Vec - Na Horach - перевод текста песни на английский

Na Horach - Vecперевод на английский

Na Horach
On the Mountains
ma nebaví to velké hovno v telke, opadaná omietka v kúpelke a suseda čo furt klope na dvere, že ju sere, že mi hudba reve, 16 mačiek, čo sa je.
I'm tired of the big crap on TV, the peeling plaster in the bathroom, and the neighbor who keeps knocking on the door, pissed off that my music's blasting, 16 cats running around, eating everything.
ú na nádvorí-magory pome NA HORY!
Screw it, let's head to the MOUNTAINS!
Teraz ser na chleba, bereme len to čo nám ozaj treba: dosku, cash a skunk,
Forget about the bread, we're only taking what we really need: a board, cash, and some skunk,
Nejakú hudbu: reggae, rap a funk.
Some music: reggae, rap, and funk.
Uz nech sme tam.
I can't wait to get there.
Kamoši vedla na sedadle,
Buddies in the back seat,
Bratislava v spatnom zrkadle, stojíme na prvom benzínovom čerpadle, mávam kleptomanské chúťky dnes ale nejdem do toho,
Bratislava in the rearview mirror, we're at the first gas station, I'm having kleptomaniac urges today but I'm not gonna do it,
Zaplatíme, nasadáme, smer Chopok.
We pay, hop in, heading for Chopok.
Hrá kvalitna hudba, strielime jak puma, velký hazard ísť na hory na letných gumách, sme sprostí, že viac ani nejde too,
Good music's playing, we're flying like a puma, big gamble going to the mountains on summer tires, we're so stupid it's unbelievable,
Midi neodpaluj dalšie korneto.
Midi, don't light up another joint.
Samozrejme prišli sme bez snežných reťazí, sme nútení dať dole z krku zlaté klobásy.
Of course, we came without snow chains, we're forced to take off our gold chains.
Ešteže robíme rap, zas raz nas udržal v hre.
It's a good thing we do rap, it saved us once again.
A sme tu, na sebe štrikovaný svetrík s velkým sobom, s vločkami, alebo s iným oldschoolovým vzorom.
And here we are, wearing a striped sweater with a big elk, penguins, or some other old school pattern.
Rodiny s deťmi pozor večer nehráme karty a robíme bordel ked sa vracáme z party.
Families with children beware, we don't play cards at night and we make a mess when we come back from partying.
NA HORACH nemáš čas použiť zubnú pastu, tolko fajčiva a tolko chlastu
In the MOUNTAINS you don't have time to use toothpaste, so much weed and so much booze
Kto to všetko vypije?
Who's gonna drink all this?
We are!
We are!
We are!
NA HORACH kto ma najlepšie baby na bare a kto ma problém ked sa to
In the MOUNTAINS who has the hottest chicks at the bar and who's in trouble when our
Dozvedia naše staré?
Old ladies find out?
We are!
We are!
We are!
Začíname korenovicou na izbe, to nemožeš do seba liať, to len tak lízneš,
We're starting with some homemade liquor in the room, you can't chug it, you just take a sip,
Inak sa naje.
Otherwise, you'll get sick.
jak psisko, jak chudák a noc je dlhá, všetci sa tešia na disko-uáááááá.
Like a dog, like a poor thing, and the night is long, everyone is looking forward to the disco-ooooooh yeah.
Otec pije, jeho otec pil, ja tak isto pijem, vieš jako gény nezakrijem.
Father drinks, his father drank, I drink too, you know you can't hide your genes.
čo už.
What can you do?
A tak sa s chalanmi meníme na zvieratá a s nami dievčatá, ktorá je najviac ožratá?
And so, we guys turn into animals and with us the girls, who's the most wasted?
Nevadí, že neni úplne krásna nepremrhá šancu dostať niečo medzi dasná a ak neni ani pekná nemáš problém dostať sa medzi stehná, ale teraz nepi hašpogi(ale tymto vyrazom som si fuckt neni ista) .
It doesn't matter that she's not exactly beautiful, she doesn't miss a chance to get something between her teeth and if she's not even pretty, you have no problem getting between her thighs, but don't drink now, darling.
Lebo sa ti nepostaví a pekná blondína sa ti zajtra nepozdraví, ja viem každý sa baví, nikto nemyslí na ranné bolesti hlavy, to sa zajtra spraví.
