Vojko V - Dump Around - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Vojko V - Dump Around

Dump Around
Dump Around
Otkad znam za sebe stalno mi se sere
Ever since I can remember, I've always had loose bowels
Jer cesto grizem nokte, a ruke rijetko perem
Because I often bite my nails, and I rarely wash my hands
Moram otic na psihoanalizu
I need to go to psychoanalysis
Jer 'vata me panika ako školjka nije blizu
Because 'I feel panicky if the toilet is not nearby
Sve je pocelo kad isa sam u osnovnu skolu
It all started when I was in elementary school
Previse sam pia colu,
I drank too much Coca-Cola,
I obicnu i light
Both regular and light
I fantu i sprite i schweppes
And Fanta, and Sprite, and Schweppes
I seven up i cocktu i orelu i pepsi
And Seven Up, and Cockta, and Orelu, and Pepsi
I nisam sta dok si nisam sjeba criva
And I didn't stop until I screwed up my intestines
I nisam vise sra nego na guzicu proliva
And I no longer shit but into the toilet seat
U razredu me profesor proziva
In class the professor calls me out
Di je mali Vujevic - u WC-u, opet mu se kaki
Where's little Vujevic - in the toilet, shitting again
Cucavci u osnovnoj mi nisu bili dragi
The jerks in elementary school were not kind to me
Svaki dan ja sam mora cucat
Every day I had to shit
Vrata se nisu dala zakljucat
The door wouldn't lock
I jos sa vanjske strane
And even from the outside
Djevojcice iz osmoga su pusile duvane
The girls in eighth grade were smoking cigarettes
Jer su picale sa sata
Because they were pissing off the clock
Livom rukom sam pridrzava vrata
With my left hand I held the door
A desnom bia naslonjen na zid iza cucavca
And with my right I leaned on the wall behind the toilet
I kad su cule kako prskam proliv su se gnusale od uzasa
And when they heard me splashing, they were disgusted by the horror of diarrhea
Nemoj ulazit u WC nakon sta poserem se ja
Don't go into the toilet after I shit
Dump around, dump around
Dump around, dump around
Nemoj ulazit u WC nakon sta poserem se ja
Don't go into the toilet after I shit
Dump around, dump around
Dump around, dump around
Otkad znam za sebe stalno mi se kenja
Ever since I can remember, I've always had the shits
Imam proliv koji traje od rodjenja
I have diarrhea that has lasted since birth
Zbog toga dozivljavam razna ponizenja
Because of that I experience various humiliations
Serem se u mraku jer u Toi Toiu nema osvjetljenja
I shit in the dark because there is no lighting in the Toi Toi
Kad putujem sa bendom uvati me paranoja
When I travel with the band, I get paranoid
Kasnimo na tonske jer je svaka pumpa moja
We're late for sound checks because every gas station is mine
Svaku dasku moram brisat, inace cu skupit sidu
I have to wipe every seat, or else I'll get AIDS
Sidnem da se poserem i gledam
I sit down to shit and look
Sta su ljudi sve isarali po zidu
What people have written all over the wall
Citam ponude za seks, gledam kukaste krizeve
I read offers for sex, I look at swastikas
Naljepnice na Torcidu
Stickers for Torcida
Pocea sam pamtit koji potpisi se nalaze
I started memorizing which signatures are located
Na tocno kojoj benzinskoj postaji
At exactly which gas station
Zahodi u Bosni svi su odvratni
The toilets in Bosnia are all disgusting
Nema papira, na zidu su smedji otisci ruku
There is no paper, there are brown handprints on the walls
Spigete mi se vuku
The faucets are dragging me
Priko zapisanog poda
Across the graffitied floor
Serem priko tudjih govana zato sta ne radi voda
I shit over other people's shit because the water doesn't work
Nemoj ulazit u WC nakon sta poserem se ja
Don't go into the toilet after I shit
Dump around, dump around
Dump around, dump around
Nemoj ulazit u WC nakon sta poserem se ja
Don't go into the toilet after I shit
Dump around, dump around
Dump around, dump around
Otkad znam za sebe stalno mi dumpa
Ever since I can remember, I've always had the dumps
Posli crnog rizota mi govno pari nafta
After I eat black risotto, my shit burns like gasoline
Pijem caj od sipka da mi zacepi supak
I drink rosehip tea to stop my runny nose
Ako backstage nema WC, necu nastupat
If there is no toilet backstage, I will not perform
Prije koncerta me uvati nuzda
Before the concert, I get the urge
Hrana izlazi iz mene prije nego sta je usla
The food comes out of me before it's even gone in
Vadim opremu, maramice i salvete
I take out my gear, tissues and napkins
Stapice sa sezamom i imodium tablete
Sesame sticks and Imodium tablets
Imam glasove u glavi sta su masu zli
I have voices in my head that are evil
Kazu - usrat ces se u gace, rugat ce ti se svi
They say - you will shit in your pants, everyone will laugh at you
Dica ispred bine me podsjecaju na dicu iz osnovne skole
The children in front of the stage remind me of the children from elementary school
Fanovi su, al' me ne vole
They are fans, but they don't like me
Prate me do zahoda, kucaju na vrata, oce uc
They follow me to the toilet, they knock on the door, they want to come in
Jer misle da sam otisa vuc
Because they think I'm a werewolf
Vrata nemaju kljuc
The door has no key
A skoljka nema daske, sta cu
And the toilet has no seat, what will I do
Gace skinem,
I take off my pants,
Bacim govno sa visine
I shit from a great height
Nemoj ulazit u WC nakon sta poserem se ja
Don't go into the toilet after I shit
Dump around, dump around
Dump around, dump around
Nemoj ulazit u WC nakon sta poserem se ja
Don't go into the toilet after I shit
Dump around, dump around
Dump around, dump around

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Andrija Vujeviä†

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