Ummon - Do'st - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ummon - Do'st

Do′st, hayot bizni sinovga tashladi,
My friend, life has tested us,
Kim do'st, kim dushman, ajratmadi.
Who is a friend and who is an enemy, it has not separated.
Do′st, hayot ko'zlarimni yoshladi,
My friend, life has filled my eyes with tears,
Rahm-shafqatsiz jazoladi.
It punishes me mercilessly.
Rizqini bo'lishgan, haqqimni yemagan,
Those who shared their food, did not eat my share,
Yonimda tik turgan do′st, do′st.
A friend who stood by me is a true friend.
Onam betob bo'lsa, men kabi qayg′urgan,
When my mother is in trouble, those who care like me,
Yonimda tik turgan do'st, aziz do′st.
A friend who stood by me is a dear friend.
Yonginamda yon bo'lgan,
Who were close to me in the fire,
Yoshligim birga o′tgan,
Who spent their youth with me,
Yesa bo'lishib yegan do'st, do′st.
A friend who shared his food, is a true friend.
Oqibat qalbda yashasin albat,
Let them live in your heart forever,
Vaqt o′tib, do'stga do′st muhtoj bo'ladi albatta.
In time, you will definitely need a friend.
Yuztuban mol-dunyo, boylik quliga aylandimi,
Your face is a slave to wealth and property,
Bir kun kelib, aniq qolar g′aflatda.
One day you will definitely be forgotten.
Avval o'yla, topiladi mayli pul, boylik,
Think first, you can find money, wealth,
Munosabat buzildimi, tiklash qiyindir do′stlik.
If the relationship is broken, it is difficult to restore the friendship.
Axir do'stlik ila hayoting ham bo'lar mazmunli,
Ultimately, your life will also be meaningful with friendship,
Haqiqiy do′stlar ko′p emas, bo'lar ekan sanoqli.
There are not many true friends, there will be only a few.
Og′ir kuningda yoningda bo'ladigan bu kim?
Who will be there for you in your difficult times?
Soxta do′stlar esa baxona topib, turar jim.
Fake friends just find excuses and stay silent.
Ba'zilar yoningda paydo bo′lar bo'lsa foyda,
Some appear by your side when there is a benefit,
Haqiqiylari tayyor turar har vaqt, har joyda.
The real ones are always there.
Chin do'stlarim, sizlardan bir umrga minnatdorman,
My real friends, I will be grateful to you all my life,
Yaxshi-yomon kunlaringizda doimo men borman.
In your good and bad times, I will always be there for you.
O′rtamizda mustahkam ishonch buzilmasa bas,
If the trust between us remains unbroken,
Haqiqiy do′stlik boylik bilan hech ham o'lchanmas.
True friendship cannot be measured by wealth.
Rizqini bo′lishgan, haqqimni yemagan,
Those who shared their food, did not eat my share,
Yonimda tik turgan do'st, do′st.
A friend who stood by me is a true friend.
Onam betob bo'lsa, men kabi qayg′urgan,
When my mother is in trouble, those who care like me,
Yonimda tik turgan do'st, aziz do'st.
A friend who stood by me is a dear friend.
Yonginamda yon bo′lgan,
Who were close to me in the fire,
Yoshligim birga o′tgan,
Who spent their youth with me,
Yesa bo'lishib yegan do′st, do'st.
A friend who shared his food, is a true friend.

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