Verba - Modelka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Verba - Modelka

Wyrwac sie z miasta, w ktore bala sie wrosnac
You tear yourself from the city, in which you were afraid to grow roots
Mowila zycie tutaj jest jak sen
You used to say life here is like a dream
Sen na sniegu w minus dwadziescia piec
A dream on the snow in minus twenty-five
Kolejny wieczor spedzala u siebie
You spent another evening at home
Chlopak wyjechal, bo sesja, czas zaliczyc semestr
Your boyfriend left, because of session, the time to pass the semester
Od miesiecy marzyla, o czym wiecej
For months you dreamt of something more
Marzyla o pasji, ktorej odda serce
You dreamt of the passion you'd give your heart to
Popularnosc, slawa, swiat blasku, modeling
Fame, popularity, the world of glamour, modelling
To cel, do ktorego musi biec
It's the goal you have to run towards
Zadzwonila do niego, dzis chyba nie zasne
You called him, I probably won't sleep tonight
Dostalam te prace, napisali mi wlasnie
I got the job, they just wrote to me
Przede mna tak wiele, musze tam pojechac
I have so much ahead, I have to go there
On gratulowal jej, to nie moze czekac
He congratulated her, you can't wait for this
Ku spelnieniu marzen, ze skromnym bagazem
Towards the fulfillment of her dreams, with modest luggage
Niczym randka w ciemno z Kuba Rozpruwaczem
Like a blind date with a Jack the Ripper
I ten wielki swiat powital ja chlodem
And this great world had greeted her with cold
Pierwsze narkotyki, nieprzespane noce
First drugs, sleepless nights
Czy zniesie to serce, pompuje zbyc ciezko
Will your heart take it, it pumps too heavily
Zmienila sie dziewczyna, ktora chciala byc modelka.
The girl, that wanted to be a model, has changed.
Czy pamietasz te dziewczyne?
Do you remember that girl?
Miala tylko krotka chwile
She only had a brief moment
Powiedziala musze isc
She said I have to go
Ile to juz dni?
How many days has it been?
Gdy zapada noc spotykam
When the night falls I meet
Jej spojrzenia na ulicach
Her gazes on the streets
W jednym zatrzymane kadrze
Stopped in one frame
Deszcz je kiedys zatrze.
The rain will wash it all away someday.
Poruszasz ramionami, delikatna jak aksamit
You sway your hands, tender like a velvet
Gdy wsrod obiektywow kaza Tobie isc
When in front of the lenses you're told to go
Usmiech namalowany na twarzy jak pergamin
The smile is painted on your face like parchment
Ty nie chcesz tak juz zyc
You don't want to live like this anymore
Obiecywali, ze bedzie pieknie
They promised it would be beautiful
Pieniadze, slawa, na okladki sesje
Money, fame, magazine shoots
Tylko schudnij jeszcze, daj z siebie troche
Just lose some weight, give it your all
Bys weszla w kiecke za szesc tysiecy zlotych
So you could fit in a dress that costs six thousand zlotys
Jak narkotyk szukasz zrozumienia
Like a drug you search for understanding
Nie ma bliskich, zmienne otoczenia
No loved ones nearby, the surrounding changes
Patrzysz w ekran, nie poznajesz siebie
You look at the screen, don't recognize yourself
A mowili, ze tak bedzie lepiej
And they said it would be better this way
Czerwcowy ranek, sesja o dwunastej
June morning, shoot at twelve
Nikt juz nie zobaczyl jej w scenerii za miastem
No one saw her in the scenery outside the city anymore
Tylko aniol czekal az jej serce zgasnie
Only the angel waited for her heart to cease
By zamknac niewinne powieki na zawsze.
To close the innocent eyelids forever.

Авторы: sł: bartłomiej kielar, muz: bartłomiej kielar, ignacy ereński

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