Utsu-P - しゃよう - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Utsu-P - しゃよう

Say You Love Me
I want to tear apart the earthly play
And cram the filth of this life onto a train
終電に乗っかって 座席に寄っかって
Hop on the last train, lean on the seat
The fate of the teeming planet
惰性で走る のらりくらりと
Running on inertia, in a daze
Thunder roars at 1am
妖しく灯りが明々と 佇む微笑の老紳士
Lights shine ominously, the smiling old man stands there
“No matter where you go, there is no fork in the road, just tracks to run on.”
From the day you were born, demons have been attacking, it is your destiny
逃れ逃れて辿り着くワケもなく どこにある終着駅
Running and running, but there is no destination, where is the final station?
燃え上がらないまま 燃え尽きてゆくのかな
Won't burn out, will just smolder away
走る走る電車の中で 窓に映る醜い姿
Running, running on the train, the ugly face reflected in the window
曇る曇る私の顔は 少しばかり面白いです
My face is clouding over, it's a little funny
Clinging to an unknown hope
Putting on airs of desire
There's nothing I'm guilty of
But I want to run away
In the shadows of the passing telephone poles
I envy the sleeping stray cats
妖しく灯りが明々と 佇む微笑の老紳士
Lights shine ominously, the smiling old man stands there
“This train cannot transfer, be sure not to miss the time to get off.”
錆び付き軋む車輌の中 朝が遠くて眠りたい
In the rusted, creaking carriage, morning is far away, I want to sleep
頭を掻き毟りながら 滲み出た感情を押し殺す
Scratching my head, suppressing the emotions that are seeping out
燃え上がらないまま 燃え尽きてゆくのだろう
I'll probably just smolder away without burning out
堪え堪え世界の揺れに 私の未来ここに無いけど
Enduring, enduring the shaking of the world, my future is not here
恨み辛み書散らしても 慰みにもならないだろう
Even if I write out my resentments and bitterness, it won't bring me comfort
毎度の毎度 身の丈比べ 性根の仕様にして候
Comparing myself to others all the time, it's what I'm made of
毎日毎日元気に病んで 貞操観念貪る子
Sick and getting sicker every day, a child of greed
迷子よ迷子 思想と言葉 教養の仕様にして候
Lost, lost in thought and word, it's what I'm made of
最後の最後で本性病んで 自ら省み命を経つ
In the end, my true nature will come out, I'll reflect on myself and take my own life
毎度の毎度 身の丈比べ 性根の仕様にして候
Comparing myself to others all the time, it's what I'm made of
毎日毎日元気に病んで 貞操観念貪る子
Sick and getting sicker every day, a child of greed
迷子よ迷子 思想と言葉 教養の仕様にして候
Lost, lost in thought and word, it's what I'm made of
And in the very, very end
情けなくなっても 燃え上がらないのなら
Even if I feel sorry for myself, I won't burn out
走る走る電車の中で 見栄も夢もかなぐり捨てて
Running, running on the train, throwing away my pride and dreams
耐える耐える私の顔は 少しばかり面白いです
My face, enduring, enduring, is a little funny

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