Vantroi - C. P. S. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Vantroi - C. P. S.

C. P. S.
C. P. S.
1994 para ser precisos
1994 to be exact
Por querer modernizarnos
Because we wanted to modernize
Se agarraron bien macizo
They held on tight
Dizque por serio tratado y
Supposedly by serious treaty and
Neoliberalismo las tierras han transado
Neoliberalism the lands have been traded
En México no habrá despojo
In Mexico there will be no plunder
Decía don Salinas
Don Salinas said
Ahorita me los cojo
Right now I'll take them
Por la selva lacandona
Through the Lacandon jungle
Ricos contra mexicanos
The rich against the Mexicans
El libre comercio sirve
Free trade works
Solo a los norteamericanos
Only for the North Americans
De Chiapas a Tamaulipas
From Chiapas to Tamaulipas
Si se agacha Salinas
If Salinas ducks
Le estropearan las tripas
They will ruin his guts
Al indio ya no le gusta
The Indian doesn't like it anymore
Y con pasamontañas y con pasamontañas
And with balaclavas and with balaclavas
Lo mira y se asusta
He looks at it and is scared
Charly Pelón Salinas no sabe bien lo que pasa
Charly Pelón Salinas doesn't know what's going on
No pudo atrapar gallinas
He couldn't catch chickens
Menos defender la raza
Let alone defend the race
Éntrale gringo y no salgas
Come on gringo and don't leave
Decía don Salinas
Don Salinas said
Yo te daré las nalgas
I'll give you my ass
Help, Help caman riches
Help, Help caman riches
Ya me llegan los indios
The Indians are coming
Vengan no me sean tan pinches
Come on don't be so fucking mean
¿Cuanta sangre derramada
How much spilled blood
Dignificará esta tierra?
Will dignify this land?
Si no respetan al indio
If they don't respect the Indian
Les vamos a dar mas guerras
We're going to give them more wars
Indios de todo el estado
Indians from all over the state
Decía don Salinas
Don Salinas said
Me roban mi ganado
They steal my cattle
Indios en sus madrigueras
Indians in their dens
Decía don Salinas
Don Salinas said
Se roban mis fronteras
They steal my borders
Si dicen que soy un bandido
If they say I'm a bandit
Por defender mi casta
For defending my caste
Las pruebas yo les pido
I ask for the evidence
Charly Pelón Salinas
Charly Pelón Salinas
Sacó a leches a los gringos
Milked the gringos
También su carabina
Also his carbine
Que muera por Plutócrata y culero
Let him die as a fat cat and asshole
Y no como a los gringos
And not as the gringos
Piquete y doble freno
Punch and double bridle
¿Cuanta sangre derramada
How much spilled blood
Dignificará esta tierra?
Will dignify this land?
Si no respetan al Indio
If they don't respect the Indian
Les vamos a dar más guerra.
We're going to give them more war.

Авторы: Dr

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