Ummon - Ko'ngil - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ummon - Ko'ngil

Qiynaladi dil, sog'inib ko'ngil seni,
My heart aches, missing you,
Yolvordim deya, jonginam, qutqar meni.
I've begged you, sweetheart, save me.
Yozdim minglab xat, bir dona javob kelmas,
I've written thousands of letters, not a single reply,
Bir so'zsiz ayon, men senga ortiq kerakmas.
A wordless message, I'm no longer important to you.
Qiynalar dil, og'rib ko'ngil,
My heart aches, yearning for you,
Qiynalmadi ham u, alam qilgani shu.
It would not ache like this, if it had not been broken.
Qiynalar dil, og'rib ko'ngil,
My heart aches, yearning for you,
Qiynalmadi ham u, alam qilgani shu.
It would not ache like this, if it had not been broken.
Qachonlardir bir birimizsiz ololmasdik nafas,
Once upon a time, we couldn't breathe without each other,
Ishongim kelmas, endi man senga kerakmas.
I can't believe I'm no longer needed by you.
Atrofimni egallab oldi qandaydir ko'rinmas qafas,
Some invisible cage has taken over my surroundings,
Shu qafas bermas olishga nafas.
This cage doesn't let me breathe.
Yozdim minglab xatlar, bergin deb yordam,
I've written thousands of letters, asking for your help,
Kutdim minglab dardlarimga malham, kelmadi javob ham.
I've waited for a balm for my thousand pains, but no answer came.
Faqat sen va men deb o'ylardim shu kungacha,
I used to think it was just you and me until today,
Ammo afsus, adashib yurgan ekanman bugungacha.
But unfortunately, I've been mistaken all along.
O'tkazilgan shuncha yil, alam tirnab bag'rimni yirtmoqtadir,
All those years we spent, pain tears at my heart,
Yurak kechir, man uni sevardim jonimdan ortiq.
Forgive me, my heart, I loved him more than my own life.
Bugun esa ketdim bir chetda qolib,
Today I'm left alone in a corner,
Yurak man adashdim, mani kechir,
My heart, I was mistaken, forgive me,
Oldinda sog'inchlardan battarrog'i kutmoqtadir.
Even greater longing awaits you ahead.
Qiynalar dil, og'rib ko'ngil,
My heart aches, yearning for you,
Qiynalmadi ham u, alam qilgani shu.
It would not ache like this, if it had not been broken.
Qiynalar dil, og'rib ko'ngil,
My heart aches, yearning for you,
Qiynalmadi ham u, alam qilgani s
It would not ache like this, if it had not been broken.

Авторы: zohid riskiyev

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