Verbal Jint - 언어장벽 - перевод текста песни на английский

언어장벽 - Verbal Jintперевод на английский

Language Barrier
Say what?
Say what?
무슨 말인지 도통 모르겠네,
I can't understand what you're saying, baby
지금 내게 이야기 하려는 행여나
Is it about my initial resolution, by any chance?
초심에 관한 것? Oh, I get it now
Oh, I get it now
솔직히 말해줄까? 놀라겠지만
Should I be honest? It might surprise you
초심대로라면 fuck the world
But if I followed my initial resolution, it'd be "fuck the world"
Fuck what everybody say about me
"Fuck what everybody say about me"
이렇게 갔을테니. 조금이나마 둥글게 살아가는
That's the path I would've taken. I'm learning, little by little,
배워가고 있는 내게 다시
How to live a more rounded life, so please
다신 초심 이야기 하지
Don't ever bring up my initial resolution again
지루할 아니라 멍청해 보이니까
It's not only boring, but it makes me look stupid
멍청함, 아둔함, 이런 단어들이
Stupid, dull, these words might be
부담스럽겠지, 누군간. "좋아보여" 이후만
Burdensome to some. They only remember me
기억할테니까. 물론 그들에게는
Since "You Look Good". Of course, to them,
자연스러운 일. 탓하지 않아, never, nah
It's natural. I don't blame them, never, nah
내가 경멸하는 인간들은
The people I despise
5, 6년 전에 음반도 전부 듣지 않고
Haven't even listened to all the albums I released 5, 6 years ago
그때가 좋았네, 그립네
They say those were the good times, they miss them
자신이 황금기를 제대로 만끽한 애호가라도
Acting like they're some connoisseurs who fully enjoyed the golden age
되는 듯이 무늬만 힙합 팬인 애들
Those fake hip-hop fans
생각해보면 딱해, 걔네들
It's pitiful when you think about it, those guys
그때도 반의 반도 모른 상태로
Back then, they didn't even know half of what I was about
거지 같은 평론, 갑론을박
Their shitty reviews, arguments
때론 유치한 power game
Sometimes childish power games
옛날에야 놀아주었지. 하지만 not again
I used to play along back then. But not again
소꿉장난, 지능문제
Playing house, intelligence issues
아니면 내게서 떨어지는 부스러기를 주워
Or maybe it's a livelihood issue, where they have to pick up the crumbs I drop
지들의 먹이로 삼아야만 하는 밥줄문제
And make it their food
눈물이 고이네, 나의 눈에
Tears well up in my eyes
어디 갔어, 리듬, 어?
Where did my rhythm go, huh?
하여간 내가 지금
Anyway, I won't
깊은 곳까지 내려가
Go deeper and
진실을 말하진 않겠어. 최소한의 배려야
Tell the truth. It's the least I can do
Is it hip hop or is it not?
Is it hip hop or is it not?
이거 역시 내겐 진짜 의미가
This also, to me, is a question with
없는 질문. 15년 전부터 이미
No real meaning. Since 15 years ago, I was already a
Guitar kid, 미래의 작곡가 kid
Guitar kid, a future composer kid
나만의 라임 쓰는 방식을 찾고 있던
And a hip hop kid who was finding his own way to rhyme
Hip hop kid. 바꿔 말해 태생부터 잡식
In other words, I was born omnivorous
I do rock shit when I feel like it
I do rock shit when I feel like it
Straight hip hop when I feel like it
Straight hip hop when I feel like it
사랑 얘기 when I feel like it
Love stories when I feel like it
가난 얘기 when I feel like it
Poverty stories when I feel like it
하고 싶을 하고 싶은 얘기를
I say what I want to say when I want to say it
하고 싶은 음악 스타일로. 너의 기분에
In the style of music I want. If it doesn't suit your taste,
맞다면 나름대로 존중해, 당연히
I respect that, of course
하지만 변절했니 어쩌니 저쩌니
But to those who blabber about me selling out or whatever
떠드는 애들에겐 fuck your opinions
Fuck your opinions
가만히 보면 여태껏 2007년
It seems like they've been stuck somewhere around
근처 어딘가에 갇혀 사는
2007 all this time
바삐 살다가 그런 애들 보면 문득
When I'm busy living my life and see those people, suddenly
타임캡슐을 같이
It feels like opening a time capsule
아련해져. 추억에 잠겨, 다시
It makes me nostalgic. Lost in memories, again
같이 한글을 쓰지만
We all use the same Korean language, but
우리 사이엔 보이지 않는 벽이 있나봐
There seems to be an invisible wall between us
완전한 이야기를 나누긴
It seems impossible to have
불가능한가봐. Ok, 지나가
A complete conversation. Ok, let it go
같은 한글을 쓰지만 우리
We all use the same Korean language, but
사이엔 보이지 않는 벽이 있나봐
There seems to be an invisible wall between us
완전한 이야기를 나누긴
It seems impossible to have
불가능한가봐. 이렇게 마무리
A complete conversation. Let's end it here

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