Ummon - Azob - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ummon - Azob

Gapirma jim! o′z ko'zlarim bilan ko′rdim,
Don't speak, be quiet! I saw it with my own eyes,
Yo'limdan qoch xammasidan to'yib kettim.
Get out of my way, I'm tired of everything.
Necha bora xiyonat lekin kechiraverardim sevganim sabab,
So many betrayals, but I kept forgiving because I loved you,
Meni unut bugundan boshlab.
Forget me from now on.
Ketarman lekin nimadir mani ortimga tortar,
I'm leaving, but something pulls me back,
Lek ishonaman bir kun yurak uni unitar.
But I believe that one day my heart will forget her.
Xayotda xatoyim bo′ldi sani uchratganim,
My mistake in life was meeting you,
Undan xam battari buldi sani sevib qolganim.
Even worse was falling in love with you.
Lekin tolib qolgan sabir kosam,
But my cup of patience has run dry,
Ketaman izlab yordam yuragim to′xtab bulgan.
I'm leaving, seeking help, my heart has stopped beating.
Qollarim ko'ksimga ko′ysam o'lsam,
If I put my hands on my chest - I will die,
Qo′llarim qon, osha qonda xam seni visoling namoyon.
My hands are covered in blood, and even in that blood, your presence is evident.
Endi yuragim urmasa kimga xam kerak man,
Now that my heart doesn't beat, who needs me,
Yuragim san bilan qoldi, sanga kerakmasman.
My heart stayed with you, you don't need me.
O'zi kerak bo′lganmi? Bu dunyoda bir zum,
Did you ever need me? In this world for a moment,
A xech bo'lmasa sog'inganmiding bir kun.
Did you at least miss me for a day.
Ko′zlarim xiralashdi yuragim umuman yo′q,
My eyes are blurry, my heart is completely gone,
Astalab kun botardi orqaga esa yo'l yo′q.
The sun was slowly setting, and there was no way back.
Ko'chada qish kunlari manga yomon sovuq,.
The winter days on the streets are bitterly cold to me,
Shunda xam seni eslardim sanga qizig′I yo'q,.
Even then, I remembered you, you have no interest.
Sanga qizig′i bo'lmasa kimga qizig'i bor,
If you have no interest, who does,
Axir sandan ortik bu dunyoda kimim bor,
After all, besides you, who do I have in this world,
San xam mendan vos kechding endi menda xech yo′q.
You also abandoned me, now I have nothing.
Mani uyqumkeladi lekin ko′chada sovuq.
Sleepiness overcomes me, but it's cold outside.
Agar xozir uxlasam Uyg'onmasligim tayin,
If I fall asleep now, it's certain I won't wake up,
Ko′karib ketdi lablarim chidayolmadim.
My lips turned blue, I couldn't bear it.
Ko'zlarim yumildi yaxnab qolgan kipriklarim,
My eyes closed, my eyelashes stuck together,
Bir biriga ulandi xammasi bugun tugadi...
Everything is connected, it all ends today...
Ko′zlarim ochilganda qandaydir xonadonda yotardim bir o'zim,
When I opened my eyes, I was lying alone in some house,
Chamasi yarim soatdan keyin kirib keldi begona insonlar.
About half an hour later, strangers came in.
Lekin mehirga tola ko′zlar meni asrab qoldi 18 yoshli go'zal.
But eyes full of compassion, a beautiful 18-year-old saved me.
Oradan o'tardi kunlar lekin lekin mani qiynardi o′sha o′ylar,
Days passed, but those thoughts tormented me,
Xatto begona insonchali bo'lolmading menga,
You couldn't even be like a stranger to me,
Shu begona insonlar malxam bo′ldi dardimga,
These strangers became a balm for my pain,
18 yoshli qiz tuyg'usi mani uyg′otdi,
The feelings of the 18-year-old girl awakened me,
Agar shu qiz bo'lmaganda borardim qayoqga.
If it weren't for this girl, where would I have gone.
Mexribon ekan qutqardi mani o′limdan,
She was kind and saved me from death,
O'sha kuni baxt uchradi manzili yo'q yo′ldan,
That day, happiness met me on a path with no destination,
Astalab sekin unga tushdi ko′nglim unga berdim mexrim.
Slowly, my heart fell for her, I gave her my affection.
Lek yuragim berolmadim .
But I couldn't give my heart.
Chunki o'sha ayanchli kun yurak qoldi senda,
Because on that terrible day, my heart stayed with you,
Azob-u uqubatdan ortiq ne qoldi menda,
What is left of me besides torment and suffering,
Lekin esingdan chiqarma bir kun kelib boraman.
But don't forget, one day I will come.
Sanda qolib ketgan yuragim qaytib olaman,
I will take back the heart that I left with you,
Sani oshiqlaringdam endi mani kamim yo′q .
Among your lovers, I am no less now.
Manda mashina bor kiyim kechaklarim ko'p
I have a car, I have many clothes and shoes,
Axir sega yoqmasmidi kimda mashina bo′lsa
After all, why didn't you like someone who had a car,
Kimda kiyimlari ko'p xar kuni almashtirsa
Someone who had a lot of clothes and changed them every day,
O′sha payt man netay sharoitim bo'lmagan
Back then, I didn't have such conditions,
Axir sen emasmiding mani shu kuyga slogan
After all, weren't you the one who brought me to this state,
Bugun kun botib sani oldingga boraman
Today, when the sun sets, I will come to you,
Senda qolib ketgan yuragim qaytib olaman
I will take back the heart that I left with you,
Yaqinlashganim sari san tomonga
As I got closer to you,
Ich-ichimdan to'lib ketdim negadir xayajonga
For some reason, I was filled with excitement,
Eshik oldida turib ozgina shoshilmadim
Standing at the door, I didn't rush,
Avval uying atrofiga nazar tashladim
First, I looked around your house,
Xammayoq isqirt edi umuman qaralmagan,
Everything was dirty, completely neglected,
Bu yerda xalovat tugab yovuzlik xukum surgan.
Peace had left this place, and evil reigned.
O′ylanib qoldimda so′ngra bostim tugmani,
I thought for a moment, then pressed the button,
U esa chiqib keldi ko'zlarida yoshlari.
You came out with tears in your eyes.
Yoshini ko′rib ichimdan suyinib ketdim,.
Seeing your state, I rejoiced inside,
Axir mani axvolimga u achinmagan edi,
After all, you didn't pity me,
O'ylab ko′rsam manga u yuragni keragi yo'q,
If I think about it, I don't need that heart,
Manda boshqa yurag manga o′sha yurak kerak,
I have another heart, I need that heart,
Senda qolib ketganini o'zingga olib qo'y,
Keep the one that I left with you,
Unga sandan boshqa xech kim sig′maydi bilib qo′y,
No one else but you can fit in it, know that,
Keyin chiqib ketdim ortimni o'girib,
Then I left, turning my back,
U esa ortimdan chiqdi yalinib yolvorib.
You came out after me, begging and pleading.
Lekin seni kechirmayman bu dunyoda xech qachon
But I will never forgive you in this world,
Axir sani sevganman deb o′ldirib ketding mani...
After all, you almost killed me by saying you loved me...
Gapirma jim! o'z ko′zlarim bilan ko'rdim,
Don't speak, be quiet! I saw it with my own eyes,
Yo′limdan qoch xammasidan to'yib kettim.
Get out of my way, I'm tired of everything.
Necha bora xiyonat lekin kechiraverardim sevganim sabab,
So many betrayals, but I kept forgiving because I loved you,
Meni unut bugundan boshlab.
Forget me from now on.

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