V6 - 太陽のあたる場所 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский V6 - 太陽のあたる場所

A Place in the Sun
壁にきざみこんだ夢 置き忘れ 陽が沈んでから今日も目が覚め
Dreams etched into the wall, left behind, as the sun set, I woke up again today.
あれから年月はたつ 不健康なリズム ビルの影だけ 大人びる
Time has passed since then, an unhealthy rhythm, only building shadows, maturing.
いつも束 だれかそば しゃがむ道ばたに野良猫 希望むさぼり
Always in a pack, someone nearby, crouching on the side of the road like a stray cat, greedily devouring hope.
デジタルVOICEかすめる絶望 イタズラ誘惑探す感動
The digital voice obscures the despair, the prank, the search for a thrill.
大人たち昨日だけを楽しみ 世代別に価値をわけ苦しみ
Adults only enjoy yesterday, dividing value by generation, causing suffering.
消えちゃいそうな心のはばのまま 進むしかない 答えはでない
My heart is about to vanish, but I have to keep going. There is no answer.
For a while, we forgot how to laugh.
Let's remember the future now.
Beyond this path,
The dream continues.
It's okay to take a detour,
To our own brilliance.
毎日が過ぎてく流れるまま 同じ道歩きたくないわがまま
Every day passes by, flowing as it will. I don't want to walk the same path, it's selfish.
丸くなるには まだ早い少し けど勇気無し それじゃフリダシ
It's too early to settle down, but I'm not brave enough. That's where I started.
傷だらけの汗で夕暮れまで 肩をならべ走った道の上に
On the trail where we ran shoulder to shoulder until dusk, drenched in sweat and scars.
瑯石でかいたあの太陽は 雨に濡れても消えなかったような
The sun we wrote with lapis lazuli never faded, even in the rain.
気がついたらバッドな雑踏 明日からまた繰り返しの格好
Before I knew it, I was in a bad crowd, repeating the same routine from tomorrow.
街のNEWSはしがらみの勲章 むだに燃焼 それじゃ殺生
The city's news is a badge of honor, burning in vain. That's killing.
When did we forget how to play?
Let's remember the future now.
No matter what happens,
When the wind smells like it, it should come true.
Throw away the heavy baggage,
To our own departure.
Beyond this path,
The dream continues.
It's okay to take a detour,
To our own brilliance.
いつもはだしのまま走り続けた 砂けむりまじり陽射しあびながら
We used to run barefoot all the time, taking in the sunshine mixed with dust.
早く大人になりたいと夢みてた 笑い絶えず 振り返らずに
I used to dream of growing up quickly, laughing all the time, without looking back.
あのときと同じ太陽をあびたい どんなときも 独りきりじゃない
I want to bask in the same sun as before, no matter what, I'm not alone.
今しかできないことは一生 夢の結晶 いつか実証
What can only be done now is a lifetime of dream crystals, someday proven.
Beyond this path,
The dream continues.
It's okay to take a detour,
To our own brilliance.
くじけそうな時こそが 始まりの滑走 走り出そう 夢のつづきがあるから
When you're about to give up, the runway starts, let's run. There's more to the dream.
明日の風になって いつまでもずっと 太陽のあたる場所で それぞれの輝きへ
Becoming the wind of tomorrow, forever and always. In a place where the sun shines, to our own brilliance.
La La La... La La La...
La La La... La La La...
La La La... La La La...
La La La... La La La...

Авторы: Banana Ice, 笹本 安詞, banana ice, 笹本 安詞

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