Vina Panduwinata - Duniaku Tersenyum - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Vina Panduwinata - Duniaku Tersenyum

Duniaku Tersenyum
My World Smiles
Lingkaran ayu rembulan nampak tersenyum
The circle of the beautiful moon seems to smile
Di saat tiup bayu s'makin dalam
On this time, while the blowing wind gets deeper
Sengaja kutelah hadir di malam ini
On purpose, I come to be here with you tonight
Membawa nun janji dan basa-basi
Bringing promises and small talks only
Kau sambut dalam dekapan
You embrace me warmly
Penuh kehangatan
Full of affection
Sirnalah impi kini
The imagination has faded now
Secerah asa yang kunanti
As bright as the hope I have been waiting for
Misteri yang kau taburkan selama ini
The mystery you have been spreading throughout this time
Ternyata hanya penutup pribadi
Turned out to be the cover of yourself
Penuh rahasia di hati
Full of secrets in the heart
Tiada ungkap diri
There is no self-expression
Anggun nan tiada henti
Graceful and relentless
T'lah membawa simpati
Has brought sympathy
Sejuta kasih
A million love
Sejuta selimut diri
A million blankets for yourself
Di singgasana 'smara abadi
On the eternal throne of smara
Kini tiada kan tertunda
Now will not be delayed
Hari-hari ceria yang kunanti
The cheerful days I have been waiting for
Juwita hati
The sweetheart
Dan tiada mungkin
And it is impossible
Akan terjadi kembali
Will happen again
Resah gelisah menggoda diri
Uneasiness and anxiety tempt yourself
Kau berikan nur cahaya
You give nur cahaya
Penerang kalbu, penyejuk jiwa
The light of the heart, the coolant of the soul
Ketika kicau burung tiada lagi ada
When the birds' chirping is no longer there
Terdengar di sela heningmu malam
Heard in the quietness of your night
Kau buka tabir hidupmu
You uncover the curtain of your life
As simple as you are
Dan penuh liku haru
And full of emotional twists
Kusimpan dalam kalbu
I keep it in my heart
Sejuta kasih
A million love
Sejuta selimut diri
A million blankets for yourself
Di singgasana 'smara abadi
On the eternal throne of smara
Kini tiada kan tertunda
Now will not be delayed
Hari-hari ceria yang kunanti
The cheerful days I have been waiting for
Juwita hati
The sweetheart
Dan tiada mungkin
And it is impossible
Akan terjadi kembali
Will happen again
Resah gelisah menggoda diri
Uneasiness and anxiety tempt yourself
Kau berikan nur cahaya
You give nur cahaya
Penerang kalbu, penyejuk jiwa
The light of the heart, the coolant of the soul
Semasa nun nestapa
During the affliction
Hadir mewarnai cita
Come to colour the hope
Oh, bahagia
Oh, happiness

Авторы: Bagoes Aaryanto

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