Ummon - Sog'ina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ummon - Sog'ina

Missing You
Kunlar o'tgan sari so'lib borar edim,
As the days pass by I fade away,
Qaytishingga ishonib she'rlar bitar edim.
Hoping for your return I finish poems.
She'rlarimda ikkimiz eng baxtlilarmiz,
In my poems we are the happiest,
Hayotdagi eng go'zal taqdirlarmiz.
The most beautiful destinies in life.
Afsus bular oddiy qog'ozga bitilgan she'rlar,
Alas these are poems written on plain paper,
Hayotda eslamaganiga bo'ldi anchalar.
Not remembered in life.
Qanchalar sog'inganimni bilsa edi,
If you only knew how much I missed you,
Qay ahvolga solib ketganini ko'rsa edi...
If you only saw what state you put me in...
Kuta-kuta she'rlarimni suvlarga ag'darib yubordim,
Waiting and waiting I threw my poems into the water,
Bir kun keladi degan umiddan tondim.
I lost hope that one day you will come.
Oxir ishondim qaytmasligingga,
Finally I believed that you wouldn't come back,
Jonim inondim yog'onlaringga.
My soul believed your lies.
Alvido, ko'zimda yosh, bag'ritosh,
Goodbye, with tears in my eyes, heart broken,
Sen eding bag'rimni yoritib turgan quyosh.
You were the sun that illuminated my heart.
Oramizdagi ishonch qayda qoldi?!
Where did the trust between us go?!
Tunlar dil sog'inib o'tda yondi
Nights my heart burned with longing
Sog'ina, sog'ina, sog'ina
Missing you, missing you, missing you
Osmonlarga qaradim ovuna,
I looked up to the heavens in hope,
Yulduzlar menga taskin beradi,
The stars give me comfort,
Unutarman og'rina, og'rina.
I will forget the pain, the pain.
Og'rina, og'rina, og'rina,
The pain, the pain, the pain,
Osmonlarga qaradim ovuna
I looked up to the heavens in hope
Yulduzlar menga taskin beradi
The stars give me comfort
Unutarman sog'ina sog'ina...
I will forget the missing you missing you...
Alvido bo'ldi tamom, ko'ngil ishon,
It's over, my heart believes,
Endi u qaytmaydi hech qachon.
She will never come back.
Tugadi sevgi sahifasi,
The page of love is finished,
Qalbimning rishtasi mani tark etdi - yuragim farishtasi,
The strings of my heart left me - my angel of the heart,
Sanga ishonar edim jonim,
I believed in you with my soul,
Ishonchimni ustida izlaring janonim.
My trust is marked with your traces.
Qaysi qilgan aybim uchun o'girding yuz?
For what sin did you turn your face?
San bilan suhbat qurgim kelganida yuzma-yuz.
When I wanted to talk to you face to face.
Sur'ating bilan sirlashib yotar edim afsus,
I used to confide in your picture, alas,
Savollarimga javob qolaverar edi.
My questions would remain unanswered.
Kunlar o'tgani sari u mani unutar edi,
As the days passed she forgot me,
Yurak sezar edi bari bo'ldi tamom.
My heart felt that it was all over.
Har tong uyg'onganimda sog'inch azobidan to'kilaman,
Every morning I wake up in agony from longing,
O'sha menman - sariq hazon.
It's me - the yellow autumn.
Osmon, jondan sog'inganimni kimga aytay?
Oh heavens, to whom shall I tell my longing from my soul?
Atrofimda do'stdan ko'ra dushman talay.
Around me there are more enemies than friends.
Go'yo u ham menga dushmanday...
As if she were my enemy too...
Sog'ina, sog'ina, sog'ina
Missing you, missing you, missing you
Osmonlarga qaradim ovuna,
I looked up to the heavens in hope,
Yulduzlar menga taskin beradi,
The stars give me comfort,
Unutarman og'rina, og'rina.
I will forget the pain, the pain.
Og'rina, og'rina, og'rina,
The pain, the pain, the pain,
Osmonlarga qaradim ovuna.
I looked up to the heavens in hope.
Yulduzlar menga taskin beradi,
The stars give me comfort,
Unutarman sog'ina sog'ina...
I will forget the missing you missing you...

Авторы: Zilola Bakhodyrovna Musaeva

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