Because you won't get it up and that pretty blonde won't say hello to you tomorrow, I know everyone's having fun, no one's thinking about the morning headaches, we'll deal with that tomorrow.
Hrá nám selector Šnajzi, tak ešte jeden daj si, zajtra nemilo prekvapený jak pri kinder vajci.
Selector Šnajzi is playing for us, so have another one, tomorrow you'll be unpleasantly surprised like with a Kinder egg.
Do faka všetci su K.
Everyone is K.
Rozbití na chudákov, nechcem sa videť zajtra ráno.
Trashed, I don't want to see myself tomorrow morning.
Vstáva sa ťažko, ked spíš oblečený v ruke s flaškou, prvy problém?
It's hard to get up when you sleep dressed with a bottle in your hand, first problem?
Neni mi zrovna dobre bráško, z izby aj z papule kandel jak z masoveho hrobu, jak sa pojdeš umyť nezabudni si je.
I'm not feeling so good, bro, the room reeks like a mass grave, when you go to wash up, don't forget to hit your
Núť hlavu do stropu.
Head on the ceiling.
Každý z nás sa len tak tupo díva, v týchto ťažkých chvílach pomáha slepačí vývar a potom freeride.
Each of us just stares blankly, chicken broth helps in these difficult times and then freeride.
Ciel je daný, sneh čerstvo napadaný a každý na to aj patrične nedržaný.
The goal is set, the snow freshly fallen, and everyone is appropriately unprepared.
Cestou k vleku pri bufete animatorko lyziar, ešte nedal kopec ani raz, hlavna vec že ma skipas, jak inak, tento rok ešte nestál na lyžiach,
On the way to the lift, by the buffet, there's an animator skier, he hasn't gone down the hill once, the main thing is he has a ski pass, of course, he hasn't stood on skis this year yet,
Dúfam že nedopadneme raz aj my tak.
I hope we don't end up like that one day.
Druhý problém ako sa dostať hore, ked si nechceme rozmačkať naše gule na pome, teraz keby tu bol špecialista Jožko Suchý, akcia istá-ten skúter by bol ukradnutý.
Second problem, how to get up the hill when we don't want to bruise our balls on the tow rope, now if Jožko Suchý the specialist was here, it would be a sure thing - that snowmobile would be stolen.
Vyzerá to, že After neni taký babrák, ping-pong hrá jak žena, ale teraz vybavil ratrak.
It looks like After isn't that much of a bum, he plays ping-pong like a girl, but now he's got us a snowcat.
Sme hore a síce sa to pekne vlieklo, nič nám neutieklo, čaká nás biele peklo.
We're up here and even though it was a slow crawl, we didn't miss anything, white hell awaits us.
Pri mojom šťastí zavalí ma lavína, aj tak som šťastný, aj ked ma zo včera ešte napína, aj tak sa oplatilo, toto je férový život a každý kto ostal dole piť pivo je mimo.
With my luck, an avalanche will bury me, I'm happy anyway, even though I'm still nauseous from yesterday, it was worth it, this is a fair life and anyone who stayed down to drink beer is missing out.
Úplný šmak jazda v prašane necítiš strach, čo sa stať, to sa stane.
Pure joy, riding in powder, you don't feel fear, what's meant to be will be.
Všetky tie raily, rampy, jumpy, seknute gamby budia rešpekt a ludia dole ziapu:
All those rails, ramps, jumps, chopped gambles inspire respect and the people down below are yelling:
NA HORACH sa nenosia brzdy, lebo všetci idú na doraz, či je to jazda, alebo sa chlastá, musíš sa udržať na nohách, včerajšia noc bola privítacia, dnešná bude náročná...
In the MOUNTAINS, you don't use brakes because everyone goes all out, whether it's riding or drinking, you have to stay on your feet, last night was the welcome party, tonight will be tough...
NA HORACH nemáš čas použiť zubnú pastu, tolko fajčiva a tolko chlastu
In the MOUNTAINS you don't have time to use toothpaste, so much weed and so much booze
Nestiham, o rok zas tu!! .
I'm out of time, see you next year!! .

Авторы: Branislav Kovac

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