Vieru - Flama '24 (freestyle) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Vieru - Flama '24 (freestyle)

Flama '24 (freestyle)
Flame '24 (freestyle)
Nu incerca sa impresionezi mereu pe-altcineva
Don't try to always impress someone else, girl
Incearca sa te depasesti mereu pe sine, da
Try to always surpass yourself, yeah
Nu incerca sa impresionezi mereu pe-altcineva
Don't try to always impress someone else, girl
Incearca sa muncesti ca sa iti castigi painea
Try to work to earn your bread
Degeaba-ai oamenii daca nu stii cum ii cheama
It's pointless having people around if you don't know their names
Nu te crede rege doar fiindca ai pe cap o coroana
Don't think you're a king just because you wear a crown
Mereu raman chill, coaie, nu vreau sa pornesc o flama
I always stay chill, babe, I don't want to start a flame
De ce as fi suparat cand am un tata si-o mama?
Why would I be upset when I have a father and a mother?
Ia zi
Tell me, girl
Daca am alta varianta, de ce vreau mereu tot asta?
If I have another option, why do I always want this one?
Parca dau vina pe soarta
It's like I'm blaming fate
Incep sa cred ca frumos lumea se poarta
I'm starting to believe the world acts nice
Doar ca sa raman cu ei, sa n-am alta varianta
Just so I stay with them, so I don't have another option
N-o sa dau nume, n-am nevoie de scandal
I won't name names, I don't need a scandal
Nu ma complic, las muzica pe principalul plan
I don't complicate things, I keep music as my main plan
As vrea sa zic ca sunt ca voi, doar ca eu sunt real
I'd like to say I'm like you, only I'm real
Incerc mereu s-ajut lumea, n-am timp de carnaval
I always try to help people, I don't have time for carnival
Ia tristetea, las-o-n tine
Take the sadness, keep it inside you
Tine minte ca dupa durere apare si bine
Remember that after pain comes good times too
Eu incerc s-o dau pe rime si asta mereu o fac
I try to express it through rhymes and I always do
Doar ca am zile in care ma mai satur si de trap
Only I have days when I get tired of trap too
E temporar tot ce-nseamna fericire
Everything that means happiness is temporary
Eu sunt fericit acum, n-am timp de tristete-n mine
I'm happy now, I don't have time for sadness in me
Dar totusi o dau profund ca sa rezonez cu lumea
But still I go deep to resonate with the world
Ca acum sunt fericit, dar stiu si oameni anpulea
Because I'm happy now, but I also know people who are fucked up
Dar stiu si oameni anpulea care nu stiu sa traiasca
But I also know fucked up people who don't know how to live
Care isi cauta calea, dar n-ajung sa o gaseasca
Who are looking for their path, but can't seem to find it
Coaie, te bagi in cacat, ramai fara ma-ta si tac-tu
Dude, you get into shit, you lose your mom and dad
Pixu'-i blestemat, am semnat contractul cu dracu'
The pen is cursed, I signed a contract with the devil
Mai da-ma dracu'
Fuck me
Acum am versurile, da'-mi lipseste tactu'
Now I have the lyrics, give me your dad
Ai face orice doar ca sa iti primesti banu'
You'd do anything just to get your money
Te-am contrazis, am zis ca ba da
I contradicted you, I said yes
Dar defapt era un ba nu
But actually it was a no
Sunt mai matur acuma, nu mai pot sa fac cacaturi
I'm more mature now, I can't do stupid shit anymore
Du-te dupa vis, munceste, ca n-o face altu'
Go after your dream, work for it, because nobody else will
Ai vrea sa te simti bine acum, doar ca nu mai poti
You want to feel good now, but you can't anymore
Si simti ca lumea asta e condusa de roboti
And you feel like this world is run by robots
Dictatura-n capul meu, de zici ca dam dictare
Dictatorship in my head, it's like we're taking dictation
Esti pe pula ta, dar faci la altul pula mare
You're on your own dick, but you make someone else's dick big
Am realizat ca am in inima ascunsa-o rana
I realized I have a hidden wound in my heart
Si-un rage imens care se transforma in flama
And a huge rage that transforms into a flame
Nu incerca sa impresionezi mereu pe-altcineva
Don't try to always impress someone else, girl
Incearca sa te depasesti mereu pe sine, da
Try to always surpass yourself, yeah
Nu incerca sa impresionezi mereu pe-altcineva
Don't try to always impress someone else, girl
Incearca sa muncesti ca sa iti castigi painea
Try to work to earn your bread
Degeaba-ai oamenii daca nu stii cum ii cheama
It's pointless having people around if you don't know their names
Nu te crede rege doar fiindca ai pe cap o coroana
Don't think you're a king just because you wear a crown
Mereu raman chill, coaie, nu vreau sa pornesc o flama
I always stay chill, babe, I don't want to start a flame
De ce as fi suparat cand am un tata si-o mama?
Why would I be upset when I have a father and a mother?

Авторы: Alexandru Vieru

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