Unikkatil & The Bloody Alboz feat. Vz - Un E Di Kush Jom - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Unikkatil & The Bloody Alboz feat. Vz - Un E Di Kush Jom

Un E Di Kush Jom
Who I Am
Background singing 2x
Background singing 2x
Kogja kom shukat kit sen e ndi sa her vi pi gjuj kejt mrapa
I've been searching for this feeling for a while, how many times I've snapped when I feel it, everything is behind
Dojn mu shty po kejt do fmi si infrakt un kejt i kapa
They wanna push me but all these kids are like heart attacks, I capture them all
Yeah yo yo
Yeah yo yo
Ky sen shkon per krejt juve motherfuckaz
This is for all you motherfuckaz
Qe po hani e mut epo folni e spo dini kurgjo
That are eating shit and talking but don't know shit
Ju muni me fol muni me fol sa t'doni
You can talk, you can talk as much as you want
Veq une e di kush jom na e dina kush jena motherfuckin pussys
Only I know who I am, we know who we are motherfuckin pussys
You can't fuck with T.B.A feel me yeah
You can't fuck with T.B.A feel me yeah
Ma shqipe Vz UniKKaTiL deshira per rap
In Albanian Vz UniKKaTiL desire for rap
A thu albumi ish kon komplet pa KATILIN
Tell me, was the album complete without KATIL?
Shqipet e presin ket kang si gjebrailin
Albanians are waiting for this song like Gabriel
U kon n'plan hajvan shtine tash n'kry
It was planned, the animal is now in charge
Pa RREBELIN me qit helmin albumi kurr nuk ish kry
Without RREBEL to release the poison, the album was never finished
M'ka met n'sy ni pik loti z'do me dal
I met a teardrop in my eye, it wants to come out
Sosht pikllim o burrim per me kall
It's not sadness, man, it's to fight
Po sa t'jem gjall simbolizojm fitore
As long as we're alive, we symbolize victory
Mos dost perball se dirigjojm per vorre
Don't face me because I'm heading for the grave
Si kjo fletore me fjal krrreshtore
Like this sheet with rhyming words
Kontrroloj hulumtoj fell metafore
Control research felt metaphor
Nashta gjon diqka qe t'traumatizon
Maybe something that traumatizes you
T'le me pytje dost ku pergjigjja s'egziston
Leaves you with questions, dude, where the answer doesn't exist
Shqipe kush jom e di une vet
Albanian, who I am, only I know
Vetbesim deri n'fund e kush do le t'flet
Self-confidence until the end and who will let you speak
Se rrena krejt jon, e di po gjelozon
They are all lies, I know you're jealous
Tana t'zezat un mi pas ti prap mu m'kopjon
I have your blacks today, you copy me later
Ref: 2x UniKKaTiL
Ref: 2x UniKKaTiL
Munesh me thon qe jom pis mund t'thu qe jom harom
You can say that I'm dirty, you can say that I'm forgotten
Mund t'thu qe jom tuc e hiç trimni nuk kom
You can say that I'm weak and have no courage
Mund t'thu qe sjom kerkush mund t'thu qe m'bon dom
You can say that I'm nobody, you can say that I'm stupid
Mund t'thu qa dush po un e di kush jom
You can say whatever you want, but I know who I am
E kom ni shko qiju tung per ta qe si era kan ndrru
I have a school that is hard for those who have changed like the wind
E kom dashni shum per kta qe ala jon me mu
I have a lot of love for those who are with me
Edhe pse noshta t'mirat kurr sun ja kthej
Even though maybe I can never return the good deeds
Ngo knej ni pjes t'vogel n'zemer per te ton e gjej
Here's a small part in my heart that I find for you
Thuj bulashav qe po thojn qe sen sish UniKKaTi
Tell the bullshitters who are saying that UniKKaTi is nothing
Po qa karin tem kerkush ala se shukati
