Verbal Jint - Rewind - перевод текста песни на английский

Rewind - Verbal Jintперевод на английский

Funny how time flies
Funny how time flies
삶의 속도는 빨라져만
The pace of life is fast.
차를 날이 어제만 같은데
It looks like the day I bought my first car was yesterday.
벌써 알아보고 있어 다음
I'm already figuring out the next car.
비관과 낙관이 반반이었던
Pessimism and optimism were just half and half
career도 어느덧 단단해지고
My career is getting pretty solid.
수많은 아이들이 진로 상담을 요청해
A lot of kids are asking for career counseling.
And people think I'm in my prime time
And people think I'm in my prime time
여기서 잠깐
Wait here.
조그만 방에서 새까만 밤새며
All night in a small room.
'Modern rhymes' 다음을 이을 음반과
'Modern rhymes' with the following recordings
재수강 과목 깐깐한
Re-taking subjects Hard-nosed
교수님에게 감탄을 안겨줄
I have admiration for the professor.
과제물을 동시에
Assignments at the same time
빚어내던 나를 떠올리네
It reminds me of the debt I owe you.
값싼 국산 스피커뿐이었지만
It was just a cheap domestic speaker.
그놈이 내는 소리에
To the sound he makes.
옆집 여자가 문에 knock 때까지
Until the woman next door knocks on the door
작업했지 아마 그때 잡힌 색깔이
I worked on it, maybe the color that was caught then.
10년이 가까이 지난 지금도 아직
Nearly 10 years later, it's still still
남아있는 것만 같아 신기하지
I think it's just what's left. It's amazing.
Now, fast forward
Now, fast forward
많은 변화가 있었네
There's been a lot of changes.
나는 흡연자가 됐고
I became a smoker.
다비치가 부른
My songs sung by Davich
녹는 모든 chart에서
Melting in all these charts
최고의 자리에 올라
Climb to the top spot
rapper로만 알던 이들이 놀라
I'm surprised that those who knew me only as a rapper
하긴 나조차도
Even me.
믿기지 않았지 한동안
I couldn't believe it. For a while.
덕분에 얼떨결에 온갖
Thanks to him, all kinds of things
음악방송에 얼굴을 비췄네
You've got your face on the music broadcast.
집에 오면 밀려오는 피곤에
When I get home, I'm tired of being pushed.
바로 뻗어버리는 버릇이지만
It's a habit to stretch right away.
오늘은 특별히 오늘의 나를 기록해
Today, specially record me of the day.
다시 처음으로
Again for the first time
다시 처음으로
Again for the first time
말이 많아 많은 사람들에게
To say a lot to many people
얼굴과 이름이 알려질수록
The more you know your face and name, the more you know
알아 fan들과 동시에
I know the fans at the same time.
늘어나고 있는 hater들의 주목
Growing attention of hater
그냥 참아 내가 negativity를
Just put up with it and I have negativity
굳이 증폭시킬 이유가 없잖아
There's no reason to amplify it.
딱한 애들 욕하면서
The hot kids are swearing at me.
조금이나마 치유가 된다면
If it's a little healing.
그렇게 하렴
Do that.
내가 용서할 테니 불쌍한
I'll forgive you, poor thing.
대신 나중에 병이 나으면
Instead, if the disease runs out later
감사기도나 올려 한번
Thank you, once.
잠깐 rewind time 예전에도 살짝
Wait a minute rewind time.
규모만 달랐다 뿐이지
It was just a different scale.
내가 발을 딛는 곳마다
Wherever I step on my feet
온갖 잡다한 부류의 사람들이
All kinds of miscellaneous categories of people
막고 싶어서 안달을 냈지
He wanted to stop me, so he gave me a shot.
그때 내가 단련이 됐나
That's when I was trained.
아니면 그들을 거의 멸종시키고 나니까
Or you're almost exterminating them.
내가 착한 형이 됐나
I must have been a good brother.
Haters, non-believers
Haters, non-believers
요새 이런 흥미가 별로 없어서
I'm not interested in this.
그런 것들 무시로 일관했지만
All of those things were consistent, but they were ignored.
오늘은 기분이 특별해
I feel special today.
모처럼 아껴둔 whisky를 꺼내
Take out the whiskey you've saved.
친히 언급을 해주고파
Please give me a mention.
잔을 들어 그들의 멍청함에 건배
Raise a cup and toast to their idiocy
(다시 처음으로) ha ha ha
(again for the first time) ha ha ha
(다시) bravo
(again) bravo

Авторы: Su Min Park, Jin Ho Kim

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