Voltaj feat. Loredana - Dependența Mea - перевод текста песни на английский

Dependența Mea - Voltaj , Loredana перевод на английский

Dependența Mea
My Addiction
Pe un raft prafuit
On a dusty shelf
Dintr-un vechi magazin
In an old store
Zace-o lada cu inimi
There is a chest with hearts
Printre sticle de vin
Among bottles of wine
Unele albastre ca cerul
Some azure like the sky
Dupa multe furtuni
After many storms
Altele rosii dar cu urme
Others red but with traces
De la prea multe maini
From too many hands
Vanzatoarea-mi intinde
The saleswoman hands me
O punga de hartie
A paper bag
Si-mi zice sa aleg ce cred
And tells me to choose what I think
Ca mi-ar placea mie
That I would like
Cu un zambet nesigur
With an uncertain smile
Te fixez doar pe tine
I only fix you
Numai tu ai putea pulsa
Only you could pulsate
Sangele-n mine
The blood in me
Tu. esti o parte din mine
You. you are a part of me
Mi-e bine cu tine
I'm fine with you
Tu. curgi prin venele mele
You. you flow through my veins
Nu-mi iesi de sub piele
You don't get out of my skin
Tu. esti o parte din mine
You. you are a part of me
Mi-e bine cu tine
I'm fine with you
Tu. esti dependenta mea
You. you are my addiction
Iar cand ne-o fi mai rau
And when we are worse
Sper ca asa sa ne fie
I hope that's how it will be
Tu sa ma strangi la piept
You squeeze me to the chest
Eu sa te-aleg dintr-o mie
I will choose you out of a thousand
La fel ca un rau
Like a river
Ce negresit duce-n mare
That leads to the sea
Eu curg mereu spre tine
I always flow towards you
Fara nici o ezitare
Without any hesitation
Si cei patru pereti
And the four walls
Sa ne declare nebuni
To declare us crazy
Ca nu iesim dintre ei
That we don't get out of them
Ciudatii acestei lumi
The strange of this world
O sa ne-aruncam
We will throw ourselves
Hainele pe podea
Clothes on the floor
Nu ca altii pe geam
Not like others on the window
Noi n-o s-ajungem niciodata asa
We will never get that far
Tu. esti o parte din mine
You. you are a part of me
Mi-e bine cu tine
I'm fine with you
Tu. curgi prin venele mele
You. you flow through my veins
Nu-mi iesi de sub piele
You don't get out of my skin
Tu. esti o parte din mine
You. you are a part of me
Mi-e bine cu tine
I'm fine with you
Tu. esti dependenta mea
You. you are my addiction
Degeaba storc o lamaie
It's useless to squeeze a lemon
Putina menta si-apoi
A little mint and then
Adaug multa gheata
I add a lot of ice
In paharul meu cu ploi
In my glass with rain
Si-l dau pe gat zicand ca
And I give it on the go saying that
Asa o sa ma racoresc
That's how I'm going to cool down
De tine, esti vara ce arde-n mine
Of you, you are the summer that burns in me
Nu reusesc
I can't do it
Tu. esti o parte din mine
You. you are a part of me
Mi-e bine cu tine
I'm fine with you
Tu. curgi prin venele mele
You. you flow through my veins
Nu-mi iesi de sub piele
You don't get out of my skin
Tu. esti o parte din mine
You. you are a part of me
Mi-e bine cu tine
I'm fine with you
Tu. oooooooohhhh
You. oooooooohhhh
Tu. esti o parte din mine
You. you are a part of me
Mi-e bine cu tine
I'm fine with you
Tu. curgi prin venele mele
You. you flow through my veins
Nu-mi iesi de sub piele
You don't get out of my skin
Tu. esti o parte din mine
You. you are a part of me
Mi-e bine cu tine
I'm fine with you
Tu... esti dependenta mea
You... you are my addiction

Авторы: George Hora, Voltaj

Voltaj feat. Loredana - Dependența Mea
Dependența Mea
дата релиза

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