But nobody cares about my shit
O gilipter pa karakter hajt a m'del fer
Oh characterless sucker get out of my face
Veq feri jem o dallaver une t'boj terr
Only my anger, you hustler, I make you dark
U bonen 4 vjet qe n'ket qim nane u ktheva
It's been 4 years since I returned to this mother's womb
Kejt thojn jom hata un as sun u nxeva
Everyone says I'm wrong, I couldn't even get angry
Sa ndjenja theva kallxoi qa njeva
How many feelings I broke, I told what I learned
Qimt e nanes kan me organizu greva
Mother's children have to organize strikes
Vdekje VIKTORIT duhet me fundos
VIKTOR's death must be sunk
Veq kurthat qi mi boni ma mir duni mi persos
Only the bitches who make me better want to perfect me
Kjo porosi n'shishe po nuk pe gjuj n'deti
This order in a bottle but not thrown into the sea
Enisit po ja dho me kap me marr n'Kosov me veti
Enis is washing it, I'll catch it, take it to Kosovo with me
Ref: 2x UniKKaTiL
Ref: 2x UniKKaTiL
Munesh me thon qe jom pis mund t'thu qe jom harom
You can say that I'm dirty, you can say that I'm forgotten
Mund t'thu qe jom tuc e hiç trimni nuk kom
You can say that I'm weak and have no courage
Mund t'thu qe sjom kerkush mund t'thu qe m'bon dom
You can say that I'm nobody, you can say that I'm stupid
Mund t'thu qa dush po un e di kush jom
You can say whatever you want, but I know who I am
Shqipe UniKKaT legjend qe hecin n'tok
Albanian UniKKaT legend buried in the ground
Hip-Hop-i osht lidh me Zinxhir ne shok
Hip-Hop is connected with Zinxhir as friends
Kjo epok e pergjakt t'ka ardh deri te dera
This bloody era has come to your door
Qele deren shqipe se perrq po ti vjen era
Open the door, Albanian, because you smell like shit
Jena thjesh Nr.1 t'komplikum deri n'fund
We are simply No. 1 complicated to the end
Kena ardh pa okupu qytet e katund
We came without occupying cities and villages
Mos vet se kush jom kur e din kush jom un
Don't ask yourself who I am when you know who I am
Po ma nin emrin n'kater ant e Kosoves more cun
They are calling my name in four corners of Kosovo, boy
Shko n'Vushtrri ta njohin Vz-in qe reprezenton
Go to Vushtrri to meet Vz who represents
Shko n'Prishtin ta njohin Makfiozin hon e don
Go to Pristina to meet Makfiozi, the honor loves him
Shko per reth t'Kosoves ta njohin SHQIPEN E PERGJAKT
Go around Kosovo to meet THE BLOODY ALBANIAN
Njonin e katilave njoni i qart
Some are boilers, some are clear
Ma nalt se na ska ku raki dost me kon
Higher than us, there is nowhere for brandy, friend, to be
Veq nese des dost e qi nonen dikun n'hon
Unless you want to, friend, and fuck your mom somewhere in the honor
Po deri at'her shqipe shihem n'ahiret
But until then, Albanian, see you in the afterlife
Kallxoj nahes e babes ishalla djali per xhenet
Tell my dad and mom, hopefully the son for paradise
Ref: 2x UniKKaTiL
Ref: 2x UniKKaTiL
Munesh me thon qe jom pis mund t'thu qe jom harom
You can say that I'm dirty, you can say that I'm forgotten
Mund t'thu qe jom tuc e hiç trimni nuk kom
You can say that I'm weak and have no courage
Mund t'thu qe sjom kerkush mund t'thu qe m'bon dom
You can say that I'm nobody, you can say that I'm stupid
Mund t'thu qa dush po un e di kush jom
You can say whatever you want, but I know who I am
You motherfuckes thought i was dead, didn't ya
You motherfuckes thought I was dead, didn't ya
Me and ma shqipe Vz UniKKaTiL Motherfucker
Me and ma shqipe Vz UniKKaTiL Motherfucker

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