Vico C - Plomo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Vico C - Plomo

Te gusta el
You like
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Y lo vas a cojer
And you're gonna get it
Con la cabeza y con el pecho te van a prender
They'll catch you with it, in your head and chest
Te gusta el
You like
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Y lo vas a tragar
And you're gonna swallow it
Y para siempre te vas a quemar
And you'll burn forever
Y bang bang por aqui
And bang bang over here
Y bung bung por alla
And boom boom over there
Profecias que en el libro de la vida alli esta
Prophecies written in the book of life
Y ahora es cuando
And now it's time
Que vas a hacer que te estan buscando
What are you gonna do, they're looking for you
Pero no salen de la esquina
But they don't leave the corner
Por que no quieren creer
Because they don't want to believe
Que trabajan 24 horas para lucifer
That they work 24 hours for Lucifer
Sabes muy bien lo que te va suseder
You know very well what's gonna happen to you
Para la tumba, la tumba, la tumba te van a meter
To the grave, the grave, the grave they'll put you in
Y el enemigo esta a lado tuyo
And the enemy is by your side
Tu mano derecha que por su orgullo
Your right hand, who out of pride
Desea estar en tu posision pero no te mostrara cual es su intencion
Wants to be in your position, but won't show you his intention
Asi como traicionaron al hijo de dios
Just like they betrayed the son of God
Al ver que le seguian por dinero lo entrego
Seeing that they followed him for money, he handed him over
Pero ningun pecado en Jesus penetro
But no sin penetrated Jesus
Y es por eso que la promesa del señor se cumplio
And that's why the Lord's promise was fulfilled
Cual es
Which is
Que si de el vives viviras para siempre
That if you live by him, you will live forever
No importa lo que hagas a todo el mundo comprende
No matter what you do, understand everyone
Pero si sigues haci
But if you keep doing this
Lo que te puedo decir
What I can tell you
Que es un mensaje claro para ti
Is a clear message for you
Que te gusta el plomo plomo
That you like lead, lead
Y lo vas a cojer
And you're gonna get it
Con la cabeza y con el pecho te ven a prender
They see you getting caught, with it in your head and chest
Te gusta el
You like
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Y lo vas a tragar y para siempre te vas a quemar
And you're gonna swallow it, and you'll burn forever
Ahora dime quien
Now tell me who
Los va poder para
Will be able to stop them
Con mas intervenciones que la guardia nacional
With more interventions than the National Guard
Es una guerra amplea que no va terminar
It's a full-blown war that won't end
Devido a la corrupcion de la fuerza militar
Due to the corruption of the military force
Por que lo dices
Why do you say that
Esas bazucas y esas granadas
Those bazookas and grenades
En loas cazerios no son fabricadas
Aren't manufactured in the projects
Sin embargo ya se ve en televicion
However, it's already on TV
El ejercito de niños en autodestruccion
The army of children in self-destruction
Si no es la botella de ron es la sangria
If it's not the bottle of rum, it's the sangria
Si no es el armi quien te le vende es la policia
If it's not the army selling it to you, it's the police
Y ahora quien podra defendernos
And now who will be able to defend us
No es el chapulin
It's not Chapulín
Mucho menos el gobierno
Much less the government
Me dijo un amigo de la revolucion
A friend from the revolution told me
Que con el mismo promo obtendre le solucion
That with the same promo I'll get the solution
Pero a Daniela Feria le dolia el corazon
But Daniela Feria's heart ached
Y busco por un cristiano para que hiciera una oracion
And she looked for a Christian to say a prayer
No es para criticar ni para contender
It's not to criticize or contend
Lo ago para mostrar que en mi Dios hay poder
I do it to show that in my God there is power
Con mucho mas efecto que la bomba nuclear
With much more effect than the nuclear bomb
Mas rapido que la tropa de cualquier general
Faster than any general's troops
Te gusta el
You like
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Y lo vas a cojer
And you're gonna get it
Con la cabeza y con el pecho te van a prender
They'll catch you with it, in your head and chest
Te gusta el
You like
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Y lo vas a tragar y para siempre te vas a quemar
And you're gonna swallow it, and you'll burn forever
Te apuntan y pa no vives mas
They aim at you and you're no more
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Te apuntan y pa no vives mas
They aim at you and you're no more
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Te apuntan y pa no vives mas
They aim at you and you're no more
Dime Pedrito Serrano
Tell me, Pedrito Serrano
Confiesa mi hermano
Confess, my brother
Que la vida que tu llevas si es embano
That the life you lead is a deception
Buscando la proteccion haciendo la jente morir
Seeking protection by making people die
No tienes paz en el corazon y ya no puedoes dormir
You have no peace in your heart and you can no longer sleep
Quiero decir que alla arriba
I want to tell you that up there
Quieren que tu vivas
They want you to live
Con la garantia
With the guarantee
De cambiar tu vida
Of changing your life
Pues yo conosco gente que antes eran rambo
Well, I know people who used to be Rambos
Y con el arrepentimiento de la vida estan gozando
And with repentance, they're enjoying life
Hay un psiquiatra que te puede arrancar el pensamiento de
There's a psychiatrist who can tear away your thoughts of
Matar y vengar y matar y vengar y matar
Killing and avenging, and killing and avenging, and killing
Yo te entiendo y no es para que te asombres
I understand you, and it's not for you to be surprised
Ninguna persona es grande por la fuerza de otro hombre
No person is great because of another man's strength
Tiraste con la usi y asesinaste a una persona inocente
You shot with the Uzi and killed an innocent person
Pero su familia casi, casi, tiene la pista para darte la muerte
But their family almost, almost has the clue to kill you
Te gusta el
You like
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Y lo vas a cojer
And you're gonna get it
Con la cabeza y con el pecho te van a prender
They'll catch you with it, in your head and chest
Te gusta el
You like
Plomo plomo
Lead, lead
Y lo vas a tragar y para siempre te vas a quemar
And you're gonna swallow it, and you'll burn forever

Авторы: Vico C

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