.
Autumn has passed, and the snow has come.
Ona yig'lar derazadan,
The mother cries at the window,
Ota izlaydi ko'chadan.
The father searches the streets.
Oylar, yillar o'tib ketdi,
Months, years have passed,
Tushga ota yig'lab kelibdi:
One day, the father came home crying:
"Qizim nahot sog'inmading?
"Didn't you miss your daughter at all?
Ko'z yoshga bizni cho'ktirib."
Tears choke us."
Qiz dedi: Yur, deb, qaytamiz,
The girl said, "Let's go back,
Otamni roziligin olamiz,
We'll get our father's forgiveness,
Onam mehribon tushuntira olamiz.
We'll explain our mother's kindness.
Qiz dedi: Yur, qaytdik uyga.
The girl said, "Let's go home."
Bola dedi: Yo'q, deb, bormayman,
The boy said, "No, I'm not going,
Ularni ko'rgim yo'q, men otlanmayman,
I don't want to see them, I'm not going to budge,
Sen borsang boraver, lek men bormayman.
If you go ahead, go, but I'm not going.
U bir o'zi qaytdi uyga.
She returned home alone.
Qiz uyga qaytar ekan,
As the girl returned home,
Har xil bahonalar izlar ekan.
She looked for various excuses.
Nima desam bo'lar ekan? deya,
What can I say? - she thought,
Yetib kelibdi uyga.
As she reached home.
Soat yettida, soat-soat yettida, yettida,
At seven o'clock, hour by hour at seven, at seven,
Yettida, soat-soat yettida, ketganicha qaytmadi u.
At seven, hour by hour at seven, she left and never returned.
Ona esa yig'laydiku.
But Mother weeps.
Bedor kechalar, bedor-bedor kechalar,
Sleepless nights, sleepless-sleepless nights,
Ota ko'cha kezar, yolg'iz qizini izlar,
Father walks the streets, looking for his lonely daughter,
Yillar ortidan yillar quvar.
Years after years pass.
O'n besh yil o'tib, qaytib keldi qiz uyga,
Fifteen years later, the girl came home,
Uyda hech kim yo'q, savol javobsiz nega?
There was no one at home, what was the reason?
Yugurib borib to'g'ridagi qo'shniga, deb so'radi:
She ran to her next-door neighbor and asked:
—Qani ota-onam mani?
—"Where are my parents?
Sog'-omonmisan o'zing?
Are you well?
Qaylarda eding?
Where were you?
Nega bunchalar yo'q bo'lib ketding?
Why have you been gone for so long?
Ular endi yo'q, ularni topolmaysan,
They're gone, you won't find them,
Ular ham seni izlab ketdilar, topolmaysan.
They also went looking for you, they couldn't find you.
Bedor kechalar, bedor-bedor kechalar,
Sleepless nights, sleepless-sleepless nights,
O'tdi seni izlab, o'tdi seni izlab.
Passed looking for you, passed looking for you.
Bedor kechalar, bedor-bedor kechalar,
Sleepless nights, sleepless-sleepless nights,
Ota ko'cha kezar, yolg'iz qizini izlar.
Father walks the streets, looking for his lonely daughter.
Yurak bizlarni olib ketar.
Our hearts will take us away.

Авторы: zafar qodirov

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