Unikkatil - Kanuni I Katilit Intro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Unikkatil - Kanuni I Katilit Intro

Kanuni I Katilit Intro
Kanuni I Katilit Intro
Eyo sot jom kon n'kish i thash dy tri lutje
Hey soul, come closer, I have a few things to tell you,
I thash kti dostit nalt nimom me vazhdu tutje
I told this tall friend of mine, "I won't continue with you."
E um m'ra ni pik shi n'form realiteti
And she gave me a drop of reality,
Tha ti djal i mir pse lyp drit pi kijameti
Said, "Good boy, why do you seek light from doomsday?"
Jeta si makush po ngajke shpejt
Life is like a spindle, spinning fast,
Nga jeta ni jet shtir mos me tu bo njejt
Don't become the same from a false life.
Po apet ka dallim qfar ardhmerie kom
But still, there's a difference in the future I have,
Edhe pse t'qon n'stom mandej gjun t'bon llom
Even if it takes you to your knees and makes you a river.
Edhe kurdo ka me ndodh veq ni dallim
And whenever it happens, there's only one difference,
Do pi neve keshin e do shkojn n'pikllim
They will take the money and go to waste.
Ata qe hekin buzen n'gaz folin qa menojn
Those who open their mouths with joy speak what they think,
Se e din qe fjalt e tyne pergjithmon ekzitojn
Because they know their words always exist.
Dost mos harro nderton kta mitila
Friend, don't forget, they build these myths,
Jon do t'rrall qe qellojn katila
There are few who are truly courageous.
Qe kan ma shum se veq ni qellim ne jet
Those who have more than one purpose in life,
E Veq n'andrra tyne mun me pa naj dit t'qet
And only in their dreams can they see a peaceful day.
E di qe ka shum pengesa shtir u kujdesa
I know there are many obstacles, I pretended to care,
Jeta e KATILIT u kan plot ngatrresa
The life of KATIL has been full of troubles,
Se sat jom gjall un nuk di mu nal un
As long as I'm alive, I don't know how to stop,
Si dukagjini e pruna e thurra ni kanun
Like Dukagjini, I wrote and wove a Kanun.
Naten flej ma mir kur kom heker ngat
I sleep better at night when I have a gun close,
Se gjithmon dikush bon plan mem lon sakat
Because someone always has a plan to leave me crippled.
Po spo thom qe jom urtu se me men jom hala hajvan
But I'm not saying I'm wise, because in my mind I'm still a beast,
Kan inat qe refuzoj sene si politikan
They're angry that I reject things like a politician.
Nime kom selom per kta n'politik
Now I have disdain for those in politics,
Kosoves i thojn non po e shohin si karrik
They call Kosovo their mother but see it as a chair.
E nese do me dit me kon jom qe ngo
And if you want to know who I am,
Rrall me te ton e shpesh me asnjo
Rarely with yours and often with no one.
S'kom qa me bo shoh gabime n'kejt
I have nothing to do, I see mistakes in everything,
Shoh edhe dredhina aty ku doket drejt
I also see tricks where it seems straight.
Ironi kejt ska njeri te shejt
Irony, everyone, there is no holy person,
Mytuni te ton osht qendrimi a ki vrejt
Drowning in yours is the attitude, have you noticed?
Rreth trollit tem ni shej mun me pa
Around my troll, you can see a sign,
Mezash per t'panjofshem me shkel ki mu vra
The way to step on the untouchable is to kill yourself.
M'vjen keq qe ngushllime pa faj n'paq me shku
I'm sorry for the innocent condolences,
Po natyra jem s'um len kuj me i besu
But my nature doesn't let me trust anyone.
E di qe ka shum pengesa shtir u kujdesa
I know there are many obstacles, I pretended to care,
Jeta e KATILIT u kan plot ngatrresa
The life of KATIL has been full of troubles,
Se sat jom gjall un nuk di mu nal un
As long as I'm alive, I don't know how to stop,
Si dukagjini e pruna e thurra ni kanun
Like Dukagjini, I wrote and wove a Kanun.
Durimin e kom shok moti kto ka her
Patience has been my friend for a long time,
Edhe fjalen ruju e kom bo kogja haver
And keeping my word, I've made it quite a habit.
Abstrakt i kom shok se konkret ka rrall
The abstract is my friend because there's rarely concrete,
Shumica gjujn kerozin met pa tu kall
Most shoot kerosene without telling you.
Rregullat e mija kogja majr mu pom rujn
My rules are quite strict to be followed,
Po apet s'muj me pa bash qdo kurth qe ma gjujn
But still, I can't see every trap they throw at me.
Se jon sikur gjom nuk shihet ngulesh sikur zog
Because they are like shadows, they can't be seen, they pierce like birds,
A un e kam voglushin te mami n'strofullog
And I have my little one at my mom's in a stroller.
Ndoshta don Zoti jetoj e shum burr
Maybe God wants me to live a long life,
Po edhe n'shkofsha n'bot tjeter apet se lo kurr
But even if I go to another world, I still won't play.
Mat shtir se tash po vi me ni kontradit
Don't worry, I'm coming with a contract now,
Nuk ma nin per mu po per ty po du me prit
I don't care about myself, but for you, I want to wait.
Si arusha n'ver e si nana kur pret fmit
Like a bear in spring and a mother waiting for her child,
Ose si Kosova qe pret PAVARSIN
Or like Kosovo waiting for INDEPENDENCE.
S'ka shqipe kom thon kom me lon ferkem
No Albanian, I said, will leave my furrow,
E di qe ka shum pengesa shtir u kujdesa
I know there are many obstacles, I pretended to care,
Jeta KATILIT u kon plot ngatrresa
The life of KATIL has been full of troubles,
Se sat jom gjall un nuk di mu nal un
As long as I'm alive, I don't know how to stop,
Si dukagjin e pruna e thurra ni kanun
Like Dukagjini, I wrote and wove a Kanun.
Mos e le kurr kerkon met thon qe smundesh me bo diqka shoki
Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something, friend,
Duhesh me pas vullnetin forca
You need to have the will and strength,
Tona here njerzt kan munu me t'nal
People have tried to stop me,
Po puna eshte qe ti mos mi lon met nal
But the thing is, you shouldn't let them stop you.
You know what I'm saying
You know what I'm saying
Gjdo njeri ka zemer rrall dokush qe e perdor ate zemër
Everyone has a heart, few people use that heart,
Po ti duhesh me rujt se eshte i vetmi send qe e ki
But you have to protect it because it's the only thing you have.

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