Vojko V feat. Wikluh Sky - Ceca U Parizu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Vojko V feat. Wikluh Sky - Ceca U Parizu

Ceca U Parizu
Ceca in Paris
200 na sat u Pariz, brate
200 an hour to Paris, baby
Mažemo od Slovenije
We're tearing it up from Slovenia
Boca Jacka na svakoj pumpi
Jack's bottle at every gas station
Vozač najviše od svih pije
The driver drinks the most out of all of us
Slušam pjesme sa decenije, "Dragane moj" na repeat
I'm listening to songs from a decade ago, "My Dragan" on repeat
Ispadam kroz prozor auta ka u betmenu Ledger Heath
I'm hanging out the car window like Heath Ledger in Batman
Vojko heat, Vojko heat 39, 2
Vojko heat, Vojko heat 39, 2
Na popisu za Cecin koncert podrcrtan sam duplo ja
On the guest list for Ceca's concert, I'm double underlined
Ovaj beat je teški Pariz, cili Pariz je teški Balkan
This beat is heavy Paris, the whole of Paris is a Balkan party
Svaki ugao grada svijetli Svetlanin mega jumbo plakat
Every corner of the city is lit up with Svetlanin's huge billboards
Hi-hatovi zvuče ka da se platinaste radkape vrte
The hi-hats sound like platinum chains rattling
Ovi shakeri zvuče ka da neko vuče dvi po dvi bile crte
These shakers sound like someone's snorting two lines of coke at a time
A-autoceste nikad dosta
A-motorways never enough
Cecin koncert privlači nas kao komarce žarulja Osram
Ceca's concert draws us in like a mosquito to an Osram lightbulb
Izgorićemo svi kada dođemo blizu
We'll all burn up when we get close
200 na sat na autocesti 200 crta u nizu
200 an hour on the motorway, 200 lines in a row
Vikler izvadi osobnu, Vojko izvadi vizu
Wikler pulls out his passport, Vojko pulls out his visa
Večeras koncert desetljeća, Ceca u Parizu
Tonight's the concert of the decade, Ceca in Paris
Majka me za srećan put izljubila triput
My mother kissed me three times for good luck
Zna da malo ima šanse da će se radovati sinu
She knows there's little chance she'll be happy about her son
Mi smo krenuli, asfalt gori, 230, ljudi ginu
We've set off, the asphalt's burning, 230, people are dying
Prespori su šoferi zato gutaju prašinu
Slow drivers get left behind
Ona pevat će večeras, mi smo level, ljudi brinu
She's going to sing tonight, we're the cream of the crop, people worry
Mi smo level bonus level kao Ceca u Parizu
We're the cream of the crop, bonus level, like Ceca in Paris
Ja sam level nosim giju, Vojko level nosi vrućinu
I'm the cream of the crop, I'm wearing a suit, Vojko's the cream of the crop, he's hot
Pumpa Kopenhagen klik, ruke su u visu
Gas station Copenhagen click, hands up
Svi u kolima kukavice nisu
Not everyone in the car is a coward
Lavlja srca furamo dao nam je Isus
Lion hearts driving, given to us by Jesus
Šofer puši krek on je sredio guest listu
The driver's smoking crack, he sorted the guest list
Cvetak zanovetak, metak kroz prozor dok prolazimo kroz Nicu
Flower opener, bullet through the window as we pass through Nice
Vojko traži "Moj Beograde" i to za redom triput
Vojko asks for "My Belgrade" three times in a row
Na granici kroz rampu smejemo se cariniku
At the border, we laugh at the customs officer as we go through the ramp
Nozdrve izgorele, više iste nisu
Nostrils burned out, they're not the same anymore
Izvinite Francuzi zbog požara
Sorry French people for the fire
Ceca u Parizu
Ceca in Paris

Vojko V feat. Wikluh Sky - Vojko
дата релиза

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